[Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby William one eye » Sun May 24, 2020 5:31 am

I like where you are going with those thoughts.
A few twists like that mean if you share intel with freinds who are also doing expeditions you know what to take with you, what ships to use to get better chances of success.

If the bribe request changes every few weeks,
You might need to rely on freinds to tell you what is wanted in what port that particular week.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Sun May 24, 2020 6:30 am

William one eye wrote:I like where you are going with those thoughts.
A few twists like that mean if you share intel with freinds who are also doing expeditions you know what to take with you, what ships to use to get better chances of success.

If the bribe request changes every few weeks,
You might need to rely on freinds to tell you what is wanted in what port that particular week.

We can go that way like those places natives that you bribe/trade with for special resources could have price change every week or maybe every 3 day to line it up with Market changes. But still I would like to keep it in a way that you still need to find that place.

Lets say you found it and you told me that price is 50 crates of tobacco for 10 crates of special iron. I know curnent rate but to do the trade I need to find it but to make it slightly easier lets say you told me that your expedition set sails twoards east of Akroitiri and those 3 days special iron is sold somewhere on the east of Akroitiri.

If we kept it in ports then I wouldn't call it expedition. So port would be used as a starting point which would say send on expedition drop down menu with all directions: North,South,West,East,Southwest,Southeast,Northeast,Northwest of port.

So you would need to have or sail fleets in ports to send them on expedition. Like if it is east of Akroitiri you could technicallly send fleet east of Aiora and have like 1-1.5% of chance finding that place while if you send it from akroitiri you have 20-30 even 40 % of finding it. That way transport of goods would still happen. In case of skirmish on fleet transfering special resources it would act like GBs attacker gets to keep goods. Once he took them since I didn't want to include those resources on the markets we already have mostly due idea of getting new market for those resources and potentially blueprints. He can sell them to a shady trader for certain ammount either -50% of base value or +50% so special wood would be either 4 gcs per crate or 12 gcs per crate I am more inclined for 4 mostly because in eyes of regular person raw materials that are used for special things have no value (speaking from perspective of uneducated regular person born and living in time frame of the game) that way those whom skirmish would need to transport goods in their hideout giving small chance for them to lose reources or risk bringing them in the hideout and enjoying the fact that they got resources that someone paid them either with other resources or by the time of expedition journey risking lose of coins on the return.

This way we would have more ships sailing people being more protective of things (maybe causing battles because I risked expedition and you came and took that now I will levi your ships etc.)
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Sun May 24, 2020 6:32 am

Also I am on the fence of adding small chance of losing fleet on expedition like random chance of dense fog navigator failed ship hit rocks and sunked and similiar things. Like pirate attack battle lost your ships lost crew and your canons got stolen, fleet returns with damage...
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby William one eye » Mon May 25, 2020 2:45 am

I like the idea of a target starting port that you then go on expedition from. So you get your fleet to the port.
When fleet reaches port it goes on expedition.
So you either have to take your suppiles with you when you start out, hope you can buy them at the port before expedition,or send supply ships to bring your fleet any short falls.

If you have a target port to start from, ports could
Sometimes be empty. Hopefully you tell your friends to avoid the port till it replenishes. Sometimes a port may be giving higher grade blueprints. More durable or better refits options.
Maybe you tell your freinds, or maybe you stay silent and just send a bunch more expedtions.

Then you may need to choose a direction ad possibly expedition duration.

This guess this would be a bit of a mix between the functions of wreck hunting and treasure hunting.

If it functioned similar to this
Question would the bribe be at port get advice or a guide to improve your chances. Or is the bribe for who you actually recover the blueprint from.

As far as sinking, damage getting robbed ect.
Are likely risks.
I think that should be a possibility.

I would suggest possibility crew is killed mid expedition leaving a ghost fleet. The ghost fleet would be lost to you but appear on the plunder board, slowly building danger for perhaps 24 hours. Then cooling off. Its cargo value would be its treasury.

Now you anyone including you can try to plunder it.
If someone sucessfully plunders it. They have a 75% chance of recovering a blueprint.
Perhaphs this is the primary way pirate players get blueprints,
Buy hunting for and plundering ghost fleets of expeditions.

Ghost fleets would need to generate their own unique id that is susceptable to voodoo
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Mon May 25, 2020 3:45 pm

Ports function same so yes if resource market is empty you need to wait or transport required goods yourself.

Blueprints are random for each expedition and not connected with the port ie. I can find extra 50 cargo for LMM in vicinity of pania and you can find same blueprint in vicinity of vaasburg.

Yes I had on mind expeditions which you would need to bribe natives to get blueprint. I used bribe as a word in the rest because I can't call trade route (expedition that gives you special resource for regular) I wouldn't like to enable auto expedition in those cases since it could take depth of it.

As far as damage and crew death I like idea of ghost fleets but I think it would be tediouse task for devs to develope in a way but to make it realiatic in a way if entire crew dies on the ship then minimum (15 if I remember correctly) comes from another ship in fleet and as a result of it expedition that would require 12 hrs to return now needs 14 hrs to return. Damaged ships act same higher damage from 25% results in slower ship damage at 85+% ship is sunked. Another nice addition would be meeting canibalistic natives so x% of crew is dead and eaten. Rest fought off natives...

I didn't had intention of giving blueprints via battle but maybe we could add that obtainable via skirmish of fleet returning from expedition available in port gossip 1hr or 45 mins from returning from expedition. But once your fleet arrives in port blueprint is safe from losing via batlle
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby William one eye » Mon May 25, 2020 3:59 pm

If a ship is sunk but carries a blueprint
Is the blueprint recovered if the ship is wreck hunted.
Dont recall if you mentioned that earlier.

Skirmish idea is interesting and adds another element of strategy to skirmish. It also adds another reason to skirmish over raid.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Mon May 25, 2020 4:07 pm

I didn't mentioned earlier I think. I would say if entire fleet is sunked blueprint is lost. If 1 ship survives blueprint is saved but damaged so lets say intial 100 ships per blueprint becomes 80 or even less.
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