by Meliva » Sat Jun 30, 2018 9:34 pm
The enemy fleet begins to quickly outspeed theirs as all but their rear ships are now out of range and quickly getting away. The few left behind sail closer to the fleet, firing as long as possible to finish off the masts and to slow down the fleet. One of their ships in the front explodes however, causing some damage to the fleet, but they continue forward determined. Off in the distance another fleet can be seen from the south-it's a fleet of pirate hunters-and a very large one- 3 dozen frigates, 2 dozen flag galleons, and 5 first rate ship of the line. Their admiral laughs as he signals his fleet to prepare to battle. He shouts
I knew some pirates would be tempted to join this battle. Let's teach these scally wags a lesson.
I'm a meanie head! Beware my Meanness