Plantations Expansion

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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:09 am

If contract shipping is limited to moving plantation produced goods only, there will still be a need for supplies and workers...thus ships will be required.
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby Sanji » Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:13 pm

some doubts and suggestions here

what if i buy a Construction permission and built a port and later for some reason the Governor Blacklist me and i can't continue my production then what??? do i lose my Construction permission or can i built it in any other port???

secondly, i do not understand the concept of immigrants, i mean utilizing the general population and reducing the unemployment is more applicable than to bring immigrants for the same purpose.
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby William one eye » Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:13 pm

Possible inclusion for pirates and others not inclined to farm.

What if plantaions incurred danger. So you have a set production rate. Production volume could vairy on equipment investment and workers. Possibly weather conditions. Suggest if you are over working your labor, you over produce, but you also incur danger. So for example you have x number of worker y number of acres.
Conditions are cool. You can work the labor for 10 hours before incurring danger. If conditions are hot 8 hours. Very hot 7. Working longer will result in digruntled labor and build danger. If danger rises above a certain level your plantation becomes available to any non plantaion owner for raid. If a player raids a plantation, their fleet incurrs a set ammount of danger per attack on the plantation. Number of possible attacks would be based upon plantation danger and size.

I suggest a danger stop can be used. However yeild would be capped at perhaps 80%.

Heat wave voodoo card, could be cast and would shorten the work day meaning plantaions incur danger faster than normal. Cannot be cast by plantation owners.

Possible option that plantation owners could bounty other plantation owners. Basically contract raids on their competition.
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby Banger » Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:24 pm

TL;DR... will wait for someone else to go through the pain and then write a guide... then maybe I will give it a go but my initial thoughts on this is that I need to take a couple of ibuprofen after trying to muddy my way through reading it.
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby Shadowood » Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:34 pm

William one eye wrote:Possible inclusion for pirates and others not inclined to farm.

What if plantaions incurred danger. So you have a set production rate. Production volume could vairy on equipment investment and workers. Possibly weather conditions. Suggest if you are over working your labor, you over produce, but you also incur danger. So for example you have x number of worker y number of acres.
Conditions are cool. You can work the labor for 10 hours before incurring danger. If conditions are hot 8 hours. Very hot 7. Working longer will result in digruntled labor and build danger. If danger rises above a certain level your plantation becomes available to any non plantaion owner for raid. If a player raids a plantation, their fleet incurrs a set ammount of danger per attack on the plantation. Number of possible attacks would be based upon plantation danger and size.

I suggest a danger stop can be used. However yeild would be capped at perhaps 80%.

Heat wave voodoo card, could be cast and would shorten the work day meaning plantaions incur danger faster than normal. Cannot be cast by plantation owners.

Possible option that plantation owners could bounty other plantation owners. Basically contract raids on their competition.

The Shady Acres Rum Plantation is 247 days accident free! There is no production as the workers just sit around and drink their own product. :beer

Land battles! This was brought up in the past and a very cool idea for the future.
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby sXs » Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:41 pm

Another issue to consider. What happens to agreements if ports change hands or if there is a change in governor? Do the agreements remain in place or are they cancelled?
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:56 pm

Feniks wrote:Another issue to consider. What happens to agreements if ports change hands or if there is a change in governor? Do the agreements remain in place or are they cancelled?

As I understand it, the existing 'rental' agreement stays in place until it is due for renewal at which point, the new owners laws will apply.
This is one of the problem areas : if nations can pass laws restricting plantation owners to their own nation, then take over another port, non-citizen plantation owners face being shut-down and losing their investment in that port (until it is taken over by a more friendly regime which re-instates non-citizens rights). Of course, a nation may change or revise its terms at any time and thus forcibly terminate non-citizens agreements. This is aside from any heavy-handed rent-racking undertaken by the Governor when negotiating the new 3 -month rental term rendering the whole enterprise unprofitable.

This raises the question of the incentive to invest heavily in starting up a plantation when it can, effectively, be put out of business after 3 months. Realistically, it can only be undertaken by a citizen in a port in which they have some degree of security of control. For non-citizens, it will be a case of 'Buyer Beware!'.
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby William one eye » Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:23 pm

Suggestion for Kings interaction - currently the Governor with the most influence gets choice of port.

What if King were able to select from 3 options

Option A - default the most influential governor gets choice - king gets a very small percentage of plantation profits

Option B - governors contract with the king to hold ports
done through a pre determined contract that only has a few variable options - similar to how a loan contract works in format.
Option C - would be flat out bribery is allowed

so a king could do nothing to choose option A only - the current setup

or add

option b - governors form contracts for the ports, contract have a flat daily fee or a % of profit payout to the king
defaults to option A for ports that do not have contracts held on them

and or

option C - governors with highest influence gets choice of port unless the king gets bribed and accepts the bribe.
Bribes will be a 1 time payout and have a duration. The king cannot take a better bribe once the
first bribe is accepted. Defualts to option A for ports that no bribe has been offered.

If options b ad c are both selected - contracts will take priority, then bribes, then influence assuming no contract or bribe is in order for the port.

If a port changes hands - bribes would be wiped, contracts would be paused for 7 days, in the event the nation retakes the port contracts will resume.
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby Maha » Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:47 pm

the king appointing governors (allowing bribes and all) seems a good idea to me. it adds stability to nations which is needed to develop nations further in the game.
to do this well, and allow for king fights, only council members can become king. thus a player had to be a duke or governor for at least 1 day before he can become king. Each council member has the option to reward players with an governorship of any port. When that council member is made king, the port is part of the nation and the player allocated to that port by the new king is or becomes a council member, then that player rules the port. (this is different from now, where council members can request ports to govern. let the king regulate it :) )
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Re: Plantations Expansion

Postby Mack » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:36 pm

Im nobody, but i dont like the whole skim off the top idea for Governors and kings. Seems to me it would almost be pointless for anyone else to build a plantation
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