Legendary Mutiny

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Legendary Mutiny

Postby Meliva » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:33 pm

Description-You organize a Mutiny attempt against PlayerName to make his ships vulnerable.
Effect- each ship not in a fleet has a 10% chance to be put in a fleet labelled Mutiny with 9 danger. chance goes up 5% for every 10 turns invested for total of 50%. Edit- Second limitation, Total ships that can be lit up in this way will be 40 + another 20 for every 10 turns for a total of 200.
Cost-5 Ravages
-1 commandeer
500k gold

48 hours

I feel like having a voodoo called mutiny would be appropriate for a pirate game, and id like to hear whatever suggestions the rest of the players have for this idea. I am not too sure about the crafting cost, so feedback would be appreciated.
Last edited by Meliva on Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Legednary Mutiny

Postby Bmw » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:39 pm

If you wanted a ship that bad you might as well use a commondeer on it.
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Re: Legednary Mutiny

Postby Meliva » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:41 pm

this does not target a single ship bmw, it has a chance to put multiple ships into a danger fleet. imagine if someone used this on Davinci right now. roughly 50% of the ships he does not have in a fleet will be put on the plunder board.
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Re: Legednary Mutiny

Postby Bmw » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:43 pm

That would be good for getting ships from him but not really a good use on people like me who keep 1-2 ships out of a fleet that are usually only howker or cutters
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Re: Legednary Mutiny

Postby Mugiwara » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:46 pm

she dont want free ships she want different kind of foj which will be enable for out of fleet ships. Btw using this on CDV will crash server database. 5.5k fleet light up at same time:D

At current state its too powerful. It should have a max ship cap too. like 5 ships will light up for each 10 turn investments max amount will be 40 ships.
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Re: Legendary Mutiny

Postby Meliva » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:48 pm

yeah this voodoo would mainly be used against people with tons of ships out of fleets. wont be used very often, but it would be nice to have one of these in your inventory if you ever spot someone with plenty of ships out of fleets. that's sort of why I kept the costs a bit low. I do not see it being used very often,
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Re: Legednary Mutiny

Postby Meliva » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:50 pm

Mugiwara wrote:she dont want free ships she want different kind of foj which will be enable for out of fleet ships. Btw using this on CDV will crash server database. 5.5k fleet light up at same time:D

At current state its too powerful. It should have a max ship cap too. like 5 ships will light up for each 10 turn investments max amount will be 40 ships.

Wouldn't that be quite the surprise if the server crashed due to that :D yeah it probably would to be honest. but I somewhat disagree about it being too powerful. not to many people have a lot of ships out of fleets. and if this gets added I guarantee that number would go down. I already set a limit that there is only at max a 50% chance of working per ship, and you need to spend 100 turns for maximum effect. but I might consider another limit on total ships if enough people agree with you.
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Re: Legendary Mutiny

Postby Shadowood » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:52 pm

Interesting Concept.. And I agree with Mug, that there would need to be a cap. CDV would for sure break the game. A few thousand fleets lit up. He would lose all gold and all ships faster then Chin Chin can cast HN's. :o:

Ill give this more thought and reply in a bit
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Re: Legendary Mutiny

Postby Mugiwara » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:55 pm

even with 40 ships they can be either lmms howkers or even more expensive ones. which means with lmm tg lf the ransom will be a lot higher than normal identical fleets with cheap tail. and dont need to wait for hours to get fully benefit like fojs or arrival time for hns. i think its still quite strong even with ship caps.
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Re: Legendary Mutiny

Postby Meliva » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:57 pm

Made a little edit to total ships to a max of 200. most people would not have that many out of fleets to begin with, and you would need roughly 400 ships out of fleets to get the max due to the 50% chance. or just be very lucky.
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