It seems like a bug to me. I can also guess the bug -roughly- it should be an easy fix in this case. Just report the battle please so we can check it as checking is better than guessing.
Make sure you got full crew on these ships before reporting.
Rjcook wrote:simple question i have is does who shots first go for first ships only then progress from there or is it ship by ship
Rjcook wrote:simple question i have is does who shots first go for first ships only then progress from there or is it ship by ship
Haron wrote:I think there's a random element included. Now, everything related to combat is seemingly deliberately kept secret, but I (and many others) at least know the speed parameter of every ships type. And how the various attributes affect it. Some place it's said that the ship with the highest speed fires first. I think that is not exactly correct. I think the ships use their speed plus a die roll to determine initiative. Thus, it is possible for the slower ship to fire first - with a lot of luck. The difference between the speed of a SoL with favorable winds and a cutter should not be too large for this to ever happen.
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