Pull Down(Legendary)

Do you have an idea for a card ? Do you want a tweak on existing voodoo cards? Perhaps you even want one of them removed? This is where you can post your suggestion.

Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Mugiwara » Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:04 pm

thanks for feedback. Actually you have a nice point. with your suggestion it will give some counter move chance to potential victims.

About making this voodoo rare would be a bit problematic. because if everyone can easily reach that voodoo it means a lot of chaos:) because 20 successfull attacks(average 250k for each) will take 500k influence fom someone which costs 5m for victim.And you already plundered his/her 5m gold also:) and in a single day and this is for only 1 attacker. 12,025,019 this is 20th. player in influence list. Making it easy to reach not that wise in my opinion.

With more comments and feedbacks we can improve this suggestion to make it more balanced and desired.
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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Charles Vane » Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:14 pm

5 mill influence for taking on 120 Danger is quite small.

The uncommon card Propaganda can take much much more away from someone without taking in danger. Even if it was rare this would never be the first go to card for reducing influence, propaganda and conspiracy would remain. This just gives an alternative where battles need to be won rather than cards cast. If someone was at a lower influence level this would definitely become the first choice. However most port battles involve a target or more who possess 20mill influence and up.

I guess you can say I agree with Haron in that the effect is too weak for a legendary card. Would need to be stronger or works as is for a rare.

EDIT: to add your using a players total influence number in your calculation. Perhaps they only have 2 mill in target port. You wouldn't be able to take more than 10% (200k).
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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Mugiwara » Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:44 pm

well as i said before card's prize and power may not be ideal for a legendary card. we all can decide the cost or power. With this suggestion i hope to see more naval battles.

But i should add this point with conspiracy or propaganda basically you get not much. Just satisfaction and your rivals lose. but with this card tis 2x affect first one your rival losing influence second you gaining that influence.

About power: With your suggestion which makes this influence take part only work port wide.
We may take piracy tech and sink bonus's golds also consideration.
or we can increase the rate.
But also recipe need to get expensive.
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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Captain dungeness » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:57 pm

Charles Vane wrote:I really enjoy the idea of tying in naval combat with port control. Wars and Blockades by Haron is a great example. This idea for a voodoo card that allows portions of influence to be taken is another great one in my mind.

One point I disagree with.
  • If no influence in the present port, influence is removed equally from all other ports. - I do not believe this should be so. Influence taken should only be from the port where the attack occurred.

Well said Vane, this is exactly what I'm thinking.

I do, however, disagree with your assessment of this card's power. Losing influence equal to 10% of the stolen gold is equivalent to DOUBLING the gold loss per plunder. If I invest gold in the port to rebuild my influence I need to spend 10x the influence lost.
EXAMPLE: If a player has 100 fleets and gets raided then they will lost about 18,750,000 gold (on average) which would be 1,875,000 influence lost. To rebuild that influence requires 18,844,200 gold. Total loss is then 37.6M instead of 18.8M.

Not a "weak" card considering it only requires 2 Propaganda cards to craft. 2 Propaganda cards would only destroy 1M influence from a player with 5M influence. Now consider that this suggestion STEALS the influence instead of destroying it. Now you realize this card would prevent any large trader from holding onto influence in ports where he/she has many fleets. Maybe this suggestion could be improved with a larger crafting cost but it is surely not a weak card as currently proposed.

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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Grimrock Litless » Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:42 am

I think Mugiwara just don't know that there is really, really large players in the game.
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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Mugiwara » Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:34 am

thanks for feedbacks. I edited my first post. changed recipe and add a few tweak.

And Grimrock I dont know everything. Thats why im looking for your feedbacks and comments to help me to find out a balance. Thanks.

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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Captain dungeness » Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:08 am

Grimrock, please keep your comments constructive.

Mugiwara, can you please highlight the changes you made? I don't remember the previous costs so I can't identify the differences.

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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Mugiwara » Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:12 pm

Captain dungeness wrote:Grimrock, please keep your comments constructive.

Mugiwara, can you please highlight the changes you made? I don't remember the previous costs so I can't identify the differences.

Captain D

Thanks for feedback İ edited my first post.

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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:17 am

I do not like to post negatively - however;

I have read and thought about this card, and if used as Mugiwara has stated above, I can see it will become a moot point card as a means to gain port control; I don't see it as being as dangerous or effective as it may seem.

In order for this card to work, the target must be in the port of attack and have ships on the plunder screens. This requires voodoo attacks, and only one shot at each fleet will be used if the voodoo is not cleared first. If the voodoo is not cleared, then to defend, one simply pulls fleets out of one's ports and the defense of the port is complete. To work effectively, one must depend upon a sleepy guild not to negate voodoo, or a passive player with lots of influence in the port.

To become more effective, it must include a skirmish element. The skirmish is the only naval tactic that will have the full element of surprise - no voodoo cast to light up fleets thus providing a warning.

In addition, with a skirmish element, attackers could easily switch targets to rob influence from other influence holders in the port, if nothing else to gain influence they could not rob from the controlling country.

This however, will also be moot, as to defend, the port controlling nations simply apply the curse to themselves and hit the aggressor's battle fleets on the plunder screens - right there in the port of contention. Their reward will be greater, as plundering rewards are greater than skirmish awards. In addition, as each individual is limited to receiving a flat rate of 5 skirmishes a day, this plays against the aggressor's risk/reward calculation.

If the skirmish attacks were not based on a flat rate, but on the number of ships of the defender, I can see where using this card might have a viable purpose. Otherwise, I simply see its use as an auxiliary function- an add on - to an all out war - which may be enough to make it viable.
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Re: Pull Down(Legendary)

Postby Mugiwara » Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:37 am

Thanks for awesome feedback.
Skirmish may help to increase effectiveness of this card but without piracy bonuses 23 attacks(skirmish tactics 20) will pay you 345k gold at max(skirmished 5tg fleet with full tools in it in 20 gc paying ports) which means during this card only 34.5k total influence steal.

including piracy bonuses(level 20) 1,955,000 m gold which means 195,5k influence. Also it needs to target have influence in tool or iron ports. We can add skirmish attacks with piracy bonuses(only for skirmishes) too.

This however, will also be moot, as to defend, the port controlling nations simply apply the curse to themselves and hit the aggressor's battle fleets on the plunder screens - right there in the port of contention. Their reward will be greater, as plundering rewards are greater than skirmish awards. In addition, as each individual is limited to receiving a flat rate of 5 skirmishes a day, this plays against the aggressor's risk/reward calculation.

And about this part attacker can easily leave port and headback to another port which he dont have much influence to lose. I would like to hear more about your opinions.

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