by Grogggy » Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:48 pm
Well there is General Flynn who tweeted after the election, "No Jews! Not this time, Jews!" And Bannon who doesn't want to send his kids to school with too many jews, "cause they raise whinny kids." Then there is the racist candidate himself, all mexicans are rapists, etc, etc. KKK victory parades. Thousands of hate crimes.
You notice though I havne't mentioned Clintons. Should be a non partisan issue--but not to the sudden russian apologists of the Republican party. Your uranium deal fake news thing is below comment, the Exxon deal was literally the largest capitalism deal in the history of mankind--and actually relevant to the discussion because the prime mover is now the US Secretary of State.
You can throw out Clinton derangement syndrome crapolla till your blue in the face, but sooner or later you have to accept that you've been suckered by a con man. He is completely unchecked by norms and rarely by law itself, he is unopposed by neither house of congress nor (thanks to republican obstructionism) a supreme court.
You run it all. Own it.
I've been playing Fallout Shelter instead of PG lately. Seems more relevant.
So lets stick to the original point that you disputed--Do you believe that the Russians engaged in a sophisticated agitprop operation to influence the US elections or don't you?
Of course we can't quantify the exact influence it might of had on the election, fake news, et al. But to deny it happened is just plain stupid sauce.