Fishing Tweaks

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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby Nicholi » Fri Sep 02, 2016 2:55 am

Meliva wrote:his proposal would make SotL the best fishing fleet without cannons.

No, because SotL's would fill in less than an hour causing them to rack up danger making them even more vulnerable.
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby Meliva » Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:00 am

Nicholi wrote:
Meliva wrote:his proposal would make SotL the best fishing fleet without cannons.

No, because SotL's would fill in less than an hour causing them to rack up danger making them even more vulnerable.

they would still technically be the best at fishing, just vulnerable. but that's the thing, his proposal would make war ships better at fishing then trade ships but they are more vulnerable. again I don't agree with his proposal, I think you made a few better ones, but facts are facts.
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby Nicholi » Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:09 am

I made a voodoo suggestion that would help make fishing better. Here's the link to that forum: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2699

The problem with fishing as it currently exists is that it relies on unrealistic mechanics. Thing's like the number of fisherman, the size of the ship and nets, and even things like the weather and species of fish would come into play, although many of the real world minutia of fishing would be to difficult to program into the game. However, there is some realism that could be applied, and would make fishing more productive. I am personally a fisherman in the game and enjoy fishing in real life as well. Fishing in the game is a safer alternative to trading (which is an attractive quality these days). Despite it's lesser income it can be made more profitable with Potato Party and a good sized warehouse. I just think that more could be done to make it a strategic part of the game.
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby Haron » Fri Sep 02, 2016 6:02 am

I would like fishing to give faster/better results, but only be allowed at a few ports. Specifically, the three ports that produce food. That way, the food would later have to be transported to another port for sale.

I think this principle should also apply to new ways of generating resources (like mining). We want many trade vessels to sail the seas. I also think there should be some common resource used both for trade and making resources (captains come to mind). That way, it's gonna be hard to be both a big producer of goods AND a big trader.
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby DezNutz » Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:51 pm

Nicholi wrote:
Meliva wrote:his proposal would make SotL the best fishing fleet without cannons.

No, because SotL's would fill in less than an hour causing them to rack up danger making them even more vulnerable.

You are solely looking at the optimal rates of production. Those rates assume that the ship would have max crew and no cannons. As you increased the cannons on your ship, the rate of production decreases and the fill time increases, shifting toward the current optimal rates of production. No one in the right mind is going to use a fleet of SotLs with no cannons or even only a few cannons each to go fishing to produce a really good profit. The ships would be easy pickings. While warships can fish at a hire production rate, to do so effectively makes them easy targets.
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby Shadowood » Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:13 pm

I don't fear death. I look forward to it with great anticipation. For then I will met God face to face and let him know that I stole his Man of War!!!
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:23 pm

My 1.99 centimes worth:

The issue is not which trade/war ship is best but that neither should be fishing commercially in the first place.

Realistically there were hundreds of different fishing vessels : each designed for specific waters and catches. The Dogger and Whalers were more like factory ships than anything else with smaller craft actually catching the prey and bringing it to them. The majority of fishing is inshore and carried out by small vessels. Deep-sea fishing where boats are away for weeks or months is a more industrial process and their vessels reflect that.

But for Avonmora I suggest the following compromise looking to keep the flavor but not over-complicate the stew with too many!

1: We keep the existing structure of fleets working in a specific port either selling or storing their catch there. They can still be lit via voodoo or carelessness.

I see little point in cluttering up the skirmish screens with them as being in port for bare minutes and returning to sea empty then any skirmish is going to gain little plunder. They will also displace more worthy targets given the current listing limitations.

2: Only the dedicated fishing vessel types may fish. No trade or warship type can do so.

3: All fishing is 'inshore' : fleets may not travel port-to-port but can only work in the port they are built , captured or purchased in. If a merchant wants to supply into a port in which they have no fleets then the catch must be transported there in regular trade fleets or they must build/purchase/capture new fleets there.

4: I propose the ship type already known as the Dogger be the dedicated fishing vessel. I also propose that a hefty Gold Bar premium be added to the build cost.


Build costs:

Turns: 20 / Coin: 15000

Wood : 120 / Iron : 60 / Tools : 20 / Cotton : 80 / Gold bars : 10

MaxHP 40 / Very slow / Cargo 30* / Crew : 30 / Guns : 0

Every new level will add 5 cargo and cost the usual stepped increase plus 2 Gold Bars giving a maximum of 75 cargo.

Traits : Most will have little effect but the Extra Level and Extra Cargo ones will be valuable.

This ship will be expensive to build and max out but will return many years profitable service

5: I propose that to reflect the wear and tear of fishing such as damaged or lost nets that each fleet shall gain a percentage of damage per voyage. This damage will reduce effectiveness by an equivalent amount : i.e A fleet with 10% damage will take 10% longer to fill its holds.

Each fishing voyage shall have a base time of 2hrs.

This will be extended at the end of the 2hrs by an equivalent percentage of time to the %damage still on the fleet.

Each fleet shall gain 1% of damage on arrival in port together with 1 DP per arrival.

Damage may be repaired manually or via voodoo such as Royal Fleet Auxiliary or Emergency Call.

Potential income is variable on ship levels/damage/prices. But a 'perfect' fleet should manage 11x375 catch or about 4000 crates per day (allowing time for docking between voyages).

Hostile Natives and FoJ will act the same as on any other fleet.
Lit fleets will be displayed on the plunder board. Doggers can be captured same as all other vessels. The only difference is the new owner can only operate them in the port of capture. They can still be sold to the shipwright or market.

Damage voodoo such as Worms, Fireship, Kraken, etc, will act to extend the journey according to the level of damage inflicted on any ship in the fleet.

This will stop the 'allocate and forget' brigade ignoring them for too long and also provide an attack tool via Swarm of Worms etc. RFA will fix damage thus also providing an incentive to run more Brigs!

I await your -'s.
Last edited by Most Lee Harmless on Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:58 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby DezNutz » Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:44 pm

Fishing is definitely in need of an update and I definitely like Danik's thoughts on how to implement the use of the Dogger. There are some things that need to be detailed out, but this suggestion as a whole is definitely an approve for me.

I have some thoughts that build on CJ's Original Post and Daniks recent points. I will post them in a little bit as I'm still writing them out.
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:46 pm

I'll edit and add modifications/thoughts/etc to the OP.
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Re: Fishing Tweaks

Postby Lachlan » Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:11 am

yeah a fisherman officer would be good
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