This card is clearly bad for the game. It discourages conflict, as the retaliatory power of a group of these cards is very powerful, nuclear even. as guilds choose not to fight one another, the players individually become increasingly powerful and become several levels removed from newer and especially brand new players. when new players cant dish out a little bit and not expect to get DESTROYED by higher levels, they are likely to leave, and i would propose that has a good deal to do with the mid-road players who seem to be leaving this game frequently. most of the battles ive seen all over the map recently have been players who must have spent Months building trade fleets, just to get bored and go inactive. then a feeding frenzy jumps in to devour the corpse.
this card specifically discourages active playing of this game, and should be removed or at least significantly nerf'd. skyhawks suggestion of making it a Do Damage to Ship card makes ALOT more sense then destroying a level which costs millions to make for a SotL.