It might be a good idea to have some "Sticky" topics in the Tavern.
The two most obvious should be "Implemented Game Updates" and "Pending Game Updates".
If we could always see what you're doing to improve or protect the integrity of game play in Pirates Glory we could have reason to be loyal and patient.
Pending Game updates should be listed in order of priority and include an estimated time of completion. It could be as vague as "3rd quarter 2013" or "By tomorrow". If you don't update one that is at the top of the list, we'll have reason to believe there were delays or you could include a "notes" column for delays or that you are wanting more player feedback. The notes might be linked to the topic for the specific Pending Game Update so we can quickly get to the topic where you want more player input. At least then we wouldn't be upset because we are preparing ourselves for something that we no longer believe is coming. This should be "Sticky" in the forums and in the Tavern.
Implemented Game Updates you already have. The name is fine whatever it is, but it should be "Sticky" in the forums and in the Tavern. The fact that I can't remember the name is reason enough for my concern and maybe the concern of others.