Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Sebena » Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:28 am

Meliva wrote:
Wolfie wrote:apart from upper suggestion let me return on previouse post of yours meliva, bout your rules well they can apply but they can fail aswell for example I had player taking 3 loans from me and repaying them fully all were relatively small then that same player asks me loan which is far bigger than previouse together... my logic guided me twoards sending him offer in hope that he'll retun as previouse and as you can already conclude yourself it didn't I lost nice ammount of gold and after that I decided I am not responding on any loan offer...

To look back at last post about that suggestion that would be great addition but it should be restricted because there are ways to exploit it on huge scale... maybe restrict it on some ammount which would fall under those intressts...

I am aware my rules can fail, you can never know if someone will pay or not. but having some guidelines like mine, I believe help reduce that chance.
and yeah the interest idea in my example is very exploitable, but I think with some revision, it could be implemented in some way. but danik is right, I think banks should have more ways to profit. the main reason I built my bank is a place to store my gold. the loans is just a bonus, I don't give out many loans. and it costs SO much just to build a bank. 100 creds each level, just to get to level 10 would cost 1K creds. that could buy quite a few voodoo, or a fully leveled MOW with some left over.

I agree it should be implemented and it would lure more people in building bank... Same reason why I built my bank aswell as I hated to spend more than 3 turns if I need quiet ammount of gold to get on the hand....

Danik is write we as bankers should have something to get in return in these cases maybe not full ammount but let's say 20-30% of loan issued if person goes inactive before repaying loan fully... it should give comforting to bankers... if by any chance player comes back he has to pay those pecentage to the game and continue repaying loans which would be lowered for that percentage...
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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Sebena » Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:31 am

Also I wouldn't mind need of investing something in shark loan tech but the price should be lower as we as bankers lost quiet some money already... I don't blame game fully because of that it was our decision and our money but as danik said games wants bankers to help new players and we would love to but we need something in return...
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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Crackedcubes » Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:32 am

Meliva wrote:Collataral would be a great addition. I think they said that the loan shark tech would enable that. personally, I think it should be available without needing to invest even more.

100% agree. I shouldn't have to invest in Academy Tech to receive the "God Given" rights of a Banker to collateral! If the game admin doesn't want collateral in the game, then i vote for Debtor's prison! :shock:
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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Meliva » Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:34 am

anyone remember that one newbie who requested a loan of like 1 billion gold not too long ago? that was good for a quick laugh. I personally never loan to new players, even for a small one like 50K. I know chances are I'm not getting it back. if I was guaranteed to get something back, or even just break even, I would personally LOVE, helping new players start building their accounts. but considering how many people log on once, play, quit and never come back, I do not intend to help if I'm more then likely going to lose gold.
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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Sebena » Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:41 am

Meliva wrote:anyone remember that one newbie who requested a loan of like 1 billion gold not too long ago? that was good for a quick laugh. I personally never loan to new players, even for a small one like 50K. I know chances are I'm not getting it back. if I was guaranteed to get something back, or even just break even, I would personally LOVE, helping new players start building their accounts. but considering how many people log on once, play, quit and never come back, I do not intend to help if I'm more then likely going to lose gold.

I remember that guy I laughed to it that my dog looked me up and had that look like what's wrong with you, have you eat something bad...

new players from me will probabbly get burried treasure and advice on what they should invest money...
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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Stan Rogers » Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:00 am

I made 'gifts' of gc to new guild members from my small bank with hopes that if they went inactive I could recover the gc from their dormant accounts. It's not large sums by any means or will cause me to go broke but I as yet fail to see how my problem of funding new players in guild can be addressed with the current system.
For that reason,

Wolfie wrote:new players from me will probabbly get burried treasure and advice on what they should invest money...

is the solution I tend to follow.
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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:08 am

Meliva wrote:Collataral would be a great addition. I think they said that the loan shark tech would enable that. personally, I think it should be available without needing to invest even more.

Aye, there's the rub : the new tech will mean spending even more again : that's more costs to be earned back before a profit can be found : if its anything like the 'Piracy' tech, dont bother : has anyone really done the sums on that one? Level one costs 5 million gc : you will have to do well over a 1300 (winning) hits to get that back before it makes you any coin. How many wins have any of you managed since you started the game? Seriously, why should we bother?
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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Stan Rogers » Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:12 am

Danik wrote:

if its anything like the 'Piracy' tech, dont bother : has anyone really done the sums on that one? Level one costs 5 million gc : you will have to do well over a 1000 hits to get that back before it makes you any coin. Seriously, why should we bother?[/quote]

I did level one and when that pays for itself, I'll research lvl 2 ;)
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Re: Loan repayment fail rates and other banking woes.

Postby Meliva » Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:15 am

well at a bonus of 3.5 k per successful plunder or skirmish, and it costs 5M.
then it would take 1429 attacks to pay off. and I recall nelson said he had reached over 1K attacks not to long ago in his latest article, which took him about 21 days, though not all were wins, so if your constantly fighting, I suppose it could be beneficial, but not for most players.
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