by Meliva » Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:03 pm
Sir Colchian, new players will never reach the level of veterans because the vets have been around for years, trying to add elements to the game that would help newbies reach their level, in my opinion is very unfair to the vets. they have spent a long time to get where they are, and have helped the game grow. the new players wont reach their level, unless they are committed and put in the time and effort to grow. also, adding features that help traders earn more profit, and make their profession more secure, does not unbalance the game. richer merchants are more profitable for pirates, this change will make merchants more comfortable running more trade routes, earning them more money, making them better more profitable to raid. the reason why some things should only be available with credits, is because if everything was available with gold coins, credits would have no reason to exist. I agree with improvement on nations however.
I'm a meanie head! Beware my Meanness