Guild Structure: Types & Laws

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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby Sebena » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:00 pm

what you are tying here is take away freedom from a players. That would lead to a devastating results for the game people would leave. These limitations would be first step twoards destroying this game hell I would be first to quit game if they are implemented. Guilds need other aspects and they have a lot of them to be improved but this suggestion isn't one of them. It's sure path to destroying game
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby DezNutz » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:08 pm

Chaulbad wrote:
DezNutz wrote:Most are merchant or fighting guilds. There are a few nation style guilds; however, the guild owners would be able to select the type that they think applies to what the guild is for. Currently there is no real guild structure. The point is to force a structure, if you have no structure to differentiate guilds and there uses, guild development is extremely limited. A good reference point in game development is guilds providing game benefits. If the game didn't have a defined structure on guilds all guilds could gain the same capabilities, thus making the development pointless.

Sounds like you are trying to limit guilds and control what they do. We've seen what that can do in real life with businesses :( let's keep guilds great again lol

Yes but not in the manner you think. Guild owners can apply rules to their guild as they see fit. They are free to control their guild as they see fit; however, the only restriction would be the type of guild they are running. Further game development on guilds requires a more rigid structure. Say for instance, the game wants to institute guild bonuses that guilds can provide to it's members. Not every guild should have the same guild bonuses, so a merchant guild should be able to provide a greater trade bonus compared to that of a fighting guild. And a fighting guild should have a greater bonus than a merchant guild. Without a rigid structure, guilds would potentially have the same benefits no matter what the guild owner defines as the purpose of the guild.
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby DezNutz » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:11 pm

Wolfie wrote:what you are tying here is take away freedom from a players. That would lead to a devastating results for the game people would leave. These limitations would be first step twoards destroying this game hell I would be first to quit game if they are implemented. Guilds need other aspects and they have a lot of them to be improved but this suggestion isn't one of them. It's sure path to destroying game

You obviously know very little about Guilds and what they are for. Try playing some other RPG games and tell me how guilds are structured. While I hate the game, WoW is a good example of guild structuring and purpose in gaming.

What freedom am I taking from the players. I'm not saying that guilds should be game controlled with absolute set rules that cant be set by the players. I'm saying that Guilds should be defined by type. The types listed are not the only types that can be applied and are just a base suggestion. Types are an important tool in allowing guild development.
Last edited by DezNutz on Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby Sebena » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:16 pm

DezNutz wrote:
Wolfie wrote:what you are tying here is take away freedom from a players. That would lead to a devastating results for the game people would leave. These limitations would be first step twoards destroying this game hell I would be first to quit game if they are implemented. Guilds need other aspects and they have a lot of them to be improved but this suggestion isn't one of them. It's sure path to destroying game

You obviously know very little about Guilds and what they are for. Try playing some other RPG games and tell me how guilds are structured. While I hate the game, WoW is a good example of guild structuring and purpose in gaming.

As a someone who grow up on RPG games I have great insight how guilds are structured and what they what they are for. but obviously you are lacking that expirience but let me play along please teach me sensei what are the "real" reasons behinde guilds.

And fyi wow and this has nothing similiar to this and I can make this statment because I played WoW same as many other games.
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby DezNutz » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:21 pm

Wolfie wrote:
DezNutz wrote:
Wolfie wrote:what you are tying here is take away freedom from a players. That would lead to a devastating results for the game people would leave. These limitations would be first step twoards destroying this game hell I would be first to quit game if they are implemented. Guilds need other aspects and they have a lot of them to be improved but this suggestion isn't one of them. It's sure path to destroying game

You obviously know very little about Guilds and what they are for. Try playing some other RPG games and tell me how guilds are structured. While I hate the game, WoW is a good example of guild structuring and purpose in gaming.

As a someone who grow up on RPG games I have great insight how guilds are structured and what they what they are for. but obviously you are lacking that expirience but let me play along please teach me sensei what are the "real" reasons behinde guilds.

And fyi wow and this has nothing similiar to this and I can make this statment because I played WoW same as many other games.

Well since you know so much. Please define a way to further develop guilds, where not all guilds have the same benefits relative to what the guild is for.
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby Sebena » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:27 pm

that is excellent question and to answer it: I am working and thinking about this and when I make suggestion it will be complete and thought a lot about it. I am not like some players who think something and run ti suggestions I actually make pros and cons first and see is it worth of making that suggestion. If you can't deliever finished product then don't deliever anything.
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby DezNutz » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:33 pm

Wolfie wrote:that is excellent question and to answer it: I am working and thinking about this and when I make suggestion it will be complete and thought a lot about it. I am not like some players who think something and run ti suggestions I actually make pros and cons first and see is it worth of making that suggestion. If you can't deliever finished product then don't deliever anything.

So you have nothing.
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby Sebena » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:35 pm

I have whole spreadshet but it's unfinished product and to answer next question no you can't see what I have, also I have real life to live and mouths to feed so no I can't devote 24hrs to the game.
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby DezNutz » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:43 pm

Wolfie wrote:I have whole spreadshet but it's unfinished product and to answer next question no you can't see what I have, also I have real life to live and mouths to feed so no I can't devote 24hrs to the game.

That's great, so you think no one else has a real life either with work and kids. Only takes a few minutes to write up a basic synapsis to get the idea in place. Then you can go back and elaborate, make changes as needed and get a feel how other players respond.
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Re: Guild Structure: Types & Laws

Postby Sebena » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:50 pm

no I know that others have work and kids and stuffs in real life. Yes it takes couple minutes for incomplete product and I would do what you do here post it on forum and see what others think but unffortunantly that doesn't work each suggestion ends in off-topic where noone says anything constructive just insults other person. I wanna avoid these situations and make complete product where others won't need to add anything major just help to shape final product.
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