Gold Bars further uses

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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Warrior » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:09 am

If it is all gold then why use bars instead of gold itself. Bars need a lot of transporting and a lot to do. Imo, if u don't get the bars back when u sell it, it a very bad idea, after all bars are also gold coins spent as you say.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Gunder » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:49 am

+1, I'm all for!

I think it's a good move to make it more unprofitable to build ships and then sell them. If we should aim for realism, this will help. A ship is a long term investment. If you commission the build of a vessel, sail it around for a trip or two, then sell it at market value, you will loose gold. Adding gold as an additional building material will help to create a market for gold bars and add another thing you need to transport around. And really, the cost is not going to become a problem at all. LMM's will become 31,000 gold more expensive and SotL's 310,000. Taking the price of captains into account, this is a minor price change. The main thing is you have one more item you need to keep at hand.

Actually, this is OT, but I would even suggest to change the selling price of ships.

Selling price = Base price + (upgrading cost / 2)

Being able to use ships as a liquid asset, which can be sold and invested elsewhere for a very low loss is not realistic. It will make long-term planning more crucial. It will also make it an expensive strategy to build a ship, level it up and start over if the stats are unsatisfactory.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Warrior » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:58 am

Why isn't building a vessel and sailing it for a trip or two isn't realistic ? I built the ship and used it for some time(u can even call this testing) and now i'm selling it to a person who buys it at market value in a port. What's wrong with this ? Why shouldn't you get the correct price for which u built it ? The reason I -1d this is mainly because of that it is an additional RESOURCE to be collected. Not just simple gold which can be taken to any port. These resources need transportation which is very boring as you will have to sit there waiting for someone to sell bars.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Gunder » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:03 am

Warrior wrote:Why isn't building a vessel and sailing it for a trip or two isn't realistic ? I built the ship and used it for some time(u can even call this testing) and now i'm selling it to a person who buys it at market value in a port. What's wrong with this ? Why shouldn't you get the correct price for which u built it ? The reason I -1d this is mainly because of that it is an additional RESOURCE to be collected. Not just simple gold which can be taken to any port. These resources need transportation which is very boring as you will have to sit there waiting for someone to sell bars.

If you buy a new car, drive it for a week, can you sell it for exactly what you paid? No, the value drops a lot. That is why buying a ship, "testing" it, then selling it at close to zero loss is not realistic.

Yes, it will require more transporting of goods. But 30 bars for an LLM, that means you can get enough bars for at least 10 on one trip with a trading fleet.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby fullfathomfive » Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:28 am


So what's the point? Find a use for gold bars that are now on the market? How do you justify a 291k increase in the sotl, or even a 29K on the lmm? The current price for ships seems fair and the little previous discussion concerning the build cost here on the board seems to point that out. For a new player the ship build cost is monumental as it is. For the old player, he can build new ships by the 100's with all his gold, but Captains are his/her worry, not ship cost. Build the new buildings that are in planning and don't create ship build cost problems when there are little to none. The use of gold bars is sure to come with future buildings in the hideout.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Warrior » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:51 am

Gunder wrote:

If you buy a new car, drive it for a week, can you sell it for exactly what you paid? No, the value drops a lot. That is why buying a ship, "testing" it, then selling it at close to zero loss is not realistic.

Yes, it will require more transporting of goods. But 30 bars for an LLM, that means you can get enough bars for at least 10 on one trip with a trading fleet.

Transporting is not the only problem. Right now we have to sit for AT LEAST 2 hrs to see some bars selling in the market. Asdded to this if you don't get the bars back when you sell it makers it more frustrating that u have to wait again. About your idea of realism, in the gunpowder age, the seller defines the price and ships are not like cars whose price depreciates with time. And imo more realism will make the game only boring. The reason why this game is still good is bcuz it doesn't have realism a lotta times. Like how cud u go from 1 port to another instantly if there is a warehouse ? Is it a teleporter or what ? But think about it, everytime u need to go to another port you need to wait for such a long time. But some unrealsim makes it great. There are so much like that but i can't list all of em just for you. So u see, we need to make it interersting and fun and not making it realsitc and boring. Some unrealsim just makes it great :)
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Francois le Clerc » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:01 pm

Gunder wrote:Yes, it will require more transporting of goods. But 30 bars for an LLM, that means you can get enough bars for at least 10 on one trip with a trading fleet.

hey i dont even need to trade to get this amount i mean 3000 gold bars can build 100 lmm
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Francois le Clerc » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:08 pm

(correct me if i am out of topic)

But maybe to build that lmm wouldn't be such a good idea.

Why not use goldbars to buy ships on ship market(if u wanna use gb to build ships its ok) or in shipyard when building ships however instead of having a set price prices are curved...

For example:
Code: Select all
lvl10 sotl with 0 battles-20 gb
lvl10 sotl with 100 battles-50 lost-30 gb
lvl10 sotl with 100 battles-0 lost-40 gb

just look at it and tell me if that doesnt make sense
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby TheLoveTiger » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:46 pm

Quick Idea, Instead of adding these gold bars on to current ships, Why not make two new ships and incorporate these changes? Obviously one trade and one war ship, but this way it is a totally fresh from the ground up build
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:59 pm

Gentlemen, please read more carefully. We want to put gold bars cost only to two ship types: Large Merchantman and Ship of the Line.

1) Are they or are they not the best ships in their category? (that you can build).

They are, therefore they should command more effort in order to be built. Nowadays, with so much abudant construction resources everywhere, it is easy to construct them. Even one month players have them. This is not good though, we want to see more diversity out there.

The best ships, need a weakness. Their weakness should be in their construction cost. Ships of the Line were the privilege of the few powerful nations, in real history. Here, they are becoming common. So, this is just one of the steps to diversify them more while also helping Gold Bars to blend with the game.

As for Large Merchantman, despite our effords, they still seem to be the top option merchant ship for everyone. All players, once they get enough gold, they switch to Large Merchantman. That's again very unrealistic and disturbing. It seems that a price incease is in order. So again, we are using the gold bars here to give a small increase that is very much needed, by adding gold bars. Win-win situation again.

So, if you find them expensive, do not build them I guess.

2)This is actually a boost to Pirates style players

Skirmish feature needs fleets floating with gold bars!
In order to make skirmish as successful feature, it should yield good income for the attackers. The more fleets carrying gold bars around, the better the chances you will catch such a fleet.

Also, capturing a ship that costs more if built, is beneficial for the one that captures it.
MostPirates will not really construct large merchantmen or Ships of the Line. Merchants will and in fact, rich merchants should.

Therefore, I find that this in fact suits Pirates style players by far, therefore I turn down all arguments that claim the different.

3)More arguments

Soon you will all be able to sell ships to a players market. Don't you think that these ships will command a better price in this way? (oh wait, this sounds like another pirates perk...)
Don't you think that ship market will also be more interesting in this way?

But there are more that blend:
-Goldsmiths will have a steady consumption of gold bars, directly linked to a real game parameter. Gold Bars price is strictly tied to demand. It can get as low 750 gold bars a piece - so in this case the extra price would also drop, right? So it is all up to the players. Not us, really.

-Right now, all ship building gold goes nowhere. With gold bars, some will stay in the game: at the hands of the goldsmith who produced the gold bars and in the hands of the merchant (who traded the gold bars - you can trade them too from profit you know, ie taking them from a full port to an empty one).

-Not to mention the Bankers who will get more chances to issue more loans (to goldsmiths that will require to upgrade their lots, to players that have their fleets destroyed:they will now need more or to players, that will now find the private marina cost even lower in comparison to ships value)

Finally, gold bars are still unavailable at large because almost all goldsmiths are still keeping the gold bars for themselves. We are aware of the situation and we are not going to release further gold bar uses until we can tell there will be a normal sale routine.

Right now, global gold bar reserves amount to a total of about 250k while daily production should be at about 50k (not certain about it, just a rough estimation). So, our estimations are that we are going to need some ways of steady gold bars consumption (hideouts are the only element that consumes gold bars right now) in about a month. This is the whereabouts of the implementation of these proposals.
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