new players are all well and good, but decimating players who have loyally stuck to this game for many years or months and potentially causing people to stop playing ,in my - I admit - limited experience, is the worse outcome.
imagine,if all your efforts of slowly and gradually building up your power, influence, fleets etc. is suddenly squashed by someone who have half (not necessarily, just example) the time you have put into the game.
0.0 maybe, instead of seeing the players who have been in the game longer as bullies, others should strive to be hard working in order to achieve what they have achieved over many months. also voodoo is all well and great, and it adds an interesting dimension to gameplay, but it pays (:p) to be considerate to those who may not be as wealthy as you. there is a thin line between being an avenging angel and inconsiderate bully. and honestly, even "bullies" can be bullied, and I believe this scenario is really obvious to those who are not directly involved....