Dmanwuzhere wrote:D00T wrote:Also a funny thing I found reading through the long post(gonna refer to Spartacus' article as this) is that Taiwan is mass producing a non-RNA vaccine, and everyone here is afraid of it.
While the long post seems pretty reasonable at first, it does get ridiculous towards the end. You know mind control could have been really useful when the ANA fled before the Taliban.
well I guess it depends on how advanced that research is
firstly while its not an idea I can just accept on face value the fact the researcher could give someone a shot and monitor someones heart from what was injected is proof of concept on a minute level so I cant call it lunacy
secondly the ceiling for normalcy continues changing the us is 70 percent vaxxed and now they want 96-98 percent vaxed before "normalcy" can be had
for a disease that has killed way less than 1 percent of the us population it sure seems odd to want a 96-98 percent vax rate for a vaccine that does nothing more than possibly weaken the effects of covid
I have posted before that there are 2 diseases that kill 2x and 3x what covid does .... where is the big push to eradicate those diseases or offer treatmentsfor free... both are multi billion dollar money making diseases yet... nothing
the big push the mandates the demonization of the unvaxxed makes folks like me say fook your vaccine if it doesn't come with a choice it isn't coming in this house unless I'm deceased because I've decided as it currently is I'm not getting it
when I say this house I mean me because my better half and my children can decide for themselves as they are all adults and may have reasons outside of my own to get it.
one is army bet she gets it
one is a nurse and while she is holding out I think it may eventually be mandated for her she can quit or get it no hate from me either way
my better half isn't fond of the idea but if she were ... still no hate
this is my biggest problem with the vax mandates from the gov for medical issues is horsecrap
but hey they may get a pres in that gets the cure for gay and he forces it on everyone with sore booties and rug burns I wonder if you would support that govt mandate
the only thing changed in that scenario is the interest group being targeted
I'm sure I could make an argument financially that taxpayers are paying for sore booties and rug burns if they are on govt assistance and as such need the gay away vax![]()
do you think people have the right to object to taking the vaccine on religious grounds considering the WI38 ingredient knowns as human diploid lung fibroblasts are from aborted human fetal cells?
70 percent fully vaccinated is the bare minimum. The recommended level is essentially between 80% and 90%