by Most Lee Harmless » Wed May 06, 2015 9:01 pm
Danik mourned the loss of Behemoth : a loyal and faithful beast, ever ready with a helpful flame when dinner needed cooking : however, Danik could not mourn the fate of Behemoth as much as his big sisters did. For family is family, and blood is blood, and with a thunderous roar, the sun was blotted out as his siblings came down from their mountain eeries to wreak revenge : First came Daisy, the sun flashing from a 100,000 sequins decorating each mighty wing; next was Maisie, each talon dressed in titanium alloy extensions, then Gracie, a modern girl, so she carried Burberry purse and a rack of Hellfire missiles beneath each wing and covering the flank, Rosie : no decorations for her, just a pair of 50,000kg fuel-air bombs carried beneath her mighty wingspan.
Ignoring the sight of 2 idiots sqwabbling in a life-boat nearby, the Big Sisters headed for R0nnies safe-houses.. all of them... and with a series of swoops and explosions, half of Avonmora was laid waste.
Danik resumed his seat, and smiled, for he had just bought up most of the building supplies in Avonmora, and foresaw a healthy profit from the rebuilding.
-1 : Move to archive.