Message in a Bottle First Edition
- Front Page - Message from the Editor & "Cutpurse & xPROx"
Page 2 - Global Event Gossip
Page 3 - Fully Rigged Ship Battle Scenes & Getting to Know the Crew
Page 4 - Rapid Ranking
Page 5 - Liberia and Lichenstein
Page 6 - Piracy Timeline
Message from the Editor:
Ahoy and welcome aboard the maiden voyage of Avonmora's newest paper - Message In A Bottle. (MIAB)
I would like to congratulate the winner and runners up for the newspaper naming competition. After holding a competition to decide a name on the new paper the votes showed that Kyle Gumwale won and he was awarded credits and recognition for his accomplishment.
Message in a Bottle - Submitted by Kyle Gunwale
Runners Up:
Portside Perusal - Submitted by Soleil
Articles of Avonmora - Submitted by Meliva
The PG Advisor - Submitted by Noffin
The Goroum Gazette - Submitted by Shadowood
MIAB Congratulates all winners and all was fun to see so many great entries!
We welcome your ideas, suggestions and contributions. It's your paper. Contributions and feedback welcome. If anyone would like to step onboard the pr-team it is an open door for all to apply.
After a few stumbles we had the paper ready to go - (except that Slack archived the the first 3 articles and we've had to redo). While this first issue is a little longer than anticipated, we wanted to give Cut and Pro the reply they missed last month.
Thanks for all the support, Dez, Mel, mads, Leo, Draque and those who wish to remain nameless... I cannot say enough about their love for PG!
Remember - you are the news!
Rum all round I say!
- The Argonaut
Final Footnote: Argo would like to thank Madshan, Mel, El Draque and Leo for their help in getting MIAB off the ground.
Particular thanks to Dez who came to the rescue when it all went upside down....and he did it with a headache! Thank you matey!
Fantasy Draft VIII
Message In A Bottle is proud to announce Fantasy Draft VIII. At the time of printing, most of the captains picks have been selected now a we head into the final rounds. Rookies yet to be picked are waiting excitedly with baited breath....hoping their names will be summoned to this mission.
We wish all involved the best of times and a Glorious and Well Desrved Victory Dance afterwards. Some fantastic teams have been pulled together, giving thought to their wisdom and experience. We look forward to the final votes. A special Bulletin will be released to cover the draft. Happy Fantasy VIII Everyone!
Cutpurse & xPROx
Cutpurse Reply:
Cutpurse wrote:After days of unsuccessful talks with the USA in regards to Bermuda obtaining the port of Goroum, it finally became clear that we would need to go after it the old fashioned way.
So, there we were, all gathered in our little war room, plotting on who to hit and how, when all of a sudden I saw my turns disappearing for no reason.
After standing there like an idiot for awhile, I finally understood that my mb was gone and I was being spiraled.
Some 150 of my precious turns were gone before I could get defenses back up.
I was caught by surprise because we were an hour far from reset,, nobody expects action that early.
I learned that I was not the only one that had similar incident - it was decided we must return the favor.
After looking through port gossip and plunder boards it became clear the rumors that players had de-fleeted were indeed true.
So I did what any trader with spare change would do -I grabbed few of my gold pouches, and started throwing money at him - at least until I saw confirmation that there was no mb ..
Once defenses were taken care of, I sent 30ish props his way, split between 2 ports we were contesting.
I saw similar amount return my way not long after and now we were closer to crucial moment, the pace started to pick up - Voodoo was flying back and forth like there was no tomorrow.
We all put up a good show for 50 minutes there, too bad none of this was hardly visible to those not included, as the map remained the way it was the day before. The only thing one could see while observing from outside was some fleets showing up on plunder boards here and there.
At the end of the day, my voodoo log had expanded by 10 pages, and 4 of my mbs gave their lives trying to keep some of the casts out.
Many reported similar figures. It also appears that Pro, accompanied by Taylor, had lit up nearly all of Bermuda.
While Pro was their mvp of the day, I raise my hat to Taylor for really standing out from ranks of the USA.
xPROx Reply:
xPROx wrote:Well I tell u Feniks and Cut make a strong team. Its been a long time since I felt the hurting I did tonight so my hat is off to them and I held up.
Feniks and Cut worked me over some, not before I got all the info I wanted and I worked a few of them over first lol
They are not taking usa as a joke or easy ride some have sold all there fleets and got ready. I am sure some of the Bermuda players aint happy with me nor my kind of player - but it's war.
I am very proud of USA. They step up to fight for what is theirs and we will keep on going till the end.
Now both nations and their members are strong. Time will tell how this ends.
But it will cost many of billions and 1000s of cards before any side sees hope i believe.
Hopefully after this war both sides can come together as friends.
The war between Bermuda and Usa - Both nations have showed great planning with Strategies and coming together to work as a team.
Much respect to both sides.
Now this war has been rough on both sides and has not came to an end yet so only time will show what happens.
We have been talks alone the way. Both sides are stubborn.
I can say Bermuda has showed there are a strong nation and group of players. Have showed it in the ports alone with on the plunder boards and again in talks.
USA has came together and has realised there is something we need to work on for future attacks.
USA has been trying to regain grounds on the plunder boards.
I am very happy USA has fight a great war in my eyes and learning as we go. There's been a lot of key plays in this war that I believe will change the game for a lot of players