Meliva wrote:Zephore wrote:Haron wrote:Madshan, are you reading about TRADING? This is just to better understand how to ATTACK traders, right? Right?
You and this fetish of yours, Haron...
Perhaps we should have an intervention.
Jokes aside, you should be happy if more folks take up trading Haron. More future targets to plunder on the seas
Haron wrote:Others, sure! Those in other guilds, whom I can plunder. Not madshan, though. I am determined to help make her one of the fiercest pirates in Avonmora. And she's off to a very promising start.
José Gasparila wrote:I would like to thank all the contributors this month for their time and effort
Sebena Kacichc
El Draque
And to those that submitted articles that we didnt have space for and to The Argonaut for her usual enthusiasm in interacting with prospective contributors
Pirates Glory Updates is a monthly community effort to provide a window into the game that we love for people who havent experienced it yet which is why we post in r/PBBG on Reddit
The views and opinions included in Pirates Glory Updates belong to their author - any discussions or corrections should be made in the forums
Clockwork and The Argonaut would like to expand the PR Team's activities to fulfill its wider role - if you are willing to assist please let them know
Submitting to Avonmora Herald
A new monthly internal Newspaper
Finding new platforms for recruitment
Most Lee Harmless wrote:Nope.. they are the reason YOU have issues with the PR team. Maybe YOU should own the fact that Clock lives rent-free in your head. Nothing he does will ever have your approval cos you got a bug deep in YOUR ass about him.
You already ruined the last Draft... now you ruining the PR teams efforts to drum up interest in the game. Just stop with claiming that YOU are speaking for all of us. YOU aint. YOU are just settling in-game scores under the pretence of giving a ferk about the game. Grow a pair.
Most Lee Harmless wrote:Hey, let's vote on it then.. oh... maybe not... cant afford the lawyers fees.