Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

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Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby José Gasparila » Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:47 am


Pirates Glory wishes to thank William Pitt who is a player with a long tradition in Pirates Glory. He is the host of an enduring Tavern Game on Pirates Glory’s Forums - the "Pitt Stop" competition which has successfully given out over 300 million gold coins in prizes plus credits and voodoo cards.

The Rising of Channel Islands.

A new port owning nation has arisen - Channel Islands. We contacted Meliva who is a long time and active Pirates Glory player and a recent ruler of Channel Islands

Meliva - A fair while ago, the old sea hag Meliva was both bored and felt like starting a new project. After thinking for a while she decided to join a new nation to call home and try to build it up.

She looked upon many nations and decided that Channel Islands would be the nation she would move to. She went and declared herself Queen on the desolate rock with naught but a single chair.

From there she heavily taxed herself, to get funds for the very vital private restroom, and began making plans and chatting with others to help grow the nation.

Finally after a long period of waiting, planning and growing, She traded gold and credits for a port, and with the infamous pirate Nelson, took control of St. Martins.

From there, a few others joined in, and with any luck Channel Islands will continue to grow and prosper.

PG>We wish Channel Islands a bright future

Pirates Glory players have noticed some recent activity in the North West of Avonmora - ports changing hands, plunder boards lighting up. Pirates Glory reached out to one of the participants for an explanation.

Sebena Kacichc is the ex-King of Bermuda Here is what he had to say:

Week before Bermuda struck I got info about people willing to build something. I, as a King at that time, saw a chance for Bermuda to expand and to prove false accusations of us being weak. (info can be found at pr post #23)

A week later we struck at Goroum since we decided that Goroum is a perfect place to expand. USA failed to foresee that and they lost Goroum that day and we got another port by mistake, which was returned to the owner.

Tomorrow USA strikes back they retrieved Goroum and took Kanoni Day after we attempted to get Kanoni back but again a mistake happened and we failed.

We decided to offer a peaceful solution to the USA to prevent innocent casualties; they returned the offer in a way that again insulted Bermuda. The fight continued - we countered their offer - no response.

So with coordinated attack in 2 day we took more than 1B gcs worth of influence from 2 players in USA in hope to get them speak but they still refused Once they saw that they can't fight us and our coordination, they ran to their former King, Pro who went to their aid to save them.

Peace talks were restarted now with the USA more willingly to talk. Few offers were made over the week when the ceasefire was active. After those negotiations failed the ceasefire stopped and here we are today standing with expenses and casualties on both sides.

We all are pretty experienced. Dejanira has been victim to Taylors HNs. Yos did some card casting and gold invested. The other person who really helped with gold and some cards was Redbard. So Pro, Taylor and Ed decided to coordinate an attack on me. They hammered me after we took more than 30M from Ed. They were hammering me for 10-15 minutes. Then 30 minutes later I rose even higher.

This shows that even when your opponents think you are down you can still get up, dust it off and continue.

After some naval fights we ended up in stalemate. Both sides could continue to fight but the end result would be the same. Pro suggested that things go like they were before war. After some talking and thinking we accepted it. Our mission of proving certain players whom called Bermuda weak wrong was fulfilled and we hope that next time they will think twice before they call someone else weak without any research.

PG> The current status is peace - the status quo has been regained

Madshan is a newcomer to Pirates Glory but has been making quite an impact

Madshan - Departing the Nest

Madshan was pretty miffed at Haron and The Accountant.

Something was up, she was sure of that. Excited whispers just out of earshot. Zeph and Assur spending more time sparring, and with an intensity she’d never before seen. Haron kept pulling Clockwork into the captain’s quarters, locking her out completely. Even El Draque shoved her out of his quarters after she toppled the stacks and stacks of gold coin he’d been meticulously counting. The air was electric.

The Accountant had shouted at Madshan during mess to throw something from the slops chest into her ditty and be ready by four bells o’ morning watch. Too excited to properly rest, she was up at first light climbing the rigging and pestering the OOD so much that she was given a field day on the lines. TA scant paused to glance in her direction as he emerged from below decks and headed down the gangway. The Jack-o-the-dust tossed her a packet of bread and cheese wrapped in oiled parchment along with a skin of wine as she raced to follow. “Yarrrgh! C’mon ye old salt tell us where we’re after then?” Mashan tried goading The Accountant a bit, his countenance even more irascible than usual.

“Hush now, Infested Numbat. Ye’ll be serving the great Cap’n Da Vinci these coming weeks and ye’ll make T’zak Ryn proud or …”

“Yeah yeah else I know what’s coming to me.” As they climbed aboard the transport ship, Mashan ran aforedeck, slumped into the bow and was soon lost in thought. Could this be her chance at serving as a true Merc? And under none other than Captain Da Vinci?

The masts and rigging of the majestic fleets of Avonmora Trading Co began to pierce the horizon soon enough, even before she could spot landfall. How many ships were there?! She’d heard tales but this was beyond the best of her imagination.

They cast anchor at sea. Madshan dutifully readied the dinghy for launch, settled the oars, and grabbed TA’s bags as he chucked them overboard. She readied herself onto the sculler’s bench as he climbed in, and pulled away. She might still be a lightweight but she’d been practicing, and she worked quickly towards a strong pace.

“Settle ye, Dingo Pup. We’re to dine with the Cap’n before my return. Ye’ll have time enough to bunk in and make ready,” admonished The Accountant.

Looming dead ahead were the massive ships of Captain Da Vinci’s Fast and Furious battle fleet. Madshan had never seen anything like it. T’zak Ryn preferred to use cutters for scout and quick work, and their trademark Frigs with a perfect blend of speed, fire power, and cost efficiency for plunder. The ships of Da Vinci’s trademark fleet were nothing short of awe inspiring. The thought of serving aboard washed away all frustrations of the previous week.

“Pull up starboard here just past the last Ship o’ the Line, Festering Cane Toad,” The Accountant said, interrupting her reverie. “I’ll be leaving you with The Argonaut for now and you mind, she’ll get you sorted for tonight.” Madshan was uncharacteristically speechless at this turn of events. She’d met The Argonaut but once previously, and it had ended in disaster. Feeling guilty about the lack of female companionship and instruction in comportment expected of a young lady, Haron had arranged for Madshan to spend her 10th summer with The Argonaut. After scarcely a fortnight of daily (!!) baths, frocks, pinching shoes and having her hair nearly ripped off her head by a bevy of servants, Madshan had jumped ship in the dark of night and escaped back to her brothers in the T’zak Ryn.

Fortunately, it seemed as though this time she’d be aboard ship rather than at the mansion. The Argonaut burst forth on deck, a distracting presence in spite of her small stature. Perhaps it was her stunning gown, but more likely it was the glow of kindness and caring offset by a fierce strength. This was one woman you would want to stay on the good side of, but being there would feel like you were protected by the might of all of the fleets in Avonmora.

As she climbed aboard, Madshan prepared to face her wrath. Instead, Argo grabbed her into a massive bear hug. Madshan began to mutter her apologies but was interrupted.

“Hush child. I do hope you understand I was doing me best while caring for you at the mansion. Truth be told the office of Governor was but a ruse, and we all be better off at sea. I see the pirate in you and had you been handed over while I sailed the Black...” Argo paused. “it would have been much more comfortable for both of us I can assure you.”

Madshan was stunned by this admission. Mayhap this could turn out for the better after all?

“Come then wee one,” beckoned Argo as she moved below decks. “We’ll find you some fine clothing that suits a young lady like you. It does me proud to see my pirate girls look good on deck.”

As she wrapped her arm around Madshan’s shoulder, she added in conspiratorial whisper, “do not fret overly at being left with the Captain. We’ll have you aboard often enough here. Your swordsmanship and sea-battle skills will be likened to no other as Anne Bonney would be your Captain, and Silver Shadow, the Pirate Lord himself, may take you on skirmishes to delight and enthrall. Be lucky to get his ear, and Magnus would train you in all aspects of intel and co' Argonaut checks herself before continuing ,"um...er..other important matters. Aye, your days here will be well spent lass.”

“That would be...AMAZING,” replied Madshan with more than a little awe. “But of course, T’zak Ryn, First and Forever.” (to be continued)

AXY is well known in Pirates Glory he recently joined Spain . We asked him about his experiences:

Day 1876 was my first sail, that was like 2017. About 3 years ago and I only finished the “beat 100 player fleets” a few days ago!

Do you know how I found this game? Of course you don’t… I was told “this PC is really good, even though it is getting old. The only thing is that you can’t play decent games on it.” (it is a chromebook, it is made like this). “I'll make do” I thought, and started looking for what was available. “web store. Let’s see what you have.” “sparkchess? why not. Zirma? seems nice. Pirates-Glory… I guess I can try it…”. where we now find “PIRATES STRATEGY RPG ONLINE GAME” it used to be something like “only for smart people”, “huhumm… sure it is… just another game...”.

So, yes, after 3 years and almost 1B in money gained from trade fleets I still have a negative plunder balance in PvP…

I was checking my biography and found that… I took 13 days to join a guild!!! What was I thinking about! And I ended up getting kicked out for being inactive for too long… like only logging less than once a week … an understandable reason. After that, like a good noob, I said to myself “naah! I’m gonna create my own guild!”. Sure bud, great idea… I took 5 months before understanding the stupidity it was… Can’t even remember what I named it...

That is when The Shield came along! To explain how much that guild helped me grow let me tell you a story. Once we were assigned mentors, a relatively high ranking in the guild would help out the noobs. Aloeth Bowstringer, a more recent player than me, was assigned with me, so she sent me a message. (can’t remember the words, but you’ll get the idea) “Hi I was assigned to be your mentor in the mentor programme. I’ll help you out with anything. Send me a message anytime.” “Hi when I am playing I generally ask in the guild but I guess I could start asking you. alright, thanks.” And guess what: that’s it. . We never spoke again . I sent her a message around last year, maybe, can’t remember why or what I wrote, but I know she was already inactive by then.

During my time in The Shield, and for some time before and after that, I would look at Italy and think “I want to be a banker like I heard Sir Francis Drake (the player, don’t get confused!) was! it must be great!”. So I tried, with no money whatsoever, to send loan proposals. And I got one “50,000 for 90 days on 2.00% (2.50% on delay)” to 1infinite Piracy
Yes, I then understood it wasn’t that easy to make money giving loans “Payments summary: 51,306 in 2 payment” I would need a huge bit more money than that.

I even got to be King of Portugal! (First, I want to explain that, by then, I thought countries were a big deal and meant something… noooob!) With the record time of a few months (Do better Nelson) .

There were only a small amount of players there, and I wanted more. You see, by then I found a game called Torn. Followed another player’s link and liked it.

At a certain point I thought to myself “wait a minute! if I want more players in Portugal, why don't I invite these guys? I can ask them to try and ask them to be a part of Portugal!” Got 2!

Problem: after a month I was done with that game… so I gave up… and that was when I found that they didn't actually like this game

Remember Deluge? Of course not, too small for you. But I do, and so does everyone in the GUARD. People can say it is a coincidence (because something else happened in the middle I believe), but I asked Charles Vane to help and the attacks stopped he even did it for free, what a nice guy! I don't know, can't really remember much from then.

“You have lost 41 ships during battle.” My dear Sotl… some 10 or 15 in total that went to Nelson…

The GUARD… (don't tell anyone I think this) things got weird when, I think it was Lachlan, left. And I ended up getting expelled. That is all I am saying about it....

So, that was when Nelson started PR. Am I or ain't I a lucky guy! I just got in because why not?

First I thought I could do some time without a guild nor playing much but, well, good thing Nelson convinced me!

Thanks Axy

Pirates Glory Game Mechanics, Specialty Trading

Pirates glory is a game with many different game play avenues to pursue. You can be a Pirate as the name states, a privateer to the highest bidder, a plantation baron a market guru and a high seas trader.

For the last update, I went through the basics of trading. While there is no one size fits all when it comes to fleets, routes and strategy, I hope it gave a bit of a starting block for those who may be looking to do a bit more trading.

There are “special” types of trading - party trades, plantation trading and gold bar trading. In this edition, I want to cover one of the most profitable and least risky at an early stage and even more profitable later

Party Trading

So what is party trading? Well that’s a bit of a long walk, but I will try to make it easy. Let’s say you buy some food from St Martins for 8 GC and sail it to Baramas and sell that food for, well, right now looks like 8 GC. The profit you make for your efforts is 0 GC. Very bad business model for a trader. Lucky for us there is a different way to make some swag in this situation. Party trading!

There are three levels of party trading all of which involve building up a warehouse to different levels and storing the goods instead of selling directly to the port, and once your warehouse is full you have a party. This means you will cast one of three voodoo cards (Potato Party, Rum Festival, and Tobacco Gathering) depending on the goods stored in the warehouse. You can NOT cast a party voodoo card on the port that generates the good matching the card!

Level 1 fishing – This can be done at any port that doesn’t produce food. You set some fleets to fish at the port and store in the warehouse. Once your warehouse is full you pop your voodoo. Benefit of this is early players can do it and the food is free… all profit!

Level 2 single port – Here the crafty trader builds up a warehouse and stores the goods in it till full then throws a party. Benefit to this level is while your waiting for the warehouse to fill, the return leg of the trade route still generates income and is close to a wash till you reap the benefits of the party.

Level 3 dual port – The most lucrative routes have a party trade on both sides. There are a few ports that have food on one side and rum or tobacco on the other and are 1 hour or less travel time. There is even one group that one could find that would need to cast a windy voodoo to make the most of it. The benefit to this is swag, swag and more swag. The issue with dual port strategy is these routes don’t make any swag till you fill the ports so you will need to have cash reserves or other revenue means while waiting to fill your warehouse, but when you do, you make far more than you would have trading outright.

Strategy for party trading

In the example above, you make no gold on the food crate from New Land to Baramas due to current market rates, but, if you use a Potato Party card, that food is worth 15 GC per unit leaving you a 7 GC per crate profit.

That’s the wonder of party trading voodoo, higher than normal set prices.

Make sure your warehouse is upgraded enough to make the cost of the card worthwhile. Don’t waste a card on a full level 10 warehouse. Go for 50, 100, 250, 500 or anything in between or bigger. Just remember that the larger the warehouse the longer it will take to fill unless you add more fleets but the greater the reward when you party the night away.

+cargo ships work well here as they help fill up your warehouse quicker.

Once again, if anything maybe this has given you a few other ideas to make a living in Pirates Glory and again I would like to give a special thanks to Shadowood, Dread Danik and Stan Rogers for their help in game strategy.

Next month in my game mechanics series, I will discuss more ways to be successful in Pirates Glory

Fair Winds, El Draque
José Gasparila
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby José Gasparila » Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:48 am

I would like to thank all the contributors this month for their time and effort
Sebena Kacichc
El Draque

And to those that submitted articles that we didnt have space for and to The Argonaut for her usual enthusiasm in interacting with prospective contributors

Pirates Glory Updates is a monthly community effort to provide a window into the game that we love for people who havent experienced it yet which is why we post in r/PBBG on Reddit

The views and opinions included in Pirates Glory Updates belong to their author - any discussions or corrections should be made in the forums

Clockwork and The Argonaut would like to expand the PR Team's activities to fulfill its wider role - if you are willing to assist please let them know

Submitting to Avonmora Herald
A new monthly internal Newspaper
Finding new platforms for recruitment
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:10 am

sebena news network is fake news :D :D :D :D
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby sXs » Sat Nov 07, 2020 2:37 am

Every update from PR team is fake news.
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby Meliva » Sat Nov 07, 2020 2:47 am

I can confirm that my story is 99% true. I lied when I said all we had in Channel was a single chair at first. We also had a bucket. Sadly I think Clockwork took it when he left after becoming king. :D

Enjoyed the bit where you talked game mechanics. Hope some newbies read it and benefit from it.
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby DezNutz » Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:20 am

So where is the contribution from xPROx?
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:45 am

DezNutz wrote:So where is the contribution from xPROx?

Still being counted. Was written with a sharpie so got rejected by the PG PR editing machine....
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:33 am

sXs wrote:Every update from PR team is fake news.

every time i didnt like the fake news i just lit up the contributors
if the story was told from a sane eye
i would see yours and cuts name in the true fighting on the baramas side
all the real cost of voodoo cash and turns came from deeper pockets and chests than sebena holds :D :D :D
damages or butthurt received in the posting of these words is solely yours and yours alone
if counseling is needed therapist ahben buthert or cryin ferdays is available at the tp kleenex & creme clinic
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby Haron » Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:45 am

Thank you for another nice issue!
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Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #26

Postby Meliva » Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:53 am

Dmanwuzhere wrote:
sXs wrote:Every update from PR team is fake news.

every time i didnt like the fake news i just lit up the contributors
if the story was told from a sane eye
i would see yours and cuts name in the true fighting on the baramas side
all the real cost of voodoo cash and turns came from deeper pockets and chests than sebena holds :D :D :D

Ah, so I assume that's why I got a spy report from you.
Well fair enough, my story was only 99% true :D.

Though I will say that it's a bit disappointing that only one side of the war was put into the report. I also would have liked to see multiple points of view taken from other major players. Though I suppose that would be a bit overly long. Though perhaps a special edition covering just the war would be neat to see. Would also fill clueless folks like me who sit on a rock mostly by myself with just a chair and now no bucket :D
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