Battles System / Plunder Revision

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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:34 pm

lol a bit more complicated than a game i was talking about recently but sid meirs on sega named pirates had sea battle then the two captains dueled if you won the sea battle

still dont like this as it sits

a younger player could be robbed easily and if i dont care to rank my crew then my ships are forfeit
takes away from cost of a raid therefore no con to attacking for fleets that may be worth plenty or nothing at all and defeats all mechanics currently in place for a bit of luck
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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Argo » Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:14 pm

Yes SW- Crazy genius :respect +1
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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Axy » Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:28 pm

That idea seems great (shadowood) (cant comment on the rest)!

Just a tiny thing, if the ships of the defender have no cannons (in skirmish) I don't see why there is a fight...
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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Shadowood » Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:07 am

Axy wrote:That idea seems great (shadowood) (cant comment on the rest)!

Just a tiny thing, if the ships of the defender have no cannons (in skirmish) I don't see why there is a fight...

Turns and Danger.

The attacking player still needs to have these things negatively affect them if there are no cannons.
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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Leo » Sat Oct 24, 2020 1:45 pm

While I mostly disagree with the original proposal, I have a few thoughts:

CJ, with all due respect, you seek approval from the community too much. It's nice every once in a while propose an idea and run it through us first, but this is your game CJ, so the deciding factor should be whether or not YOU think that it will benefit the game.

The biggest problem I see with running all major changes through us first is that we are used to the way things are and are likely to not want such major changes. Not because the changes are bad, but because we are all used to how the game looks, plays and feels. We will be uncomfortable with a major change, because we know we will have to re-adjust.

The player base is shrinking, and it's shrinking fast. A big update could be what saves the game from losing too many of it's players.

So what I think you should do is take your plan and thoroughly test it. Get any bugs that you can find out. And then implement it. Sure, I might not, like most of these players, be comfortable with the changes at first, but we will get used to it and I think the game could really benefit from an update like this.
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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby PFH » Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:08 pm

If players don’t like it they leave LM.

This is a source of income for him. If he implements something everyone doesn’t like, his revenue is affected

It’s best he comes across to us first to test what he can implement safely to save his revenue and his game.

Plus, eventually he has a big plan for the dev team :)
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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Leo » Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:13 pm

Everyone is already leaving. In the past month and a half the pop of Avonmora has dropped from 14K to 11K. People are getting annoyed with the issues and going inactive. That is a sign that change like this is due.

Of course maybe he should use Haron's idea instead of the original because it is better, but what I'm saying is that with most games the devs don't ask the community for feedback before they update. It is pretty unique that we are able to give feedback directly to the creator of this game, but I think it's gone a little too far.
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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Argo » Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:43 pm

[quote="L.M."]Everyone is already leaving. In the past month and a half the pop of Avonmora has dropped from 14K to 11K. People are getting annoyed with the issues and going inactive. That is a sign that change like this is due.

Maybe they are leaving bc they see persons sprouting rubbish and think its the standard? idk - just a thought lmao (I include myself :D)
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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Axy » Sun Oct 25, 2020 4:20 pm

If I recall correctly you count as active if you have logged in within a year. So, those were last year's players that left. Besids, most of those players give up because the game seems to complex and most of them dont even bother learning/caring (so I was told by a few joiners) not because of any issues.

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Re: Battles System / Plunder Revision

Postby Meliva » Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:43 pm

people come and go all the time honestly. Also don't even get me started on how often some player or another goes and says "Doing X will kill this game" or "this game is dead". Heard both of those quite a few times over my 4 years here. Yet, unless I'm a ghost and this is some weird purgatory, looks like this game isn't dead yet.

Also, I like that CJ runs things through the community. It helps us be involved in the game's development. He does do some things on his own also. I didn't hear him bring up the new icons for instance.

The best part of this game in my opinion is the community. That's why I love being involved in helping this game.

Back onto the topic, I will admit I am not as knowledgeable on this subject as many who have already spoken, so I would defer to their experience. That being said, I do think that pirates and plunderers need some sort of addition to help them out. Been quite some time since pirates got a new toy or feature for them and them alone.
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