Pirates Glory Updates and News #25

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Pirates Glory Updates and News #25

Postby José Gasparila » Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:51 pm


**Pirates Glory Game Mechanics, Trading**

Pirates glory is a game with many different game play avenues to pursue. You can be a Pirate as the name states, a privateer to the highest bidder, a plantation baron, a market guru and a high seas trader.

With all this in mind I thought it would be fun to give a mid-level overview, sort of a how to of the game to best of my knowledge, and have some of the best players fill in the gaps.

Where to start… in the beginning there was trading. So what is trading in Pirates Glory (PG)? Well there are a few different aspects to trading, port to port, party trades, gold bar trading and even plantations trading, all of which start out with the basics. So, I figured I would start with a general overview of how to trade and get into the specialties for the next update.

Howkers, howkers, howkers those cheap speedy little ships. Turns out these ships are great when starting out. Use these for your first trading fleet, or as a fishing fleet. I started my game doing a lot of fishing to earn money. Nice thing about fishing early, is there is no cost for the boat loads of food. Just make a fleet of five howkers, click “New Fishing Route” on fleet screen and pick a port and watch the money come in.

Another option is standard trading. In my opinion, this is the hardest part of the game. Why? Well it involves figuring out what type of fleets, what trade routes to run and the capital investment to make coin. Now that’s not to say, being a pirate doesn’t require investment and a level of skill, but if a pirate has 3 fleets of warships they use for attacking versus a large trader with 200 fleets, all the risk is with the trader, but so is the reward.

So what does it take to be a trader? Let's talk about ships, officers, routes and at the end we can slip in a little bit of voodoo and Tech. What kind of fleets work best? It really depends on what kind of route you're running, and whether you want speed, max cargo or power.

Most people agree that the base ship for trade fleets is the Large Merchantman (LMM). I have seen people using 5 of them for trade fleets which maximizes your cargo, but will leave you vulnerable to higher payments if you get skirmished. To combat this, you will see your average trader running four LMM’s and a Howker in the 5th position in the fleet. This is known as a tail. I wont get into the weeds too much in this post, but it’s a less expensive ship, % of ship cost and coin for ransom, blah blah blah, it saves you money to run this way if you get skirmished.

But Draque, what about those who wish to be less vulnerable? Well, since you asked there are what I would call three tiers of beefed up fleets with escorts to protect against those who would steal your swag. Do keep in mind that these would be considered an upgrade to existing fleets as they require considerable resources to level the more
1. The first tier involves using a Flag Galleon (FG) as your first ship, 3 LMMS and a Howker tail. With this set up, scallywags attacking with small fleets of FG’s or less may find themselves losing the battle when they attack you.
2. Tier two involves using 2 FG’s, 2 LMM’s and a Howker Tail. These are medium security fleets and can best a pirate with frigate fleets. Notice the Howker Tail is always there.
3. Lastly, the tier three fleet has a Ship of the line as the first ship, a FG as the second, 2 LMM’s and a Howker tail. This set up will beat all but the strongest fleets that sail our waters.

While these sound great, they are expensive and every time you swap another ship in for a LMM, you lose cargo capacity, so it all comes down to how much you have, and what kind of game you want to play.

You could get extra cargo trait ships, and that would negate a bit of the losses for swapping cargo for security.

Tech is almost as important. Officer contracts are a must. If you have a lot of fleets, the officers get expensive, this decreases the cost. Spanish Galleons allows those FG’s to keep up with you other ships in the fleet so it doesn’t get slowed down. Metallurgy and Gunpowder Tech to increase your strength and cannon power.

Is there voodoo for trading, why yes there is! East and West India Company increase profits buying and selling from the ports. Dutch, English and Spanish Indian Company increase the profit of different types of ships. Just make sure you pop the correct ones.

So none of this matters if you don’t set your routes up correctly. You're looking for routes that are just over 1 hour long. This allows you to stagger your fleets and not be on the plunder boards in groups. There are some sneaky pirates out there who keep their one good eye on the boards and even time the sighting to get schedules. If you're having a problem going to fast between ports, fire a little bit of your crew till you make up the needed time.

I hope this has been helpful and maybe put a few ideas in your head. I would like to give a special thanks to Shadowood, Dread Danik and Stan Rogers for their help in game strategy.

Next month I hope to use even more of the plethora of knowledge they shared with an advanced trading piece.

Fair Winds, El Draque

**Sebena Kacichc** is the King of Bermuda that stands in a fairly safe corner of Avonmora
Pirates Glory spoke to him

PG. What are your goals for Bermuda ?
》My goal for Bermuda is to strengthen us as a nation with players whom I and my council trust. We are a neutral nation with a single peace treaty signed with TK the banking nation. I'd like to see Bermuda and Kanoni grow into the biggest wood producing center of Avonmora.

PG. As King of the smallest port owning nation what are the advantages that you see ?
》nothing in particular, maybe the biggest advantage of a small number of players in one nation is opportunity to make decisions together.

PG. Do you see Bermuda joining a larger nation as Damn the Torpedos did with St Kitts-Nevis ?
》Life is strange. Human make plans, God laughs. At this moment we don't plan to merge with any nation mostly due the fact that Bermuda is a free nation and every member of Bermuda is free to do whatever they want. If you analyze our laws you will see that we don't have any restrictions in terms of hostility law or diplomatic relationships. What I expect as king of members in my nation is to show respect if they want respect.

PG. Is there any particular achievement that you are proud of ?
》achievements are just badges that mean nothing if you don't have respect for others and others for you.

PG. Are there any PG stories that you want to tell ?
》I gathered a lot of stories in 5-6 years of playing.

But here is one of my favorite things from the start of my journey. I was couple months into playing PG.

I was bored and I started to read what things do and help and at that point I plundered more. Usual set up of attribute points on the ships was different than we have today. So I decide lets make new fleet that fleet was made of 1 Ship of the Line 1 frigate and rest were sloops. At that point we did not have techs or traits.

So I go with usual plunder 3 attacks then pause until 1 defend or danger go 6 down. I was at 3 wins. Then that fleet was attacked with a fleet made of 2 Ships of the Line 1 Large Frigate and the rest were sloops.

My Ship of the Line with new set up in attributes ate that entire fleet. Everyone including me thought luck of dices. Tomorrow scenario repeated again same result. Then I shared my results with my guild.

We all started to use that set up and all players plundering had troubles with our fleets. I guess someone leaked info or after ships were plundered our attributes set up leaked and it became today's standard.

PG. Who is your favorite player and why ?
》One would say this is tough question but for me it's not that hard.

My 2 favorite players unfortunately quit the game.

One of those started as my mentor for the game but soon after that he became my mentor for life. All veteran players will recognize that I speak about Kart.

2nd one is Lord Gunder I am sure older Veterans will remember the name while some younger veterans will raise eyebrows with question who that person is. Well LG like I called him was one of pillars of defense with me and Diplomatist in defense of SSTG. Main reason why at one point of time SSTG was the hardest guild to be plundered but that is a story for some other time.

PG. What do you like most about Pirates Glory ?
》3 years ago I would say community in general. Now I would say people with whom I became friends even if we never see each other in RL.

PG. Are there any changes that you would like to see ?
》Many. I could go for few hours on this question but to keep it short I will name a couple:
A way for shipwrights to build ships in more details. Right now every ship is the same and only difference is in traits which again are random.
Better control over the nation. For example
People needing permission to join if nation is active.
Control over the laws such as stipends.
Currently you can join any nation with that law and leech on it with minimum efforts.
I am 100% sure if nation had more control over the enforcing of laws they would be used far more often.

-Way to kill the advisor(highest priority)
-Ways to improve security of ports currently it is expensive but easy to flip ports with voodoo.
-More strategy in battles currently only way for smaller ships to beat bigger is use of voodoo. Even though we don't want to intertwine real history with this some parts should be incorporated and one of those things os fact that pirates in the past did not have SoTLs sailing most of them used galleons and frigates.
-Last for now is some sort of buff to other ships available to build since currently only few are used in general. Fluyts' lives matter.

**Dragon Bones** has been a long time trader - living the quiet life

**Everything can Change in a Day at Sea**

It wasn’t actually me, exactly, that got into Pirate Glory but my daughter. She wanted to play a different kind of computer game. I’d just finished watching Black Sails and suggested pirates. This was seen as a great idea and the search of the web began. Pirate Glory seemed to fit the bill and because of her age at the time I thought it more appropriate that we play together and so we set sail. Simple Howker fleets for trade and some war sloops and brigs for raids. Her interest quickly waned I found my self playing alone for a short time before work each day.

I joined a guild learnt a lot, they’re a friendly accommodating bunch, and slowly ploughed the seas. It soon became clear certain players take the game more seriously than most, but I wasn’t deterred. It was just a bit of pre-work fun. The odd plunder here, digging for treasure there, shipping goods back and forth and the odd guild raid or mission. This maintained my interest, but I felt I kept my head just below the radar, it’s just a game.

I suddenly found myself in a nation where I became a Duke and saw a weekly income arriving. Great, I could build up my fleets, do a few more racy attacks, use a bit of voodoo. Then all the keen players left the nation and went elsewhere, there was another kind of politics at play it appeared. It became increasingly obvious that for some this was their ‘Real World’. Anyway, this wasn’t my bag and I plodded on and found myself as a ruler. Felt pretty cool but had no idea what I should do and soon got bored. Joined another nation and again soon became ruler again. Still didn’t know what to do and didn’t take it too seriously. Switched nations again and happy to be in the background again.

Managed to make it on the plunder board, which surprised me, but felt like a rite of passage. I’d obviously plundered or voodooed the wrong person. I got attacked but no more than I attacked others when the opportunity arose and you soon learn that there are certain players who appear to be untouchable, but that wasn’t my concern.

So four or so years have passed and my pre-work ritual has been maintained, pretty much, slowly building up resources and funds and reading the guild discussion each morning to put a smile on my face and set me up for the day. Getting more ships, trading here and there, interspersed with the odd opportunistic raid.

You’ve never known what you’ve got till it’s gone, or so the phrase goes.

Recently, I woke to see I’d been raided. No ordinary raid, it was brutal. At least it seemed like it to me. Pages and pages of attacks, numerous voodoo’d cast, ships plundered. My initial thoughts, when I looked at my screens on my phone, were that I’d been wiped out. Four years of effort gone over night. “Sod it”, I thought, “Time for a new game. Eve On-line maybe. I’ll cast a voodoo at all those involved and bugger the consequences”.

In the red mist of anger, I cast in some cases where it was inappropriate, but not in all cases. I wasn’t totally wiped out but there is still a bitter taste in the mouth. My guildmates have been excellent and supportive.

Some of those who attacked me have been supportive too and quite clearly see that some take things far too seriously.

My initial red mist response has seen further strikes and casts from some of the untouchables, but I am undaunted and will stay with the game, weather the storm.

Here's to a fair wind and a running sea.

Always put a tail ship on your fleets. I see a lot of people, Traders and Privateers, that don't do this.

If you are a trader, use a Howker (preferably with extra cargo trait) as your tails. They are just slightly slower in base speed then a LMM. If you have a high sink chance, they are cheap to level back up and Howkers will minimize ransom drain on your purse.

If you are a pirate/privateer, you really should be using a Cutter/Sloop/SoW. You are running with danger and will get hit back by someone. Keep the loses low by running a tail. We all know, pirates don't make money so save yourself some gold by using a tail. (preferred trait is Levi Protection)

José Gasparila
Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:48 pm

Re: Pirates Glory Updates and News #25

Postby Haron » Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:14 pm

Thanks for another update! Great work, as always!

However, a small correction is needed:

José Gasparila wrote:Most people agree that the base ship for trade fleets is the Large Merchantman (LMM). I have seen people using 5 of them for trade fleets which maximizes your cargo, but will leave you vulnerable to higher payments if you get skirmished. To combat this, you will see your average trader running four LMM’s and a Howker in the 5th position in the fleet. This is known as a tail. I wont get into the weeds too much in this post, but it’s a less expensive ship, % of ship cost and coin for ransom, blah blah blah, it saves you money to run this way if you get skirmished.

Tails do not matter at all when you get skirmished. They only matter when you get plundered. The differences between skirmishes and plunders are many and important. If in doubt, contact your local Naval Combat Solutions Provider (or read the help section).
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