by DezNutz » Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:40 pm
I like the idea of coffers. In fact I presented an almost identical suggestion within my Forts suggestion, except I just called it Port Treasury. It opens the doors for considerable port specific development and management.
A couple of ideas to consider:
Coffer Funding
Taxes Update:
An update to the tax system would be needed. The formula would for all intent and purpose be the same; however, the formula would be applied to each port population instead of total nation population. This would allow for a couple of possibilities, to include port specific tax rates, and use of taxes to fund the coffers instead of or in addition to the nation treasury.
Tax Distribution Law:
Law allows for the nation to configure the automatic distribution of port's tax income.
- If the law is not defined for a port, by Default all NPC tax income from a port is deposited to the Nation Treasury.
- Defines the amount of tax income that is sent to the coffers by either percentage or monetary cap.
- For example:
---- Nation (A) enacts this law for port (AB) with 40% of tax income deposited to Coffer.
---- Remaining 60% of port tax income is deposited to Nation Treasury
---- Nation (A) enacts this law for port (AB) with a monetary cap of XX.
---- Any tax income that is less than or equal to the cap is deposited to the coffer.
---- Any tax income that is greater than the cap, the cap amount is deposited to the coffer and the remaining goes to the Nation Treasury.
Tax Grant Law
Law allows a one time payment from the Nation Treasury to a port's coffers.
- Would follow the same rules as Treasury Payout except the receiver is the port Coffers.
Coffer Suggested Changes/Updates
Market Income
I may be wrong on this but I believe that a percentage of the port market sales goes to the nation's treasury. I would suggestion that these automatically go to the Coffers.
Nation Changes
I would suggest that any money in the coffers stay with the port upon nation changes and that all Governor coffer settings return to default. If the nation overloads the coffers, that's their own fault.
Treasury Deposit
I would suggest that the Governor can optionally allocate a percentage of the coffers to be deposited back into the Treasury daily. No more than 20%. Default is 0.
Coffer Governor Changes
I would suggest that the Governor can make changes unilaterally but changes to the coffer settings have a take effect time, 2-3 days.
Plantation Acreage
I would suggest that the Expand Port Acres law be repealed. All Acreage development should come from the Coffers. Governors can allocate a set amount of funds to be added to the acreage development daily or a one time fund. Once allocated, the funds are locked.
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