Credit Changes

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Re: Credit Changes

Postby Haron » Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:42 am

I disagree with you, Feniks. This change would simply be equivalent to allowing trade with 0.1 credit.

The cost of turns and voodoo packs is fixed. It would cost ten times the amount of "new" credits. Credit packs bought with dollars are fixed, too.

Everything bought with gc stays the same as today.

With these things fixed, there is no reason why credits should become cheaper or more expensive. The same goes for ships and cards on the market. A ship that costs 300 credits today, would simply cost 3000 new credits.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:43 pm

I agree with Haron; the ship builders will be the ones who suffer on sales of LMs and TGs, as I would wager their prices will go down. I still don't know if howkers and cutters will ever sell well on the ship market, or several types of curse cards, but a more finely tuned ask/bid price will be achieved thru this change.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby Shadowood » Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:10 pm

If the credits don't change, then let ship builders sell "packs" of ships. 5 Cutters for 1 Credit. Much like the Voodoo market. (100 Drums of War for 5 credits).

This change really only benefits the ship market, but we do need one or the other in my opinion.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby DezNutz » Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:40 pm

Shadowood wrote:If the credits don't change, then let ship builders sell "packs" of ships. 5 Cutters for 1 Credit. Much like the Voodoo market. (100 Drums of War for 5 credits).

This change really only benefits the ship market, but we do need one or the other in my opinion.

The problem with selling packs of ships like the voodoo market is that unlike voodoo a ship is a uniquely identified asset. You can't just stack them together. The ships would have to be placed in a container like a fleet for the ship market. A voodoo card is not unique, it's conceptually very simple to bulk buy and sell.

It can be done, but is far from simple.

Additionally, the ship market is not a time limited sale.

I also disagree with the change only benefits the ship market. This may be more true for veteran players. For new players, the voodoo market is very limited to them. They can't sell low value cards unless they have sufficient amounts for others to buy. No one is going to buy a single Drums of War or a single Hands of Gold for 1 Credit at the current market values. And then for them to buy they would have to sufficient credits to buy the larger bulk sales that players put out there. So there is value for the Card Market with this change.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:14 pm

I agree, it needs to change; I didn't mean to infer that ship builders would "suffer" this change. This change affects all across the board of all experience levels. Like all change, some will like it, some will hate it and many won't care.

I like this solution, and I see it as a need to equalize credits and their use across all experience levels, for as it stands now, it benefits the experienced players vs the brand new players (as mentioned before).
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby Hawk » Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:31 pm

It is easily implemented and has many positive ramifications. I am all for it. The only real con argument I am seeing is the psychological one, but players will get used to the values and the entire system will benefit, and I see no way you could argue that the possible cons outweigh the pro's. If you are saying that there are other features that you would rather see implemented, how about first we as a community prove that we can agree on something as safe as this, then everyone can look forward to more of what they are looking for getting developed. I too have my strong favorites, but the "what I want or bust" mentality makes a needless standstill on progress.
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