Pirate Plunder Points

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Pirate Plunder Points

Postby PFH » Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:13 pm

Had an idea while talking in the Slack dev channel, and this is what I came up with

Introducing PPP (Pirate Plunder Points)

-Only pirates (those under the pirate flag) can gain these points!

PPP are accumulated points that can be spent on temporary or permanent upgrades to the player, fleet, or ship of said player.

You accumulate these by plundering and skirmishing while under the pirate flag ONLY.

Let's start with something basic:

-You receive 10 PPP for plunders, and 5 PPP from skirmishes

-Your PPP score is cut in half when you join a nation flag, and decreases 1 PPP per hour while under national flags.

-Your PPP does not decrease while under the Pirate flag, unless manipulated by voodoo (possible upcoming voodoo to attack these points. Just food for thought there.)

-Losing plunders or skirmishes does not affect your PPP score whatsoever, you'll just gain no points.

-You gain a bonus 5 PPP for each ship plundered off of a player with a national flags.

-You do not gain PPP for attacking pirates with less than 200 ships.

A few upgrades can be obtained using these points. They only are active while you remain a pirate. A few are:

-Spend 1500 to get +25% attack roll for all fleets for 24 hours OR spend 150,000 to have +25% attack roll for all fleets PERMANENTLY.

-Spend 1750 to increase gold plunder margin by 10% for 24 hours OR spend 108,000 to increase gold plunder margin to 10-18% PERMANENTLY.

-Spend 2000 to increase Max skillpoint cap on a ship by 15 for 24 hours OR spend 90,000 to increase Max skillpoint cap on a ship by 15 PERMANENTLY (in the case where the timer runs out, or player changes flags, if the ship has over 60 points on the ship, reset points to 10 on all upgrades. Doesn't remove extra points.)

-Spend 1050 to add an upgraded ship trait to target ship for 24 hours OR spend 50,000 to add an upgraded ship trait to target ship PERMANENTLY. (Such as a more deadly Levi assault with guaranteed chance to activate, rather than 1 out of 20)

That's just a few ideas I can think on at the moment, will add more when I find the time.

Let me know what you guys think :)
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby Shadowood » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:41 pm

Interesting concept but your numbers are way to low.

Take a look at the Battles Won list and revise your "Permanent" buff. Anything permanent in the game would need to be very hard to get, especially a 25% attack roll buff.

I am thinking more like 60,000 PPP. (60,000 / 5 = 12,000 Battles)and even this might be to low. The way you have it now is (12,000 / 5 = 2,400 Battles)
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby PFH » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:53 pm

Of course. I am still needing to revise this sketch, but I agree with your standing.

I'll come up with some more numbers, but this has still more to add :)
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby PFH » Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:18 pm

Post has had edits done to it. Numbers have increased for upgrades
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby Haron » Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:31 pm

About permanent bonuses:
I think you could compare those tho the permanent bonuses from the academy. Some of those are way easier to achieve than what a full year of plundering as a pirate is.
Another thought is that personally, the only suggested bonus I'd be interested in is a plunder bonus, and I'd not make a huge effort even for a tiny 10% increase. Oh, and I'd really love Devastation, of course! That one I sure would put in an effort to get.
The most important question, of course, is if it is desirable to give bonuses to those flying the black flag or not. I think that principle is what should be decided. It is not obvious to me that this should be done, although I can see a few arguments for it as well.
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby DezNutz » Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:42 am

You state that the bonuses only apply to those who fly the blackflag, but you also say that the Devestation trait stays with the ship.

What happens if the ship with the Devestation Trait is not controlled by a player flying the black flag?
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:09 am

So, with 'Devastation' trait active, you can steal an entire fleet for a disfavor and a few ambushes, regardless of the purse remaining?
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby DezNutz » Sun Jun 07, 2020 12:51 pm

Danik wrote:So, with 'Devastation' trait active, you can steal an entire fleet for a disfavor and a few ambushes, regardless of the purse remaining?

Based on what is written it would seem so.

That is beyond over powered.

I'm also not really on board with the idea of permanent bonuses or the idea of using this specifically as the pirate perk.
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby Haron » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:01 pm

I think specific pirate perks deserves some serious discussion. I see arguments both ways.

As for "permanent bonuses", we already have that through the academy.

That said, the plunder ship specialty does seem too powerful. It would change the game completely once the first pirate got that bonus. It would take years, sure, but would we want that to exist a few years from now?
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Re: Pirate Plunder Points

Postby PFH » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:10 pm

I'd be happy to edit and fix the Devastation perk, however it's there as it's only attainable under the pirate flag, and years of work, plus it only can be added to 1 ship. And the risk o loosing said ship could be high or low, depending on your ability to retain a fleet. Plus when that fleet is spotted, it will be a target to obtain for the entire community. Who wouldn't want that ship?

I'd go for it even if it means spending a billion o two.

The permanent bonuses only stay active as you fly the black flag, which makes it different from the academy

This is purely pirate suggestion with a few tweaks and leaks. The upgrades may not be agreeable, but the system, in my opinion, has some merit to it
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