[Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Thu May 21, 2020 11:46 pm

El Draque wrote:I like the idea of having different "levels" of blueprints like levels of voodoo. Maybe the rarer, the more materials needed to create that ship.

Of course this shouldn't be thing I will do 1 expedition and build 100 of new ships. That's why we have special resources so you'll need them so at one point even if you find perfect blueprint for yourself or market you will need to do couple expeditions just to gather enough special resources for 1 ship
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Thu May 21, 2020 11:51 pm

OP has been edited with idea of using mid-table ships in finding extra in ammount of special resources
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby PFH » Thu May 21, 2020 11:59 pm

My questions still stand in the beginning of the post :)
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Fri May 22, 2020 12:10 am

Clockwork wrote:My questions still stand in the beginning of the post :)

Which one double blueprint? Like I said blueprint can have durability since more you use thing it gets dirtier and lower quality.

Loss of a trait and returning previouse? This one I didn't see when answering before so my mistake there.

I think there should be some sort of penalty. True you can say penalty is cost and limit to once per ship but I think it is not enough and there should be feeling of win big or go home. But if others feel that it should be possible to return former trait it could work.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby William one eye » Fri May 22, 2020 3:51 am

Interesting idea. Similar dicussion about refits have come up,
But the expedition blue print idea is interesting.

I would love to see the expedition be an actual expedition.
Series of missions and tasks, similar to nation missions.
Perhaps they could be focused on the blueprint you are seeking.
Pirate type tasks, privateer type tasks, merchant type tasks, or missions for a random blueprint.
Perhaphs you could have mission difficulty choices, harder missions giving better blueprints


I at one point suggested an add on to marina in which you were able to pull ships from marins to work on them out of the water.

This required upgrades to academy.
And turns to move the ships.

If you like the concept you are welcome to integrate it or parts of it with your idea as a place to store ships while you work on them.

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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Dejanira » Fri May 22, 2020 9:20 am

I like the blueprints idea. Blueprints could be used in building ships.

In other words to build a ship a player would need gold, cotton, tools... AND a blueprint.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Fri May 22, 2020 3:43 pm

William one eye wrote:Interesting idea. Similar dicussion about refits have come up,
But the expedition blue print idea is interesting.

I would love to see the expedition be an actual expedition.
Series of missions and tasks, similar to nation missions.
Perhaps they could be focused on the blueprint you are seeking.
Pirate type tasks, privateer type tasks, merchant type tasks, or missions for a random blueprint.
Perhaphs you could have mission difficulty choices, harder missions giving better blueprints


I at one point suggested an add on to marina in which you were able to pull ships from marins to work on them out of the water.

This required upgrades to academy.
And turns to move the ships.

If you like the concept you are welcome to integrate it or parts of it with your idea as a place to store ships while you work on them.

Ship yard hands

Here expeditions were voyages like shipwreck hunt. If it were missions I am affraid it would be too tediouse but idea of sending 1 expedition to discover that you are missing a ship and resending new expedition to gather rewards gives that small depth.

From your idea I like tech one. I will reread it and see can I integrate it in.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Fri May 22, 2020 3:52 pm

Dejanira wrote:I like the blueprints idea. Blueprints could be used in building ships.

In other words to build a ship a player would need gold, cotton, tools... AND a blueprint.

Here blueprints would be used for improvments while ships would be bought and built via market shipwright like now.

Later we can add option of building ships from scratch.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby William one eye » Sat May 23, 2020 2:04 am

I did understand that your thinking was similar to sending out a wreck hunt.

My concern is, if its profitable. Someone like myself might commit massive amounts of fleets to it an ignor the rest of the game.

You have found 13,304 shipwrecks

Mission wise, my though was like this.

So level 1 merchant blue print. You need to set up a multi leg route. Moving x amount of cargo from port to port.

I should be simple, easy to setup and take you fleet about as long a wreck hunt.

Level 2 bluprint should be more difficult and time consuming but with the right fleet and route still easily accomplished.

Level 3 blueprint might require the experience of a skilled trader. Requiring to move specified cargo, make a certain amount of profit and complete in a certain amojnt of time.

Level 4 might require extensive time effort and thought.
Possibly some additional npc type tasks.

Similar for pirartes and privateers. Missions from simple to
Very difficult.

A level 1 blueprint might allow for swapping cannons for cargo or vise versa.

level 2 blueprints might add cargo
Slots or cannon spaces. Better navigational equipment
Lighter draft, better sails ect.

level 3 blueprint could be like level 2 but more durable

Mabe at level 4 the blueprint is durable, highly useful, possibly sale able

Again just suggesting possibilities, i do like this idea as it is.
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Re: [Suggestion] Private Shipwright Tech/mechanic

Postby Sebena » Sat May 23, 2020 2:43 pm

I understand your concern, yes in theory you could do that but every return from expedition gives danger to returning fleets. Some expeditions will require merchants ships others will force you to do 2nd round because I had idea about Natives holding blueprints or special NPC which will require you to bribe them either with rum and tobacco. Another mission that connects with your idea of delivering things could be permenant once you find it where you woud be able to trade rum for special wood on other place tobacco for special iron and so on. Other missions could require ammounts that would require 4TGs with extra cargo to fulfill it in 1 trip so you decide will you do it that way or send 4-5 fleets to midgate risk....

Someone might say why not load things on fleet before expedition well if you load fleet and end up with expedition where you don't need those and lets say missing 1 Ship type entire expedition results in failure with danger rating as only 'reward'.

But these missions you mention I like so these might be used in different mechanic maybe in a mechanic which was mentioned before about earning expirience for the captains
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