Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

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Which Team Captain has the most awesome Team in PG Fantasy Draft VII ?

Poll ended at Sun May 17, 2020 11:49 pm

Sebena Kacichc
El Draque
Total votes : 123

Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby PFH » Mon May 18, 2020 7:58 pm

Feniks IV been honest but this is dishonorable to accept the fact you lost. I've been honest about it (now that it's over) and admitted I tried to get us an unfair advantage. Now you are acting as a sore loser when 1: not a single payout bribe from me was paid. It's childish and if you find being pouty like this as honorable, then I don't know where you code of honor was obtained from.

C'mon man, s**k it up and say good game. The community is tired of what happened here so leave it in the grave.

As far as accusing him of cheating, you should accuse m instead, but as far as facts are concerned, you and your team lost fairly. No bribe was made successful so all counted votes are honest choices.

You choose to act like this, so there nothing I can do. All I can do is be honest here with you.
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby DezNutz » Mon May 18, 2020 8:26 pm

Clockwork wrote:Feniks IV been honest but this is dishonorable to accept the fact you lost. I've been honest about it (now that it's over) and admitted I tried to get us an unfair advantage. Now you are acting as a sore loser when 1: not a single payout bribe from me was paid. It's childish and if you find being pouty like this as honorable, then I don't know where you code of honor was obtained from.

C'mon man, s**k it up and say good game. The community is tired of what happened here so leave it in the grave.

As far as accusing him of cheating, you should accuse m instead, but as far as facts are concerned, you and your team lost fairly. No bribe was made successful so all counted votes are honest choices.

You choose to act like this, so there nothing I can do. All I can do is be honest here with you.

How can you claim that Feniks is being dishonorable when you just admitted to cheating? What's wrong with you?

Let me explain it in simpler terms. If Tom Brady himself tried to bribe a referee during the Super Bowl and openly admitted to trying to do so, do you think just because the referee didn't accept the prize, they are still entitled to the trophy and win.

Or even better. A real scenario, look up Shoeless Joe Jackson, 1919 White Sox.

What the hell are you smoking?
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby PFH » Mon May 18, 2020 8:29 pm

is it dishonorable to own up to a screw-up, Dez?

Tom Brady wouldn't be in the right place to do so. It's their coach that's shady in the group, really. Brady mostly is just the punching bag, not saying he is entirely innocent either. You can't blame the coach entirely because of what Tom does either.

Can't smoke whatever you are thinking of while on probation. ^^ much harder to get that out of ye system :beer
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby DezNutz » Mon May 18, 2020 8:31 pm

Clockwork wrote:is it dishonorable to own up to a screw-up, Dez?

Tom Brady wouldn't be in the right place to do so. It's their coach that's shady in the group, really. Brady mostly is just the punching bag, not saying he is entirely innocent either. You can't blame the coach entirely because of what Tom does either.

Can't smoke whatever you are thinking of while on probation. ^^

Owning your screw-up doesn't make it magically go away. 1919 Chicago White Sox.

And you were far from honorable. You denied the accusations until proof was brought forth. Really honorable you are.

Your moral compass is so jacked up, I'm surprise you can find your way to the bathroom.
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby PFH » Mon May 18, 2020 8:33 pm

Well, I'm not exactly covering it up either lol. Acting like im trying to act as if it went away is entirely incorrect. I'm just accepting it happened, and am moving on with it. The world doesnt change sitting still, so I'm not gunna sit around and meditate on it.
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby sXs » Mon May 18, 2020 8:35 pm

The honorable thing to do is admit that your team does not deserve the win and simply allow it to be written that 48 of the best players in Avonmora were selcted based on the criteria of their captains.

How can anyone seriously think ANY team actually WON this shit show.
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby sXs » Mon May 18, 2020 8:36 pm

Clockwork wrote:Well, I'm not exactly covering it up either lol. Acting like im trying to act as if it went away is entirely incorrect. I'm just accepting it happened, and am moving on with it. The world doesnt change sitting still, so I'm not gunna sit around and meditate on it.

Not you.... your team captain has yet to admit it....... he is still using "if" and "accusations".....

That is the most dishonorable thing in this whole fiasco.
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby PFH » Mon May 18, 2020 8:38 pm

Calm down, Mr. Feniks. It's just a game.

The shit show is concluded, and I believe it's best we leave it that way.


What does draque need to admit to you? It's not his fault lol it's entirely mine as im the one who did it alone without asking anyone.

So as far as I'm concerned, you seem to want to involve more people who are not needing to be involved. Leave it be. This draft needs to be a Dead Horse. Leave it that way.

Sometimes things need to be dropped. Bones be left in graves. We don't dig up graves you see....bad business that be... :hh
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby sXs » Mon May 18, 2020 8:41 pm

"if" the "accusations" are true..... "if" the "accusations" affected votes.... what should happen?

Turn this around a bit and "meditate" on that.

If someone on a team cheats.....and is caught...... what happens to that team in any other context than this one.
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Re: Pirates Glory Fantasy Draft VII - Voting Thread

Postby PFH » Mon May 18, 2020 8:42 pm

Feniks, I have repeatedly said it, and I'll say it again to clarify

none of my bribes were successful. Meaning no, none of the votes were manipulated. They were all honest as none of the votes were paid for, on my end.

Breathe and reread the posts. I think you are ignoring what I am telling you, and keep attempting to kill a dead soldier. It's dead feniks. Drop it
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