Require a maximum amount of danger before a fleet can attack.
If Fleet Danger is above this, then the fleet cannot attack.
Suggested Limit: 720 Danger
Please let us know of your feedback/arguments.
Caladan wrote:'why limit the amount of attack a fleet can do??
Dmanwuzhere wrote:ive had more than that from multiple ffj casts are you saying it limits the danger max on ffj as well?
Captain Jack wrote:Require a maximum amount of danger before a fleet can attack.
If Fleet Danger is above this, then the fleet cannot attack.
Suggested Limit: 720 Danger
Please let us know of your feedback/arguments.
Haron wrote:This leads to a strange strategy against pirates: Leave them alone. With no attacks to reduce their danger, they get one attack per hour per fleet. For plunder and skirmish combined.
It also increases the incentive for pirates to have an unspoken pact about attacking each other to reduce each others danger and thus get more attacks. Making such arrangements is of course not allowed, but moving your fleets to ports where other pirates have strong fleets is allowed.
Having many fleets is great if you trade. It is horrible if you try to get your income mainly from plunder and skirmish, for several reasons. I predict that such a rule will make Avonmora far more peaceful.