Law System Information

Do you have an idea for a new law? Post it here. The more support it gets, the quicker it will be implemented. Read the sticky inside for more info.

Law System Information

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:41 pm

NOTE, The law system is still INACTIVE - Once it becomes ACTIVE, we will announce it in-game (in a few days).
This means that none of what is described below is yet implemented into the game (Note, current game version is 1.2.xx).

Pirates Glory Version 1.3

Law System in Avonmora

Every country in Avonmora has a law system. The only exception are Pirates who cannot have a law system and therefore no laws can be applied to them.

A)What laws are?
-Laws are basically game rules that (most of the time) apply automatically.

B)How laws affect me?
-Primarily, every law affects the citizens of the country where the law is in effect. For example, if you are a USA citizen, then only the laws that are currently active in USA will affect you.

C)How can I see which laws are currently in effect?
-Simply click on your nation flag and then at the Laws Active page.

D)How Laws are selected?
-Players create the laws. Then the country council activates a law in a country.

E)What is the country Council?
-The country council is composed by all players in a nation. Every player, according to his title, has a voting power. Every decision therefore results from the voting results. Whoever controls the majority, does whatever he likes in the nation. Game administration does not interfere at all.

F)What if I break a law?
-The country council decides penalties for each law they activate. There are two possible penalties: Hostility points and Monetary fines.
*If you gather enough Hostility Points, you lose your citizenship and you are declared a pirate.

G)What if I do not pay a tax or monetary fine?
-Players may only pay what they want. No automatic obligations will ever exist. However the country may still add hostility points and declare you a pirate if you do not comply with their laws. Monetary fines and taxes will remain permanently till are either paid or till the country council removes them (later on, we will add judges to do this).

How do I suggest a new law?

  • Any player may propose a new law
  • All new law suggestions are made in the forums at the Law Suggestions thread
  • Specifically, you open a new topic, you write the law title you wish and all the mechanisms the law will apply.
  • Pirates Glory Developers will try to implement the law as fast as possible.
  • Once a law is implemented into the game, ANY country may use it.

Are there any limitations for laws design?

We will only interfere at the law cases which:
  • Concerns NPCs (ie Tax amount for npc citizens)
  • Harasses Newcomers(ie Tax laws will almost always exempt them)
  • Changes voting procedure (ie laws to limit/change voting of titles)

To open your horizons, a law may not only be a tax or a limitation. It can also be beneficial. For example, a gold bonus for any newcomer to the nation or special salaries for specific titles etc.

Popularity will play a great role into implementation time. If you have an idea that is supported in the forums by a lot of players no questions will be asked. Unpopular laws (ie no or few replies) will receive no priority and as a result they may never be implemented. The sole reason for this is to filter ideas easily as we expect a high volume of law requests.

How do I activate/change a new law in my country?

  • A law activation/change needs a majority voting approval to proceed.
  • Only country officials may propose new votings.
  • As country official, we regard anyone of Duke title or higher.
  • Any approved law(new or change), has a minimum life of 72hours. During this time, no new votings may start for the specific law.
  • Once a voting procedure opens, all citizens able to vote will receive a notification. The voting procedure will remain open for 72hours.
  • Once the voting closes, if the majority votes in favour, the law is activated immediately.
  • In case of a law change/deactivation, if the law was last changed/activated during the last 30 days a majority over the last voting result is also required.

Any questions, please post below and I will be updating this sticky accordingly.
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Captain Jack
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Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:12 am
Location: Pania

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