[Implemented] Nation Control/Law System

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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:23 pm

There are less than 3 days left to meet the deadline for this feature. We are progressing well and we will hopefully make it on time.

Here are some resolved issues to help you plan ahead:
-All existing nations have received a starting treasury equal to their existing player count * 1000. For example, USA which has the most players in the game right now (6,687 players), received 6.7 millions in its treasury.

-Annual default taxation (and starting as well) for player ships will be 36,500 gold coins. Country officials will be able to change this later.
This means that if you have 10 ships, you will have to pay 36500 * 10 / 365 = 1000 Gold coins a day (or 100 Gold coins per ship/day)

I will post more info as it becomes available.
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Big Brother » Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:12 am

I think that the ship taxes should come from players, it makes it a need to have some gold at all times.

BUT I think that the cargo taxes should come from the system when a player sells cargo, but when they buy cargo it should come from the player's personal amount of gold, this would lower profits (I know, I know it sounds bad but hold on), but on the other hand would give an added element to the market system and the nations. A country with low sales tax would be advantageous to a trader, but with every nation trying to attract players, they would (logically) make the sales tax lower in order to do this, as well as making it harder to make a profit, therefore requiring more strategy.
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:17 pm

The ship taxes are for players. This tax will be included in the initial version.

Tax for cargo can come as an opt-in tax for the countries that wish to include it. We have no problem adding it. However, there will be no laws creation till we implement hideout/banks. Once these are out, we will start coding whichever laws you want for your countries. Till then, you can of course suggest. After all, we do estimate that unless a law is particularly complex, it will not take long before implementation. Most will be implemented within 1 day.
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Spastic » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:38 pm

Wouldn't it make more sense to tax total income earned that day instead of every ship or is this another way other than officers to regulate ships.
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:49 pm

Spastic wrote:Wouldn't it make more sense to tax total income earned that day instead of every ship or is this another way other than officers to regulate ships.

It is important to understand that this is just another law. Countries that have officers will be able to remove it if they want.

The only reason it has been mentioned is because is going to become default for everyone, till Country council (if any) manages it. I have explained how the law system will work here: viewtopic.php?p=8980#p8980
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Spastic » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:53 pm

Still, wouldn't it make more sense to tax the total income?
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Spastic » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:59 pm

Where will all the laws be displayed?
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:16 pm

Spastic wrote:Where will all the laws be displayed?

  • Laws active will be public in the (new, forthcoming) nation page.
  • Laws possible to select, will be available to the council members (nation officials which will be any player with title Duke or Higher).
  • The laws available will be a list created by us based on your suggestions
  • We will approve the majority of law suggestions that affect Players manipulation.

The laws that will be defined by us will be:
  • Anything that affects npcs (ie Tax amount for npc citizens)
  • Anything that harasses newcomers (ie Ship tax will not apply to them)
  • Anything that affects voting procedure (ie laws to limit/change voting of titles)

As you see, total control to the players. Our interference will be as minimum as possible based on the reasons above.
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:21 pm

With taxes, it's not about being fair, mate. There be a blurred line between politician and pirate.
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Re: (!) Nation Control addons/Law System

Postby Raz Al Ghul » Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:30 pm

I agree with Captain Redbone being a pirate or a politician is nearly the same, except pirates most times don't play politics and instead just take the gold they want rather than making shady deals to get it, so all in all a pirate is at least more honest than your average politician.

I would like to propose a law/tax option for nations to choose, being able to set the tax rate for individual items, EG setting the tax rate for tobacco higher than the tax rate for tools, this way nations can perhaps make it more profitable to take the extra bit of time it takes to trade such with them and even setting an embargo on them (not allowing them to be traded in the port with an embargo for set item) in a sense making it illegal to trade rum in the port of Chalkos for example, making the price due to demand go up, then once the embargo is lifted drawing traders to trade the items making both them and the host nation gold.
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