Meliva wrote:Seems a bit like your logic is flawed there Feniks. Because you think the truth won't come out you won't speak to the people writing the news, but if you and others don't speak then the chances of the truth coming out is guaranteed to be 0%. Even if you think it's a 1 in a million shot that your words will be brought to light, that's still a better chance then 0. I mean unless you are worried they will take you out of context and twist said words-in which case, I would argue that would be a good reason to report that sort of abuse.
Danik wrote:Probably not...
If one side in an issue gets to write the history of it the other invariably protests and demands the world believes their version is the 'truth'. The media ends up being blasted from all directions for 'falsehoods' and then adopts the only solution : it says nothing. Cue complaints from all sides off 'censorship'. Cant win, really, especially when some hold to the modern view that 'truth' can be as opaque or elastic as it needs to be to 'win' the argument, no matter how petty the stakes.
Dejanira wrote:This may be an interesting way to present news. Multiple points of view. Something like "Australia says... and Spain says... and Fenick says... etc."
After all it's exactly the same hook used by Game of Thrones to keep people reading/watching.
Imagine historial events told this way. Argentina said that Islas Melvinas were occupied by force by UK and that they asked gently many times to set them free. Uk said that Argentina made an ambush against peaceful people living in a quiet side of the world but that people were loyal to the Crown.
Not just a rant like this is false! I'm the only one who knows the *truth*
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Radio Bermuda: the Radio you can read.
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Feniks wrote:You are correct. It would have been an interesting approach if it had been done that way...... but alas, it seems the story has been written and Cersei and Jamie Lannister are already dead.
Dejanira wrote:Feniks can you let us know your version then?