Republic of Pirates

All disapproved suggestions or suggestions that refer to disapproved suggestion can be found here.

How do you feel about a Republic of Pirates nation structure

Yes, this would be a good addition to the game
No, pirate nation should not have any function
Good idea but needs some adjustments
Pirate nation should have functions but something completely different
No, I don't like changes
No, I don't like pirates
Total votes : 56

Re: Republic of Pirates

Postby Meliva » Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:46 am

Dauner light wrote:I believe her name was Ching... something
Seems like i might have to go restudy that piece of history. And pirate nation isn't necessary for pirates to team up. They can just join a pirate guild or unofficially form a team. I think the existing game mechanisms allow all that

By that logic, nations aren't needed either because of guilds. Sure there are pirate guilds, but guilds lack a lot of variety at the moment. There is no difference between 2 guilds except for the members in it and what rules they set up-no special perks, no bonuses, nothing unique. Guild development is something that should be added, but until then, having a mechanic where pirates from various guilds and indiviuals can unite into would be a cool addition in my opinion.
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Re: Republic of Pirates

Postby Mack » Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:32 pm

William one eye wrote:
- Rum festival yields an extra +2 per crate in that port, to any merchant brave enough to approach the port. Population be not important – the pirates will gladly drink your rum.
- Rum purchase at market yields and extra +3 purchase price over the highest normal port rate

the party card bonus is the only thing i disagree with i like the rest..

i didnt like the danger bonus at first, but it makes sense to have a small advatage for sneaky pirates.
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Re: Republic of Pirates

Postby William one eye » Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:26 pm

Mack wrote:
William one eye wrote:
- Rum festival yields an extra +2 per crate in that port, to any merchant brave enough to approach the port. Population be not important – the pirates will gladly drink your rum.
- Rum purchase at market yields and extra +3 purchase price over the highest normal port rate

the party card bonus is the only thing i disagree with i like the rest..

i didnt like the danger bonus at first, but it makes sense to have a small advatage for sneaky pirates.

We are definitely open to constructive critisism.
The suggestion is open to additions subtractions and modifications. It has been setup with ideas that make interesting additions and fit the theme. I have tried to only include things that would actually integrate well and also have purpose. That does not mean the are actually needed or that they are the best way for it to function. Always looking for better ideas or creative ways to acheive the objective in a simpler but still effectve way.
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Re: Republic of Pirates

Postby Lana » Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:06 pm

Thanks William and Argo, I tried... :)

Argo wrote:@Lana...Im not up for the 'likes' for fame but I love the rest...great idea

Why not Argo? I didn’t mean this would be the only way to gain fame, but one of them. For example, when started visiting forum, I read few posts of Danik and after that, when I see he is posting, I read automatically that thread. So, he is on my list of the most popular (famous) players, although I can’t remember when he attacked me in game. Also, I would remove the possibility of stealing fame via cards (Pirate tales), so the fame could be diminished only via combat actions. Also, some of earned fame, like in case of Da Vinci, for example, can’t be stolen (like being first on many lists…that is something that have to be known via permanent fame points). Further, the years of playing, being leaders of guilds and nations ( BS, CDV, SHM, Lodswe, Shaydo, Skyhawk, Tom Lowe etc... etc …) carries with it a certain level of fame, so… there are many ways to make fame to really mean something… not only a burden.
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Re: Republic of Pirates

Postby Argo » Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:54 pm

Lana wrote:Thanks William and Argo, I tried... :)

Argo wrote:@Lana...Im not up for the 'likes' for fame but I love the rest...great idea

Why not Argo?

Lana..Im sorry..I did not mean to appear dismissive at all..Like Will said, we are looking for ideas and help to put this together so any suggestion is appreciated and considered valuable..I do like the idea of permanent fame at some level of achievement only bumped off in battle. I just don't agree with the 'likes' concept to do it. Some people write and express themselves better than others. This can make it difficult for some to get their point across in a way that excites and thrills everybody else...Doesn't mean what they are saying is inept, it just says the readers like the way it has been expressed...a whole different thang...I'm not sure Id like fame, as we know it here in PG, to become a popularity contest which I think 'likes' can do..

But I do agree, battle fame could be a little more balanced toward those who fly the black At this stage, fame doesn't account for a great deal really and pirates cant keep it anyway bc we lose an extraordinary amount by yes, it would be great to see fame do something other than just jump and

Even if we can get the most basic functions for Pirate Nation, it will give us something else to do...apart from, gather intel, raid and repeat.
It is really interesting to read peoples opinions on this subject, passionately divided at times...altho unless ye been a pirate here, ye may not be able to see it from our perspective...
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Re: Republic of Pirates

Postby Lana » Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:39 pm

Hahah, don't apologize, I haven't feel offended, I just gave you my explanation (in the form of a question> why not?), why do I think ''likes'' could be useful.
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