Gone cold

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Re: Gone cold

Postby Meliva » Tue Oct 29, 2019 8:10 am

Dmanwuzhere wrote:fantasy and reality are easy to discern
there are quite a few pedos released each year on probation or parole would you like to house one? :D :D :D
i havent seen a mass migration of us citizens to join the somalian pirates to live out their fantasy :D :D :D

Different crimes tend to have different opinions on how it's looked at. Don't think anyone(sane that is) would be fond of pedos, or want to dress up as one for Halloween or pretend to be one, but pretend to be a pirate, looting merchant ships, is way different(even if how it's portrayed in modern times is nothing like how it was-being a pirate actually was pretty awful for the most part-which explains the appeal).

You also have other notable crimes that tend to get romanticized-highway men robbing the wealthy, assassins, train and bank robbers, etc.

Hell for some reason people even like that fifty shades series, I never read or watched it, but I've heard it involves stalking, manipulation and other unpleasant things and people find it romantic. People are crazy honestly :D

Edit-and while it is uncommon some folks have left home to join dangerous groups. Don't know if any did so for Somalia pirates, but I do know some have for terrorist groups. But I won't discuss that here any further-best to leave real world problems outta the game for the most part honestly.
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Re: Gone cold

Postby Argo » Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:36 am

Aussie Bushrangers such as Ned Kelly and Ben Hall have been romanticized and are adored..and they made a big mess... :P
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Re: Gone cold

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:58 am

percentages and the word some are key for such a discussion
there are branches of the lgbtq community that support pedos and are welcoming it
people do not fall in love with the occupation or criminal
people are suckers for a good story
without the story crime is unlikely to be romanticized
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Re: Gone cold

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:03 pm

The Catholic Church is not generally considered to be part of the LGBTQ+ community but its well-documented proclavities of a significant number of its adherents do not make all Christians paedophiles.

Paedophilia is not specific to any one sexuality or gender. Statistically, its prevalence is domestic : family members are the usual abusers.

If you want a history lesson consider this : the god-fearing folk of Delaware were once happy to set the age of consent for marriage at seven. Other founding states of the Union set ages of ten and twelve. Under the three-year rule girls of 12 and 13 were still being legally married in some states right up to the 1930's. In the 1950's and 60's girls of 15 were being legally married.

During the Gold Rush, the City of San Francisco resolved to deal with the problem of child prostitution by setting the minimum age for prostitution at ten.

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Re: Gone cold

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:37 pm

when i see catholicism printing fliers and having parades in support of pedophiles i will engage in rhetoric against that religion
in fact the current proposal of the bishops allowing priests to marry in the amazon is a step in the right direction imo
life expectancy was under 25 years in the early colony of virginia, and in seventeenth-century new england, about 40 percent died before reaching adulthood
and while i dont agree with the ages you mentioned as the age of consent for marriage i at least understand the argument from a breeding aspect
but it becomes even more perverse when life expectancy hits close to 90 and doubly perverse when fully supporting pedos just to keep pushing the boundaries
before long i am sure we will see #sheeptoo and #allbillygoatsmarry arguments :D :D :D
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Re: Gone cold

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:50 pm

The relevant laws and data are easily researchable. The early states were actually rather forward thinking as few nations of that period even had laws about such matters. Rather it was based on custom and tradition.

But your utilitarian argument fails on its own premise. Pre-pubertal girls can not breed. There is no 'breeding bonus' from marriage at such immature ages. So, what remains as the reason to do so?

Actually, the animal marriage nonsense is a prime example of dog whistling. Quite what the LGBTQ+ community have to do with the promotion of bestiality is comically arcane at best. But it's a stick to beat them with along the lines of the 'do you still f*** pigs?' debate gambit. (Even more comically, a British Prime Minister was alleged to have done just that in his youth).

The scourge of paedophilia predates the LGBTQ+ community of the current day. It's roots are deep in our common history and prevalently heterosexual in nature. But never let reality get in the way of a convenient prejudice.
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Re: Gone cold

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:17 pm

the argument was not mine as i stated opposition to the minor ages so it doesnt fall flat
Lina Medina and a long list of others will prove you wrong as to the breeding concept and while she gave birth before the age of 6
that is uncommon but the list becomes longer as the age doubles
i think those who are the fathers in those cases should have been castrated and beaten daily but that wouldnt be supported by law or my current belief system but it mirrors the anger those actions bring
and then there is groups such as NAMBLA who represent the same behavior with young boys

the push at boundaries and move to normalize things knows no end
prepubescent sex changes are all the new rage and and its just as evil but to push the boundaries the lgbqt supports it as well
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Re: Gone cold

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:32 pm

Mis-apprehension rules still. Pre-pubertal is not age-defined, its a physical state which precludes pregnancy for the simple fact no eggs exist to be fertilised.

That can only occur following menarchy which precludes paedophilia as a factor, which is medically defined as a sexual interest in pre-pubescents. You can't have your cake and eat it unless you change the definition of cake. Which is what the media do on this subject.

Yes, there are documented cases of extremely early menarchy. But such cases are exactly that, extreme outliers. The usual age-range is fairly consistent with environmental factors being a key element in its movements. Nutrition being one. Early onset of puberty has been linked with increased hormonal levels in food and water.

Which still has nothing to do with the LGBTQ+ community. Such early pregnancies are heterosexually based, an LGBTQ+ relationship rarely results in such events without the intervention of medical assistance.

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Re: Gone cold

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:08 pm

lol so all the male pedos who had sex with minors who were male are not gay and somehow do not fall under the lgbqt title and women who have done the same with minor females are also excluded?
funny how that works
they are not covered by the gay umbrella because you say so
what were you saying about that cake lol

and while i used to believe the egg myth you do my daughter told me just last week that females have x amount of eggs at birth
this sparked a debate until she proved her argument to me and now i pass that onto to you
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Re: Gone cold

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:20 pm

You used early pregnancies as your argument. Again, how do homosexual relationships result in pregnancy without medical intervention? You seek to blame all ills on a community which predominately has no interest in the sexual crimes you attribute to it. Do some LGBTQ+ individuals have paedophiliac tendencies? Of course. But to stretch that across all LGBTQ+ people is the same as claiming the entire christian faith promotes paedophilia based on the crimes of some of its adherents.

The sexual abuse of children is an abhorrent act. It warrrants the heaviest punishment. But the guilt and blame lay upon the perpetrators, not two old queens or young dykes or indeterminate gendered persons living together in happy mutual bliss who would rather like to legally formalise that relationship.

But hey... whistle while you knee-jerk.. it takes far less thought. It also means not having to consider that the primary sexual threat to our children is not LGBTQ+ persons but good old straight males holding down steady jobs and going to church on Sunday.
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