Bermuda Daily - Issue #84: Waltzers

Bermuda Daily - Issue #84: Waltzers

Postby Dejanira » Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:45 am

Bermuda Daily - Issue #84: Der schönen Donau!

When a whole family dedicates the life to the same field, there might be some puzzles. This Johann Strauss of the piece we propose today is usually called Johann Strauss II, for he was son of Johann and uncle of another Johann and the three of them (plus other family members) were all composers.
Since the second half of IXX century, this waltz became one of the most wordly known. It should actually be referred as op. 314, but it is famous as The Blue Danube (or An der schönen blauen Donau).

So Radio Image Bermuda suggests today the listening of On the Beautiful Blue Danube by the Vienna Philarmonic directed by Carlos Kleiber.


Lets then follow the river in its multicultural journey thru Germany, Austria, Slovakia (I think), Hungary, Croatia (I might be wrong), Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldavia (I'm not sure), Romania, and Ukraine before it ends in the Black Sea.
The river changes flag very fast, it seems, and very often ;)

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Re: Bermuda Daily - Issue #84: Waltzers

Postby Sebena » Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:25 am

You forgot Ukraine it has 3.8% of the flow going there
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Re: Bermuda Daily - Issue #84: Waltzers

Postby Dejanira » Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:36 am

Thank you. :y I edited the opening post
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Re: Bermuda Daily - Issue #84: Waltzers

Postby Lana » Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:54 pm

:y :)
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