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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby Magnus the red » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:09 am

well let's do math
if you BD 1% of 1,000,000 = 10,000 dead
the TI would restore 1% of 990,000= 9,900 restored
so no that doesn't work :D
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:12 am

Clockwork wrote:Your an idiot if you didnt know that bd and ti are not set quantities they are set percentages.

100bs will do more damage to a higher population than 200 bds to a lowered population.

lol and 100 tis will fix 100bds whereas it will take 200 tis to fix 200bds duuuuhhhhhhhhhh :D :D :D :D

so the damage repaired in credits is 800 credits (roughly) to 1600 credits (roughly) you go boi show those math skills :D :D :D

if you ask cj he may make you right go ahead ask him :D :D :D :D
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby Magnus the red » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:15 am

Dmanwuzhere wrote:
Clockwork wrote:Your an idiot if you didnt know that bd and ti are not set quantities they are set percentages.

100bs will do more damage to a higher population than 200 bds to a lowered population.

lol and 100 tis will fix 100bds whereas it will take 200 tis to fix 200bds duuuuhhhhhhhhhh :D :D :D :D

so the damage repaired in credits is 800 credits (roughly) to 1600 credits (roughly) you go boi show those math skills :D :D :D

if you ask cj he may make you right go ahead ask him :D :D :D :D

Pretending you're right doesn't make you right percentages deal with the total if you TI at 100 people you bring back 1 if you TI at 100,000,000 you get 1,000,000 back dipstick
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:16 am

Clockwork wrote:Your an idiot if you didnt know that bd and ti are not set quantities they are set percentages.

100bs will do more damage to a higher population than 200 bds to a lowered population.

the damage will be in the repair bill not the population as the population doesnt fix itself because pg is rated pg :D :D :D :D
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby PFH » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:17 am

The prices of tis and bds fluctuate so no they will not be consistantly that price as you project. The more tis used the higher demand meaning more sales and higher prices. You rarely buy 200 of them for the same price and if you do they were all listed at the same time or under one bid.
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:21 am

Magnus the red wrote:
Dmanwuzhere wrote:
Clockwork wrote:Your an idiot if you didnt know that bd and ti are not set quantities they are set percentages.

100bs will do more damage to a higher population than 200 bds to a lowered population.

lol and 100 tis will fix 100bds whereas it will take 200 tis to fix 200bds duuuuhhhhhhhhhh :D :D :D :D

so the damage repaired in credits is 800 credits (roughly) to 1600 credits (roughly) you go boi show those math skills :D :D :D

if you ask cj he may make you right go ahead ask him :D :D :D :D

Pretending you're right doesn't make you right percentages deal with the total if you TI at 100 people you bring back 1 if you TI at 100,000,000 you get 1,000,000 back dipstick

notice the roughly in credit calculations you may need 1 more ti so 8 more credits but the damage to repair is of course greater from 200 bds than 100 bds ..... but the good news is we are about to find out soon enough ;)

you wanna buy some plushies? i need the cash to gamble :D

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Name DetailsRRPRemovePrice (PU)
Jaguar Plushie x100
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby Lachlan » Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:10 am

Clockwork wrote:Youd think deluge would stop after such a war as well as dman, but it seems they pick on GUARD And try to extort money out of newbies. 10 million to be exact.

Here is what i think of that. Its sad that you would both pick on lesser players and would go as low as to try to extort from fresh players. Yeah i tried to extort usa. Didnt go well because they can actually fight back.

Picking on players that have not such a knowledge is lowly and you two rats should go back to your sewers. No one likes a rat but lots more love a suzy. Tis why am still standing for what i believe is right. Because people support a suzy who doesnt care what he is attacking. He faces his threat head on.

Actually his most recent demand was 25 million
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby PFH » Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:59 am

Oh its been upped? Figures
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:40 am

ah yes the i tried to extort the usa but dman called pro back to the game so i failed excuse
and the i try to run newbs out of the game i dont like but its my job not yours argument lmao it only gets better the more you cry

deluge is a newb yet he did so well suzy needed to go help lmao gtfoh
i hadnt went at guard hard but after two days of seeing 5 on 1 i told lacky he should wrap it up within a couple days
and then i just returned what was cast

dont like being attacked and then extorted? then dont hit .... duuuhhh :D
newbs like to extort i guess they think its a pirate way

theres a newb tried to extort feniks
i wouldnt call it toxic i would call it funny
but deluge laughed at shadow taking your sotls ( i might just give him one of em for the fun of it)
then he laughed at pro taking your mows lol matter of fact he foretold it and it wounded your pride
now you want him gone...... not happening ;)
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Re: To members of VUDU

Postby PFH » Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:30 am

Did you forget i congratulated both pro and shadow for taking my stuff? Deluge just wanted attention. He got some alright :)

Seemed he only got it from a pompomless cheerleader.
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