Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

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Re: Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Thu May 23, 2019 11:36 pm

If you make it cheaper and easier for one player to build mega warehouses.. you make it cheaper and easier gor all to make bigger warehouses. Cant just make it cheap at the top end.
Half my w/h capacity (c.2500 levels) was built pre-academy.. it all cost full price : the rest (c 3000 levels) since with varying levels of tech discount : if this proposal goes thru to reduce costs again then I want a refund and so should every other w/h owner.
It would be plainly unfair for a few players dreaming of mega watehouses to get them cheap just because they want them while the rest of us built them at higher cost.
And consider.. reducing costs just moves the bar along some. Will we see a similar proposal once lvl5000 w/h aint big enough either and building lvl 5001 is just too expensive to be profitable?

Its a worrying trend in this game : this constant pressure to make it easier : less hard work and less time to get things done. When I started a SotL was a goal.. not an entitlement. You worked and gathered and saved then finally built one. Great day it was too.. you had arrived. Now you can sail a four SotL fleet and still be under beginners protection. Theoretically there is nothing to stop a newb under protection sailing a 5 MoW fleet. Now thats all well and good but whats left to strive for?
Last edited by Most Lee Harmless on Thu May 23, 2019 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

Postby Bigtea47 » Thu May 23, 2019 11:49 pm

Danik wrote:If you make it cheaper and easier for one player to build mega warehouses.. you make it cheaper and easier gor all to make bigger warehouses. Cant just make it cheap at the top end.
Half my w/h capacity (c.2500 levels) was built pre-academy.. it all cost full price : the rest (c 3000 levels) since with varying levels of tech discount : if this proposal goes thru to reduce costs again then I want a refund and so should every other w/h owner.
It would be plainly unfair for a few players dreaming of mega watehouses to get them cheap just because they want them while the rest of us built them at higher cost.
And consider.. reducing costs just moves the bar along some. Will we see a similar proposal once lvl5000 w/h aint big enough either and building lvl 5001 is just too expensive to be profitable?

Well i guess the better idea is to increase the capacity. Have it scale more with levels rather than the same. Possibly research to do that. It would for sure work out better for everyone that way, than mess with the price and affect people like you who have already put in billions.
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Re: Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Fri May 24, 2019 12:07 am

Increasing capacity is not that different to lowering the build cost : same result : more space per coin spent.This just disadvantages long term players yet again. In the same way techs did, for most of us had already maxed out much of what techs could reduce costs for. Like the free captain when plundering a ship mattered little when you had already bought and paid for 200+. But each of these changes do advantage newer players who can progress faster and at less cost in time resources and effort. So dont be surprised to see that older players might consider this yet another 'WTF.. we had to pay full price and what for, to be left behind again?' moment.
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Re: Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

Postby William one eye » Fri May 24, 2019 1:09 am

Think i agree with danik on this one.

A compromise would be to increase max capacity and multiply capacity by a factor equal to the cost differential, increasing all existing warehouses retroactively when changing the cost per upgrade.

Another possibilty is to create a card similar to bribe but for warehouses. Possibly replace a low use card.

Cast could chance based for warehouse upgrade 10x, 5x, 1x or just yeild a golem.

Chance would prevent the card from becoming to expensive in the market as many may prefer just to get what they pay for with standard upgrade. New players could choose to use the card to upgrade or sell the card to finace standard upgrade.
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Re: Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

Postby Grimrock Litless » Fri May 24, 2019 9:39 am

I am the big dog when it comes to party trading, and the current system works just fine.
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Re: Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

Postby Dejanira » Sat May 25, 2019 8:54 am

I have to admit I'm fine with the way it is :)
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Re: Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

Postby Shadowood » Sat May 25, 2019 1:43 pm

William one eye wrote:
Another possibilty is to create a card similar to bribe but for warehouses. Possibly replace a low use card.

Cast could chance based for warehouse upgrade 10x, 5x, 1x or just yeild a golem.

Chance would prevent the card from becoming to expensive in the market as many may prefer just to get what they pay for with standard upgrade. New players could choose to use the card to upgrade or sell the card to finace standard upgrade.

I find this idea very interesting
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Re: Warehouse upgrade costs reduction

Postby Grimrock Litless » Sat May 25, 2019 6:12 pm

Shadowood wrote:
William one eye wrote:
Another possibilty is to create a card similar to bribe but for warehouses. Possibly replace a low use card.

Cast could chance based for warehouse upgrade 10x, 5x, 1x or just yeild a golem.

Chance would prevent the card from becoming to expensive in the market as many may prefer just to get what they pay for with standard upgrade. New players could choose to use the card to upgrade or sell the card to finace standard upgrade.

I find this idea very interesting

Basically bribe, but for warehouse, that's not very creative.
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