NPC citizens Tax dependable on Political Situation

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NPC citizens Tax dependable on Political Situation

Postby Captain Jack » Sat May 18, 2019 3:55 pm

Right now this is collected daily, regardless of political situation. This is unrealistic.

The suggestion is a penalty of reduced income when there is no rightful King or when there has been a recent switch of hands.

Rightful King: 100% of NPC tax income
No rightful King: A penalty of 25% to simulate transitions turmoil.

However, we also need a reduce in times the port changes hands. Here we can introduce the concept of Traditional Port controller. This will simulate the populations hostility over a takeover.

Traditional Owner can look back for as many days as we set. We can use 365 or 180 or 30 or at least 7. The call is yours. I would prefer a long enough period (like 30 days). The penalty on tax income will be relative to the period you choose. For example, for 7 days, it should start at 70%, reduced by 10% per day. If you choose 30 days, the initial penalty should be 30%, reduced by 1% per day.

Here is an example on how it will work, taking in mind multiple ownerships:
In case of 7 days: The system will check the owner of the port in the last 7 days. If the nation held the port 5 out of 7, a penalty of 20% will be imposed.

Or if the port has just fallen at the hands of a nation, the nation has had it 0 days in the last 7 days, so a penalty of 70% will be imposed. At day 2 it will be 60%, etc.
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Re: NPC citizens Tax dependable on Political Situation

Postby PFH » Sat May 18, 2019 4:04 pm

so once the period is complete, the taxes will return to normal?

Also i suggest we can manipulate the NPC income as well. It used to be 10 but now 5.

Depending on the taxes required, it could insight an angry populous or a happier populous. More taxes means less people able to afford it whereas lower taxes means more can afford it

But depending on the politics, even the lowest of taxes could be refused based on public opinion.
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Re: NPC citizens Tax dependable on Political Situation

Postby Kangaroo » Sat May 18, 2019 11:13 pm

I don't see much point to it. Feels like an edit for the sake of an edit.
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Re: NPC citizens Tax dependable on Political Situation

Postby Magnus the red » Sun May 19, 2019 12:25 am

Kangaroo wrote:I don't see much point to it. Feels like an edit for the sake of an edit.

Agreed it's just not really something worth changing
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Re: NPC citizens Tax dependable on Political Situation

Postby Stan Rogers » Sun May 19, 2019 12:33 am

Spain has had a few 'rightful Kings' in the last few months and with the current system,there is no impact when the crown changes heads other than the 3 day Rightful King transition, however, in this situation, the nation would be penalized for consensual changeover regardless if it was done by the political will of its citizens
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Re: NPC citizens Tax dependable on Political Situation

Postby PFH » Sun May 19, 2019 12:43 am

It would be different if this only happened to players that made marquess 7 days prior to taking king seat
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Re: NPC citizens Tax dependable on Political Situation

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sun May 19, 2019 12:46 am

Seems to me to be just another penalty for nations having the temerity to own a port.
My first thought on reading it was 'Mmm.. now theres a way to mess with a nation : prop the rightful king and force a change of ruler and.. wham.. tax is down for a week or even longer if the former king regains their throne.' Even more options exist now for interlopers to extort treasury from nations. 'Pay us or we ferk your taxes and you lose it anyway'.
But nations have but one defence. Pay. And still get *****.
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