Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby Roileon » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:02 am

Yep, completely revolutionized how the game is played. Definitely he deserves of his place in Hall of Fame. There is also the fact that most of the war tactics (before new voodoo) were tactics developed in the SGT Blue v Xep war, aka, the Blue Wars, aka, the war that crippled my fighting power to do day, (All those ship of the lines, i had so many.WHY? WHY DID I ENTER THAT CARNIVOROUS WAR???!!!) Anyway, despite how destructive the war was to both sides, (Reasoning Falkland Islands had so much influence) there were lots of new awesomely destructive tactics that came from it. Thanks to your good ol pal skyhawk. It war the PK v RN war that I became known for in my use of, lets say, devious yet extremely well coordinated tactics. It is these tactics why someone with 21million fame can drop in 2 hours to 25. You know Ro, all these tactics that might seem obvious and simple today, were actually revolutionary and new before. Like, using fugitives before the hour (skyhawk). Or casting voodoo and capping it off with a mindbar, (skyhawk) that was SUPER TOP SECRET when it was first thought of. Now it's just plain obvious ;)
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby Rolando » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:07 am

A, yo, ho, ho, and hi, diddly dee, its a rough and tough life of the pirate for me! When you win, its not a sin! No! its been a long voyage here, so grab a cutlass, kick a lubber off the plank, and give a shout and cheer! Now some may say, that plunder is not the way, and some may reproach and clash, but there's no argument, no nose is out of bent, when they fall off the plank with a splash.
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby Big Brother » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:20 am

Ha ha Joe, Nice try with the Fugitives...
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby Raz Al Ghul » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:30 am

Doom you may see it as a sign of weakness, but the fact remains that we are able to hit many other stronger and much wealthier targets with our big numerous warships, plus we can defend ourselves from attacks as well if need be, we do not take any action we cannot back up with force we are not foolish or weak, we are wise and strong, (least the ones that learn their mistakes) we do not target weaker poorer players unless they attack first with voodoo as you and Maj did, and being unable to defend ones ships from being taken is the sign of weakness as your ships are used to help us prosper so keep building and keep casting we can always use more ships.

As for your comment about there is no glory in stealing and being a cut throat, just shows how foolish one can be, Edward Teach (Blackbeard) the real one, was one of the most well known and notorious Pirates of his day, he stole many ships and kept many of the warships to bolster his strength and power, his pride and joy The Queen Ann's Revenge was one such ship that he stole, when one takes on nations one has to have an army to back their actions.

Laugh now while you can, we will always be watching your moves, and laughing at your mistakes that you never learn from.
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby Big Brother » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:40 am

Ah, but you don't get this part. You don't NEED to have all the fancy gizmos to gain in this game. You must realize (hopefully), that while those big, strong, wealthy players may have the big, strong, expensive ships. How do they stay big and powerful? By having traders to keep their gold up of course. All the big names in this game got their big ships not from plundering, but from trading. You have to have traders to keep your gold up. So, us "lower level" players may not have large, expensive ships, but we have the good ships, the ones that can weaken and even destroy the big names for cheap. We just know how to play smart. Traders are a weakness, and the big ships (without the traders) are weakened by the cost that you must pay to keep them. Stolen traders just shouts the phrase "I AM STEALING BECAUSE I AM WEAK" among other phrases.
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby Big Brother » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:50 am

The fact that bigger ships, means more traders is a weakness that I will exploit until the end of time. While you, in PK may claim that I am not playing, I'd like to tell you that I am playing, just in a different way than you.
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby Rolando » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:59 am

Are you arguing with yourself? The PK do not require anyone to justify themselves, only those arguing here seem to. Everyone is free to do as they will, and results speak louder than words.
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby MAjesty » Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:34 am

hey guys.... u really shouldnt "argue" with princess rolando, the way they all attack at once, wear the same flag, and arrived when rolando started spending bookoo money on this game....

im not even necessary pointing out that he might be cheating.

im saying dont feed the trolls. you gain nothing from responding to the likes of this...

if u want to learn piracy, talk to the Pirate King, and/or the swarm that is Fox. the leadership has been here longer, and knows how to fight, especially without voodoo.. which amazingly we now have THOUSANDS of cards.. so we're set.

gah 17 messages. do u really expect me to read all this nonsense... seriously, pathetic.

but Iris, im not telling, im Asking you to disengage from these trolls. theyre inferior gamers let em run their mouths....

on a related note would u believe these losers cast at least 8 ambush and god knows how many other booty masters time spirals etc.... seriously for 6 solid hours all of the accounts that are under rolandos direct or indirect control slung expensive rares at me and they earned.. wait for it.. 100 THOUSAND gold

i took 5 mill from jessie in 10 minutes. another 6 from Errak Reis and thats with ONLY 6 uncommon. the idiot circus spent 6 hours throwing rares at me... 6 hours... and got peanuts. l2p noobs
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby Rolando » Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:16 am

Are you not well ? Your the one who has been accused and punished for all the things you accuse me and the PK of, pot and kettle boyo. Sorry you cannot accept your place under the PK's boots. Its easy to blame others for one's own mistakes. I would also like to point out I have not insulted or called anyone a name, so I would appreciate your next comment in reasonable and complete sentences.
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Re: Announcing a taxation of all traders. ATTN Marwen

Postby MAjesty » Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:55 am

see gents. u cant engage trolls. they will Always come back with an off topic distraction.

dont waste ur free time with arguing with trolls, its like having a religious debate with an airport Hare Christa, just cuz theyre lying, and even know theyre lying doesnt mean theyll stop talking.

remember the idiot squad spent their first few months begging for freebies, then one of them suddenly starting paying insane amounts of money to protect the 60's i gave him when they were eloquently demonstrating their "we're all on the same team" performance.

they dont know how to play.... they're noobs with $$$. considering how much more then them we already have, and how bad they are at using what they have..... there is no need to engage these clowns in troll-debate.

let them cheer about all the winnings they got attacking noobs with real $$$ on the forum, doesnt effect u or me...

we've been here through thick and thin... and i came out with more treasure then anyone but da vinci, the Fox boss is forum mod because of his devotion to this game.. and the rest not mentioned, well everyones been here for awhile and has a story that doesnt involve begging to get ahead.

-The Pirate King

btw pr, stop lying in public. i cant post the chats we had in the 24 hours leading up to ur betrayal of PK... i cant post them in forum, but ive sent them out to the people who matters. the people who matter know ur all liars.... so just stop pretending. just be the credit card commandos we all know u to be... i think its pathetic the way u go about it. but im not saying thats an invalid play strategy... go to town with it. Sgt Blue rocked out the CCC play-style.but pretending i committed a crime against the guild i welcomed u both into with multiple lvl 10 sotls (for u both and many of ur friends) and then attacking me with the same SOTLs immediately after ur betrayal makes it rather obvious that i didnt commit any crime regarding my fleet except a crime against myself...

trusting that u 2 would be a little grateful for the hundreds of millions i gave u when i had a 680 ship fleet was a bad idea.

i should have realized u were lying wanna-bes..... as such its a crime against myself.

i did more to benefit ur account then anyone here. without my sotls u wudnt have been able to capture aggrippa's MOW etc..

and u turned on me... and yet ur still a fragment of the Pirate i am.

thats why im the King

and ur the loser
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