RolePlay- Festival of Peace

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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Sat Mar 30, 2019 2:05 am

Dow glares at it as it glares back

That's Ino. Emily's familiar. I imagine she sent it here to make sure you delivered the message and to make sure Salipsa died. Based on the fact I think I can see a bit of blood on it's mouth I imagine she had it eat her or at least maul her. Emily isn't exactly a very merciful person. At this point I guess it's just keeping an eye on us out of boredom. Or worse case scenario it plans to maul me next. Me and the mutt don't get along-it likes to stalk and maul me in it's free time if it spots me.

The flames in the cave finally die down. Dow stands up and begins walking to the cave-Ino matching her step for step, stopping when she stops and moving when she moves causing Dow to frown before cursing silently before rushing into the cave, Ino quickly sprinting after her. Dow shouting as she runs

Go to hell damn you, leave me be.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Magnus the red » Sat Mar 30, 2019 2:12 am

Vincent shakes his head
The things I do for treasure.
He then shouts to Dow while running into the cave
I'm on my way be careful!
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:48 am

a short time later, Dow, and Ino are deep in the cave, most of it filled with ashes, soot and burnt rocks. In the very bottom of the cave a single thing remains alive-a very large monster. It looks like a large hairy worm, but on closer look the "hair" are bladelike appendages, dozens of them, and with a very large maw filled with very nasty looking teeth. Dozens of eyes line the beasts body, which it quickly uses to spot the group and slowly begins moving towards them. Dow backing up cautiously as she whips out a sword and pistol as she whispers to Ino

Maul me later mutt, we should focus on killing this bugger first.

The dog simply growls before turning to the worm and begins circling it. The creature is unsure of which to attack first constantly looking to both targets as Dow shouts

Oy, Vincent, Michael, little help would be appreciated.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Magnus the red » Sun Mar 31, 2019 1:04 pm

Vincent lunges scraping the blade against the creature's side drawing some of its vile blood
What is this thing?!
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:52 pm

Dow shrugs as she shoots it and swings her sword at it

Don't know, some sort of abomination, but pretty sure you already knew that much.

Ino quickly leaps onto it, a few of the beasts blade going through it as it does so, and begins viciously biting and clawing the monster, digging deep into it, from it's several wounds, smaller worms much like it begin crawling out, and begin moving to attack, Dow begins backing up once more in shock

This is easily in the top 10 weirdest slash grossest things i have encountered.

Dow shoots a shot to the ceiling, causing some rocks to land on the beast and its kin, while Ino quickly get's cut up and flung away, slowly getting back up
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Magnus the red » Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:19 pm

Vincent shrugs
good enough for me
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Jack Teach » Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:29 pm

Michael fires his pistol at the beast. Then draws his sword and hacks at it
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Magnus the red » Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:44 pm

Vincent startled by the gunshot
Welcome to the party Michael!

Vincent lunges forward stabbing one of the worm's eyes
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:44 pm

The worm rears back, and slams head first into the ground, quickly burrowing away. The smaller worms quickly follow suit. Dow cautiously looks into the hole

That, probably isn't good.

Dow keeps an eye on the ground Ino likewise looks around carefully. After a couple minutes the worm resurfaces swallowing Ino, it's teeth rapidly chewing the dog quite badly before swallowing. The smaller worms emerge near Vincent and Michaels feet, badly cutting them up as they latch onto them with their mouths, the blades on their bodies sticking into the legs. Dow quickly begins reaching into her robes, and chucks an explosive into the large worm's mouth, badly hurting it as more smaller worms come crawling out of it. She begins hacking at them as the large worms burrows away again, leaving behind many of it's offspring.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Magnus the red » Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:10 pm

Vincent pulls a dagger and skewers some of the worms as he leans against the wall of the cave screaming
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