Like real insurance, the banker should claim the loan insurance when it is default nd not an automatic thing.
I had a loan that was being paid out and I was happy with it, when suddenly loan insurance kicked it and took it!
PhoenixKnight wrote:The law insurance now is good as a policy. The mechanics of collection is the issue. Manual submission is what I ask for. Payment would be in lieu of the policy
DezNutz wrote:+1 Approve.
This actually is very logical. Bank loans shouldn't automatically be picked up by the Nation if loan insurance is available. The use of Loan Insurance should be optional. Bankers should have to submit the loan to receive the insurance for the defaulted loan.
Additional thought. If a player could choose when to submit, there would need to be restrictions on it specifically in regards to the possibility of a player switching nations to get a better loan insurance. In the event a banker changes nations and has an inactive player with a past due loan, loan insurance of the nation the banker leaves should automatically kick in for those loans. I think that is the best route to take in that situation.