RolePlay- Festival of Peace

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RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:27 am

And here's the new Rp. On a realism scale this is gonna be a 4-so magic and exaggerations are to be expected.

1. Try to keep things in character. Don't post something unrelated to the RP here. If you don't like this RP, don't complain about it here. Post a new thread or start your own RP thread if you don't like this one. I would actually be quite happy if someone posts a RP of their own so please feel free to do so.
2. You can control your characters actions-You can not control others. NPC's are fair game and anyone can control them, so long as its believable and in character. A guard for example shouldn't just up and decide to shoot an orphan for no reason-that is out of character. Anyone without a name will be considered a NPC, if you name a character but want it to be a NPC then just mention that said character is NPC in quotation marks after a post.
3. You are allowed to have multiple characters- but be reasonable. Don't flood the story with a bunch of your characters. 2 or 3 in one story is fine, anything past that is sort of pushing it unless you are really good at managing them.
4. Use Italics for actions, and try to separate things nice and neat. Also use paragraphs when needed. Quotations if for speaking out of the roleplay.
5. No editing of a post once you post it. The exception is to fix spelling mistakes or minor errors. It can be real annoying when someone posts one thing and another responds to it only to find what they responded too is now completely different.
6-Do not act on knowledge you know but your character doesn't- If for example Character A is being attacked in the tavern, and your character is in the church, you can't have your character suddenly rush to the tavern to help unless you can give a reason WHY he knows what is happening or he is rushing to the tavern.
7-if you have an objection to something, message the person directly first to resolve it.
8-To slow things down a bit, 2 players can not advance the story too fast and must wait roughly a day before continuing if no third party posts. I realize that me and Jack honestly move a bit too bloody fast, and it makes others unable to keep up. So I will try to change that.
9-The most important rule-Have fun.
10-Please do not decide things for other's characters without consulting them first.

Things you shouldn't decide for a couple examples are things like one of your characters is related to one of theirs, or one of yours had a serious relationship with one of theirs. Or anything to do with their past, family or relationships. That is up to that person to decide.

Next post begins the story.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:27 am

On the island of Valorim a large festival is soon to start, to celebrate the end of a recent time of trouble and worry. The event is being organized, paid for and run by 2 local men, Brian and Carl along with a woman named Vune. Large ships filled with Rum, food and other goodies are arriving to supply the event, as well as folks from all over to celebrate. In the local tavern the bartender is busy handing out constant drinks, while various folks mingle. Brian and Carl both wait at the docks to welcome new folks while waiting for a few personal friends to show up to begin the festival. The 2 casually chatting to each other as they wait.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Qwertystanley » Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:30 am

Stanley a merchant from another island called Merkantor arrives just outside 30 crew(NPCs) . The ship is carrying rum and other alcoholic drinks. Stanley and his 2nd mate come ashore and look for the organizers to try to sell is stock.

//3 of them are secretly disloyal and they know each other.
//the 1st mate is loyal
//My 1st mate is always on the boat if i'm on shore.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:45 am

Brian nods to Stanley as he approaches him

Well if you got drinks we will gladly pay you for them, and you're more then welcome to stay for the festivities so long as you don't cause any trouble-plenty of armed folks here that wouldn't take too kindly to it. You can go where you want except for the cave in the center of the island. How much you asking for the drinks?

Just so you know Qwerty, we typically use Italics for non talking parts, normal text for talking, and quotes for anything out of character.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby PFH » Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:35 pm

A Man-of-War is seen in the distance...flying the black skull and bones. Upon looking through a spyglass, it appears to have no crew, yet a single captain at the helm. Its face is covered in rags. Its presence is obvious, however it feels void of existance. As the ship draws closer, a dark creeping presence exerted, yet at the same time is harmless.

The ship approaches the docks, and stops on its own. An anchor drops to the sea floor and the chains are heard cranking. The captain jumps onto a rope attached to the ship, and swings into the air. The figure lands onto the docks and walks slowly and cautiously toward Brain and Stanley.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Qwertystanley » Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:56 pm

Stanley smiles

I have 20 barrels of rum at 10 gold a barrel, 30 barrels mead at 8 gold a barrel, and 5 barrels ofThe partrade family rum at 30 go...

Qwertystan looks to port and sees the ship and wonders if he can sell the captain some clothing.

Oh mighty captain would you love me some of the from finest silk clothes this side of the ocean, or maybe some string cotton ones for when being on deck.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:07 pm

Brian goes and talks for a short time with a nearby masked woman, who hands him a large sack, which he promptly gives to Stanley

There you go, that should be more then enough.

He turns to the newcomer and nods

Nice ship you got there. Just don't cause any trouble and you're free to do more or less whatever you want. Again though, a few areas are off limits-mainly the cave nearby.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby DezNutz » Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:39 pm

An old man slips through the crowds looking and searching.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby Meliva » Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:51 pm

The masked woman casually walks up to him, while Brian talks to the others and whispers to him

Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but is that you John? Still looking for Greg? It's me Vune in case you forgot.
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Re: RolePlay- Festival of Peace

Postby DezNutz » Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:17 pm

John startled, turns pulling his enchanted dagger and nearly plunges it into Vune's chest before stopping. John curses softly.

Damnit Vune, I could have killed you.

John takes a deep breathe in.

No, I'm not looking for Greg at the moment. Although I still need to talk to him.
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