Unread Message

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Re: Unread Message

Postby DezNutz » Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:41 pm

Try deleting all your messages.
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Re: Unread Message

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:49 pm

Deleting is not going to solve anything.

I am not sure what your problem is after all. You do not make much sense and we cannot help without a screenshot or a better explanation. Here is word by word:

Part 1:
I think there is a bug in my messages

Answer: Probably, there is no bug. It seems like a misunderstanding.

Part 2:
because it has said I have had 1 new message from Rinkachi D. Kizuka (#59970)

Answer: This is when you open your inbox? Do you see any red background? Any 1 New Message at the top?

Part 3: even though I read it 2 days ago.

Answer: Messages remain there, they are not deleted unless you run out of space or you delete them.
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Re: Unread Message

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:55 pm

I have looked at the database and I saw 1 unread message. It seems that you have not opened it. You surely have not opened it.
You have received more than 10 messages from Kizuka at the day and you have missed it.

Here is how to open it:

Either go to your inbox, click Next, got to page 2, message #19 and find the message in RED background (if not, try page #3 as you may receive more messages till then)
Click on Conversations with Kizuka, go to the bottom and click NEXT

So, to clear it up: You have 1 UNREAD message. Scroll through the pages with next button to find it.
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Re: Unread Message

Postby Lachlan » Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:11 am

Captain Jack wrote:I have looked at the database and I saw 1 unread message. It seems that you have not opened it. You surely have not opened it.
You have received more than 10 messages from Kizuka at the day and you have missed it.

Here is how to open it:

Either go to your inbox, click Next, got to page 2, message #19 and find the message in RED background (if not, try page #3 as you may receive more messages till then)
Click on Conversations with Kizuka, go to the bottom and click NEXT

So, to clear it up: You have 1 UNREAD message. Scroll through the pages with next button to find it.

okay thanks! It works now. I read all those messages once before though
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