Dev Team - Flagships

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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:52 pm

i was commenting on the whole of the idea which was approved apparently already.

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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:57 pm

I thought my comments were directed at the suggestion. I fail to see how a fame-based benefit is of any use to low ship count players. I fail to see how a plantation-based benefit is of any use to pirates or those already disillusioned with that feature. I fail to see what having the ship and fleet highlighted actually does, apart from draw fire. Not sure that should be classed as a benefit. I fail to see what benefit arises from a bar on selling the ship, be it your own or one plundered. Being able to reassign your capture as your own to re-activate its bonuses does ignore the fact your old flagship is now scrap but unsellable. What of the exp accumulated in that vessel? Into a flag-ship Limbo?
Honestly CJ.. I fail to see one good reason to want one of these flag-ships.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Hawk » Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:59 pm

To clarify and respond to some points:

20,000,000 fame is the upper "limit". A bonus is received proportionate to fame held. Attack bonus is for Pirate players only.
Abilities are for both nation and pirate players. Pirate players have some abilities for them only.

A ship that can repel voodoo, receive less danger when plundering, flee counter attacks, and get combat boosts is not useful to pirates.
Have you actually ever pirated?

The leveling is battle based, so having more gold will not give you an advantage. There are paths for merchants to take advantage of, but if they choose to level those abilities, it will not negatively effect pirate players. Only provide room for different play styles.

Techs for plantations are good. Having a possible bonus is simply extra, and a physical presence allows for more player interaction.

I am not going to defend this topic per say, but I can elaborate and clear misconceptions. I believe if you look at it closely you will find what you were looking for in the feature, there is also more for everyone else too though.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:59 pm

Dmanwuzhere wrote:i was commenting on the whole of the idea which was approved apparently already.

While Skyhawk mentions approved, I think he refers to the fact that all team members had their input so far. However, all ideas are subject to discussion. Just like I do, I post them here so we can see the wider picture.

After all opinions have been heard, the suggestion can be edited to take its final shape. Then the team can publicly vote for approval or not.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Meliva » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:00 am

Okay to address this point by point.

One flagship is perfect. That makes it special.

As for the abilities,
Overseer-This one, just doesn't make sense from a RP point, and isn't too great a perk either. Why would a flagship have an overseer for a local plantation? How would such a person even be all that effective at his job? Does he simply shout from the crows nest while docked? Seems comical. -1 to this one.
Battle tactics-No complaints on this one.
Rum-This one is also fine, though i would say that perhaps instead it should be where different resources can be burned for different effects. Cotton can be a sail boost, iron can be damage for extra cannon balls and be burned during fights, wood extra hull strength, etc.
Voodoo specialist-a really nice one as well.
Dead men tell no Tales-would be useful against ships with loyal crew, but the less danger is the real jackpot here.
Survivor-rather poor since a proper tail only costs 1K ransom, and i doubt many would risk a bigger ship relying on a roll of the dice to escape a nasty loss.
Fame is mostly bad, as it is such a flimsy number to rely on. Clockwork recently showed how easy it is to skyrocket to the top in fame, and likewise how easy it is to get knocked back down. Maybe if fame was more stable then this would be a good idea, but as it is now i wouldn't base anything off of fame.
I think that if a flagship get's plundered then upon stealing it, an option should be given to make it one's own flagship free of charge. I mean why pay the same price to get a flagship when you stole one that already is a flagship? Or at the very least a big reduction. Perhaps from 25 creds to 5. Since we could say that the name on the side needs to be scratched off and changed, or some other minor detail that requires a small price.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:03 am

Danik wrote:Honestly CJ.. I fail to see one good reason to want one of these flag-ships.

I have not posted my view, so why do you include me?
I have my own opinion about the idea. Generally, I like it a lot as it solves some very big obstacles we had at the previous ideas.

There are some points I would like different but I will not post about them. You, as the community should do this. With proposals and arguments. Then, once you near towards a final version, you will have my position as well, in detail.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:05 am

Captain Jack wrote:
Dmanwuzhere wrote:i was commenting on the whole of the idea which was approved apparently already.

While Skyhawk mentions approved, I think he refers to the fact that all team members had their input so far. However, all ideas are subject to discussion. Just like I do, I post them here so we can see the wider picture.

After all opinions have been heard, the suggestion can be edited to take its final shape. Then the team can publicly vote for approval or not.

clearly as shown by the deletion it is not up for discussion and further compounded with the statement if you dont like it come up with your own.
neither allow for much discussion and comes with a menacing and pointed message.

i was clearly on topic far more than this suggestion is with the wanted flagship and you know it
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Shadowood » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:09 am

I don't mind if I steal someone elses Flagship that I can't sell it. It will be a nice trophy in my trophy room, but it should retain its abilities, what ever level it got to. But I would say, it cannot be level up further. It shouldn't simply turn back into a normal ship. You do Flagships an injustice there.

I do agree that "everyone" not just pirates need a Flagship.

Like MoW, Flagships should automatically get "Levi Protection". This will avoid the abuse of the Call Leviathan tactic. So I would say, Flagship should be the 1st and only 4 ATT ship in the game. A player would naturally pick a ship with 2 atts already, it would gain Levi Protection, and I love the idea of picking your own ATT.

I don't mind the rest.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Noffin » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:14 am

Hawk wrote:To clarify and respond to some points:

Techs for plantations are good. Having a possible bonus is simply extra, and a physical presence allows for more player interaction.

The bonus looks good on paper but in reality makes no sense as a ship sitting in a harbor has no influence on the workers of a plantation. As most plantation owners usually have more than one plantation I would think they would prefer to look to techs for bonuses to production for all their plantations than just one. As for more player interaction we already have that through resource market.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:16 am

I thought it was unfair that pirates didn't get a special ship as well so here is a request for one

Pirate Flagship: 1,500 hitpoints, cannons 200, speed Very Fast / Impervious to Leviathans! Cannot be commandeered

All pirates could build ONE of these ships in the shipwright. If a player leaves the Pirate Nation the ship disappears. If it is only ship a player has left it could sell itself or something. It could also sell itself when it is stolen by another player. The player simply gets it's value in gold rather than the ship. It would need to be unleviathanable and for that reason I made it a bit weaker than the Man O War. Faster though, here's how it would look in the shipwright screen:

Pirate Flagship - 200 turns - 900,000 gold - 2,500 wood - 1,000 iron - 800 tools - 650 cotton

anyone recognize the above quote funny how it goes from this to the suggestion it is

it should be a pirate ship first and foremost meaning in its full power a pirate can make it a ship worth having
and it should weaken as others own it
in fact the more you have the less it should give

the current version is nothing more than a patch to failed plantations
and a powerhouse as long as it doesnt get stolen and then it becomes nothing lol funny stuff man
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