Official List of Demands Redesign

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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby Mack » Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:01 pm

maybe it could be like iron golem it takes an amount between this and that low numbers obviously +1% gold bars. that way its more of a resource card than a hate card

Captain Jack
Since I replied right a moment after you posted here is my reply to you as well: Such functionality fits at a common card, not a rare one. Plus, you still retain the unfair advantage that resources market currently provides which defeats part of the card functionality which is the associated risk when choosing a warehouse. Before, you could have picked an empty warehouse! Not any longer.
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:12 pm

Of course its a hate card if it takes other players stuff... sheesh.. lets call it a resource and maybe no-one will mind?
-1 : Move to archive.
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby Mack » Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:16 pm

i agree
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:26 pm

Clockwork wrote:The original effect still needs to have merit for the new version of this card.

No, the original effect must be removed. Resources should not be targeted so we can have free trade. Therefore your follow up suggestion is disapproved.

DezNutz wrote:Would it only steal gold bars then?

Since Gold Bars are still invisible, they can be used instead. That's the basic idea. To keep some of the original functionality.

Although, to combine with the answer above, the initial card acts as a sinker, as it removes resources from the game. REMOVE is indeed different,as Dejanira later mentions.

Wolfie wrote:I disagree with NoPirate part it should affect all players and flags. Or make pirate unabke to use warehouse because it is too protective if this effect is added

The NoPirate logic is simple. There are many arguments that I can use here, but I will limit to the top ones. It gives a perk to the pirate to use this card without worrying about the same type of retaliation. Also, 250 (or 500 at max) can be quite the damage for a pirate but not for a trader. Lastly, we see few pirates in the waters. The main reason is that it pays more to be a privateer. Pirates need perks in such parts to balance the bonuses nations give. If this NoPirate flag is going to help more people to willingly carry the black, I see it as a small price to be paid.

Dmanwuzhere wrote:lol so to protect a paltry amount of an inventory of goods you propose to cost easily 10 times the protected amount in gold bars
i hardly see that as an improvement and if people want free gold bars i suggest they pay for a gs like everyone else has to

How is it 10 times the cost? Currently, the card affects 1% of the stock of gold bars. Which means that if you have 25000 gold bars stashed, you will lose 250 gold bars already. Plus the resources. If you have 100,000 gold bars, you will lose 1,000 gold bars.

In general, current card costs more and prevents a lot more. As people due to the card, will avoid stashing 100k gold bars at a port. This could work now. At a cost of 250 gold bars at MOST. Usually, at multiple casts, the average will prevail, which is 250+100/2 = 175. 175*2200 = 385k on random cast avg cost and 770k avg cost on Avenge cast.

Given that this is a rare card, it is a balanced maximum cost as it also returns this damage to you as profit. Like Booty Master does. As a result, the value of this card will definitely rise.

However, since it is a Rare card, after the initial period (as people have such cards stacked due to long low usage) this card will average out. Using it on someone will be like using Booty Master perhaps with the chaotic difference that Booty Master has undercover. So, it will end up used mostly in wars.

However, the card still costs 6 turns to cast, so casting it in a war will be a strategic option and not a no brainer. Just what we like in this game.

I really do not believe that anyone will use this for free gold bars.

Grimrock Litless wrote:How about, we completely remove the card?

We can't remove a card just as it. The purpose of this card is important and we need to find a solution around the original idea. Removing should always be our last resort.

Dejanira wrote:
Captain Jack wrote:Why phase voodoo out of the game?

Oh no, no. Just not increasing the cards number. 90 is a good total.
Adding new cards may be done by substituting old ones or by changing the effect (this happened for Fertile Land for instance).

Why not increase the number? Do you have a specific argument or a general feeling? I think that the more the card numbers, the better for the game strategy. At all cases, I would be interested in this discussion.

It is off topic though so perhaps it would be better to post your reply here: Ships/Card Revision

To help your reply there, quote me.

Dejanira wrote:
Choose a Port
You steal 100 to 250 Gold Bars from Target Player's Warehouse

Totally -1 on adding a "steal" instead of "target player loses". Destroyed goods are just... destroyed, thrown in the water, eaten by plague rats. Not stolen by another player.
CJ imagine the effects. If you cast a OLoD on me and steal some resources, I'd immediately cast back on you stealing back the same resources. Pretty silly.

Truth is that the steal part can be omitted. There are 2 reasons why steal is proposed though:
1)It makes the card from a damage card to a damage and profit card (like booty master). This brings some improvements to the card as people are more ready to use cards that also get profit for them. The way that the game has evolved tells us this. Pure damage cards are not used as much.

2)It is a rare card. So it needs to have some value. Right now, we have a few rare cards that are not that worthy. This creates various problems. Improving some of the existing rare cards into something valuable, will change this. Adding steal, increases the card value.

However, it is something I am willing to negotiate here. For example. the stolen amount does not need to be the same as the destroyed amount.

Dejanira wrote:What about something like:

Cost: 6+X
Target player warehouse loses X% resources stored in it. (1% for Gold Bars)
Caster may not use more than 50 turns.

This way, 7 turns mean 1% resources, 21 turns mean 15% (same as it is by now), 50 turns mean nearly half of resources.
Probably 50 is too high but number may be adjusted.

General Resources should not be included. DezNutz said why, I said why here but also at the original post. After all, the damage to resources, the actual effect is in practice, INSIGNIFICANT. It is the pro-active behavior this effect creates. This pro-active behavios is that people will avoid filling up warehouses because of this effect.

So, while this effect exists, people will NOT create big warehouses and will not fill them up. You can hope like what, 300k? And if you catch it full, then the max damage (in case it is full of tools) is:
45,000 * 20 = 900k

In practice, it won't be full of tools. Tools are usually the least probable resource to have in quantities larger than 50k. Most probably, it will be full of food. So:
45,000 * 7 = 315k

So, this is the actual damage this card currently does, in practice, at average. A bit more or less.

So, the proposed average of 175 gold bars * 2200 = 385k is actually a bit higher than current damage. But it comes with different terms. Terms that do not chain up other aspects of the game.


I am willing to discuss different ideas of the cards. Perhaps Grimrock is right and we should get rid of it. At this case, we need to simply change the functionality as we want to keep both the name and artwork.

But also consider this: This card can act as a way to rob players who are no longer active. Surely, for our effort to create sinkers, this is not a good functionality. So this is why I am considering what Dejanira also pointed out. Perhaps the final stolen amount should be less. Like 50-70% (again random) from what the target player loses.
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby William one eye » Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:34 pm

I suggested this card in plantations discussion that could be a possible replacement. ... 1%23p84171

Workforce voodoo card suggestion
This is a thought that could make things interesting.

Kidnapped Rare - unfortunately does not work with the current card name , but the grapuic is probably fine.

turns 3

Steal a random number of workers from another player
if that player has a workshop or plantation in the same port as you (or the recipient)

(0%-10%) of total workforce

card has a 50% chance to fail - a failed cast is undercover
if card beats the 50/50 and strikes the target - the cast may be reported to the caster
% taken is determined by how loyal / happy the targets workers are

return messages for cast

target has no facility - (failed cast - undercover)
you were discovered, mission aborted, unable to kidnap workers - ( failed the 50/50 - undercover )
the loyal workers of your target have resisted your attempts - you have captured 0 workers ( target is notified you attempted a raid )
you have captured x number of workers ( target is notified of your raid )
your targets workers are poorly treated and joined your workforce willingly - you have taken the maximum number possible (target is notified of a raid and number lost however if you get all 10% their is no one to inform the facility owner who the perpetrator was so this is undercover )

successful cast including captured 0 workers can not be repeated for 72 hours.

This should be affected by protection cards and it should have a chance to pierce.

There is strategy in this as you would need to try and determine a player that operates in the same port as you,
then you would still not know the happiness level of their workers. A successful cast may indicate you have
a facility in the same port as your target, and could possibly start a rivalry.

Would be even more interesting if you could cast this by contract as an intermediary.

So you can hire someone to kidnap some workers.

so the card has the following options

select port
select target
select recipient - default recipient is the caster

so the player casting ID is shown,
however the workers would be delivered to the recipient even if they are not the same as the caster.
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby William one eye » Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:55 pm

Sorry for a double post. I felt this would be better served as its own post rather than slapping it on the end of my previous post.

Here is an alternate use that fits the name and graphic of the original card.

Official list of demands.

You target must deliver x number of crates of a selected reasource to your selected warehouse within 48 hours. If they fail to do so their fleets will gain +3 danger per hour for 6 hours.

Select resource
Select a port
Select a target player
Invest turns. The more turns invested the more cargo the player must deliver.

This card will not function on a player with less than 50 ships.
Card can be stacked fo ever 50 ships the target has.

Potentially could be an avenging card that increases the resources per turn demanded, or gives and incease in consequence danger or hours when avenging.
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby Sebena » Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:33 pm

I hate splitting posts with different quotes so I'll reply this way. If we leave it at NoPirate then Pirate shouldn't be able to steal GBs what pervents me from taking up Black flag and casting it on PHX or any other trader. Sure they can lock me without turns and they can use MB and CCs but still all of it is breakable defense so with this card in month I could make millions without need for single ship.
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:35 pm

Wolfie wrote:I hate splitting posts with different quotes so I'll reply this way. If we leave it at NoPirate then Pirate shouldn't be able to steal GBs what pervents me from taking up Black flag and casting it on PHX or any other trader. Sure they can lock me without turns and they can use MB and CCs but still all of it is breakable defense so with this card in month I could make millions without need for single ship.

That would require you to know where someone stores their gold bars in a warehouse.
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby Sebena » Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:41 pm

DezNutz wrote:
Wolfie wrote:I hate splitting posts with different quotes so I'll reply this way. If we leave it at NoPirate then Pirate shouldn't be able to steal GBs what pervents me from taking up Black flag and casting it on PHX or any other trader. Sure they can lock me without turns and they can use MB and CCs but still all of it is breakable defense so with this card in month I could make millions without need for single ship.

That would require you to know where someone stores their gold bars in a warehouse.

Most players in rank of PHX,Lodswe, CDV have some GBs laying in almost all ports and if you've been here for longer time like you did and I did simple TM can discover more than just simple trade routes.
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Re: Official List of Demands Redesign

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:59 pm

Wolfie wrote:
DezNutz wrote:
Wolfie wrote:I hate splitting posts with different quotes so I'll reply this way. If we leave it at NoPirate then Pirate shouldn't be able to steal GBs what pervents me from taking up Black flag and casting it on PHX or any other trader. Sure they can lock me without turns and they can use MB and CCs but still all of it is breakable defense so with this card in month I could make millions without need for single ship.

That would require you to know where someone stores their gold bars in a warehouse.

Most players in rank of PHX,Lodswe, CDV have some GBs laying in almost all ports and if you've been here for longer time like you did and I did simple TM can discover more than just simple trade routes.

Yes but that isn't necessarily a guarantee.
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