Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

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Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:31 pm



Plantations are still in Beta.

Plantations are not a full feature yet, they never were.

Here is the announcement:
Changelog wrote:1.9.87 (2018-07-02 19:57:21)

Plantations Beta is now open!

If you actually read the forum announcement, the following is mentioned:
BETA Release Announcement wrote:What BETA means:
-The feature is incomplete and may have a few glitches.
-It will last as long as we need to finish all the final touches.

The good news are that the glitches have been few and as always they have been dealt in a timely and responsible fashion.
The bad news are that this feature has been criticized and slashed like as if plantations were a finished feature.

It is important to clear up the meanings of BETA and FINISHED for future cases. After all, if I recall correctly, plantations were the FIRST feature ever to launch as BETA. Prolonged at least as we might have tagged features as such in the past for their first 24hours.

So, by Finished we will refer to a feature that is bug free and where no major changes will be expected. Finished features can still have expansions if need arises. However, Beta features should be regarded risky and obscure as during their phase we will most probably still determine their impact on the game as a whole.

Ultimately, as the game grows larger, BETA features will become more frequent. It is inevitable. And we must not take for granted that a beta feature will always be evolved like this one. A BETA feature that proves to be a bad move, could be instead removed.

This discussion

You are all welcome to participate.

At this discussion, we will not deal with EXPANSION ideas. We will deal with what this feature requires to be considered completed, as a feature with the main ideas that are currently employed. After all, we have been through a long list of updates ever since the beta started and we are surely nowhere near to where we were at day 1. You can find ALL related implementations here: ... _submit=Go

The list is long, which shows the continuous effort we made to transform plantations into a full feature. Not EVERYTHING is mentioned above and the truth is that the plantations-related features are more. For example, the latest warehouse management feature can be said that is related to plantations as it makes their management a lot easier.

I will list below all the key matters that remain open, either listed by players or listed by myself. I will list them all by memory, as the top impressions that I hold right now. So, if your key element is not here, please spend a few minutes and add it.

Open Issues

1)Plantations take too long to develop

I mean, they do really take a long time to develop. In contrary to other game features, there is no "Instant Turns" mechanism here. I believe that we can now use this for construction: Only for laborers though. This way, the transition from a developing to a developed plantation will shorten. We will also provide another turns sinker.

We can also choose to increase the Laborers speed by investing extra gold bars to them. Perhaps this is the best course of action as we are in need of extra gold coin/gold bars sinkers.

We will need to pick one of the two or have another solution here. A solution to speed must be provided though.

2)No way to calculate the total investment

This is true. The good news is that we keep track of ALL gold bars invested. However, this is not the only cost. We could display the gold bars invested by category or in total. Of course, the investment actual numbers are going to be frightening to all players that have not realized that plantations are an investment: You pay up front only to receive your investment back in time. We cannot include any side investments though, we can only display the gold bars invested.

3)The advisor is unhelpful

Our recipe for the advisor complaints are to make him a paid feature. Do you want an advisor? Well, you will have to pay him. Nothing else will be changed. They will become optional and those who want one, they will have to hire him.

I will only add here that Advisors are not computers.

4)Average production is lower than expected

This is our position. We expected production to be greater. I can see that the average production has only now started to scale. We will give this some time more, I want to run some tests on my own for this. There is a chance that there are still unlocked potential here. However, the very fact that 6 months after plantations launch, the avg max s around 90 crates per acre, is outside our expected result.

Do not take me wrong here though, at these or worse metrics plantations are still abundantly profitable. Still, this is an issue that we will be inspecting and fine tuning before considering the feature as finished. This means, that production rate may be improved.

5)Guard Houses are not really needed

Plantations initial design required random events. These will be implemented only as an expansion. Till then, the guard house role should become clearer. Since we have no workers revolts or issues between them, the guards are not really needed. The best solution for now, is to produce a message to plantation owners telling them that improving and assigning guards is not really needed right now.

6)Acres Management

Another annoying issue is the acres management when you lose acres. Right now, since acres management is numerical, you need to check your settings at times and tweak them. This is unnecessary. The solution to this is that the player will instead assign % to the fields there. Then the game will distribute the plantation acres based on these %.

So owners will now only change the acres when they want to switch their strategy based on their needs and not when they lose a bid.


The bidding system has been through numerous improvements. There still remains a way to combine existing ACTIVE bids. We already made this for PENDING ones. Combining ACTIVE ones though is even more tricky. It is doable though.

If you have a solution in how to do this, let us know. Key problems are how to calculate remaining time when combining them. We should take for granted that the maximum acres that can be combined cannot be larger than 2500 acres, for bidding competition issues.

8)Emergency Help

Right now you can only bring immigrants with trade routes.

We could consider adding a card that adds workers directly to the plantation, taken from the port.
If it was a common card, it should cost 3 turns and add 25k workers.
If it was an uncommon card, it should cost 3 turns and add 150k workers.
If it was a rare card, it should cost 3 turns and add 500k workers.

However, the added workers for all cards should never be greater than 0.5% of the port population.
This would prevent the card to be used as black death for low population ports. This would mean that the rare card would return 500k workers only to ports with population of 100M or more.

I would mostly prefer the Rare card option as we need more rare cards. I cannot come up with more/different card ideas for plantations but we are open for ideas. List them here.

9)Interface Improvement

The main plantation page will change. It is confusing. I still have not adjusted to it after all this time so I suspect that most are having the same issues.


I have surely omitted something, I will come back later and add it if I come upon it or you could help out by listing it yourself. At all cases, your feedback is needed in order to reach the best possible result. We will need to work on the above sooner or later so your feedback can help us go to the right direction.

Plantations Open Beta
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby DezNutz » Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:26 pm

I actually have a thought on 8) Emergency Help.

You can add workers to your plantations like you add ship crew. Requires port influence and you have to pay for the workers.
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:54 pm

The feature needs some feedback to guide, quantify and thus justify the investment required. If I build a fleet I can see what it will cost me : ships officers upkeep etc. I can get a pretty good idea of what it will earn. If the latter pays for the former then its a smart investment. If it dont it aint.
I repeat my earlier criticism of plantations : nobody has any real idea of what to invest, where to invest it , in what quantities or for how long. Nobody has any idea if any of the investment is working as it should be. And nobody can seriously figure out what you should expect to get back even if you did everything right. Heck, you designed it and you tell us above it dont meet your expectations on those grounds so what chance do we stand in figuring it out?
More transparency and more feedback then it stands a chance.
I am prepared to risk unknown variables : the price of GB's in six months time : the price of rum next week : the risk of war disrupting my trade : etc. But when every calculation is an unknown variable its too much.
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby William one eye » Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:13 pm

workforce supply and demand

While this may sound a bit inappropriate - it would be useful for game function and historically accurate.

We should be able to buy and sell workers on the market to each other,
We should be able to transport and warehouse them for sale to other players.

Workforce voodoo card suggestion

This is a thought that could make things interesting.

Kidnapped Rare

turns 3

Steal a random number of workers from another player
if that player has a workshop or plantation in the same port as you (or the recipient)

(0%-10%) of total workforce

card has a 50% chance to fail - a failed cast is undercover
if card beats the 50/50 and strikes the target - the cast may be reported to the caster
% taken is determined by how loyal / happy the targets workers are

return messages for cast

target has no facility - (failed cast - undercover)
you were discovered, mission aborted, unable to kidnap workers - ( failed the 50/50 - undercover )
the loyal workers of your target have resisted your attempts - you have captured 0 workers ( target is notified you attempted a raid )
you have captured x number of workers ( target is notified of your raid )
your targets workers are poorly treated and joined your workforce willingly - you have taken the maximum number possible (target is notified of a raid and number lost however if you get all 10% their is no one to inform the facility owner who the perpetrator was so this is undercover )

successful cast including captured 0 workers can not be repeated for 72 hours.

This should be affected by protection cards and it should have a chance to pierce.

There is strategy in this as you would need to try and determine a player that operates in the same port as you,
then you would still not know the happiness level of their workers. A successful cast may indicate you have
a facility in the same port as your target, and could possibly start a rivalry.

Would be even more interesting if you could cast this by contract as an intermediary.

So you can hire someone to kidnap some workers.

so the card has the following options

select port
select target
select recipient - default recipient is the caster

so the player casting ID is shown,
however the workers would be delivered to the recipient even if they are not the same as the caster.
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby Shadowood » Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:47 pm

I like DezNuts and Williams ideas, more so then just a simple voodoo card.

And I echo what Danik is saying about "unknown".

With everything else in the game there is a "displayed" price tag. You click on Mansion and you can see how much it will take to build any of the hideout buildings (Cost Table). Same with Researches. You can click on Academy to get to their Cost Table. From there a player can determine if the investment is "worth it" in their eyes. How long will it take to recoup our investment on Gold Smith or Bank or Piracy Tech....

That is the biggest missing piece for me on Plantations. I believe there should be a static cost of.... "To get bath house to 5 stars you need to invest 125,000 gold bars and will take 457 days to complete". "Each Star or Half star improves the quality of xxx". But once that investment is made the Star Rating never goes away. I would hate to invest untold amounts of money, like on Gold Smith, only to see it go away say if I left the game for a few months.

Please forgive me if my above observations are off bases as I truly have washed my hands of plantations and don't know if any of what I have said is implemented or not. I may check it out again in the near future.
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby Stan Rogers » Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:52 pm

Plantations is much like playing darts while wearing a blindfold. You know what direction the dartboard is but that's about it. Throw your darts at it (gold bars) and get a score at the end of the round (24 hr production).

So far, I've quit plantations 2 x but for some masochistic reason, continue to invest and ask myself why. Not much fun !

It's even difficult to see if your plantation is growing or shrinking as unless I look right before reset time to compare today's production with yesterdays. I have to record the production numbers from 2 days ago to compare with yesterdays production to figure out if I'm moving in the right direction.
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby Noffin » Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:53 pm

Captain Jack wrote:3)The advisor is unhelpful

Our recipe for the advisor complaints are to make him a paid feature. Do you want an advisor? Well, you will have to pay him. Nothing else will be changed. They will become optional and those who want one, they will have to hire him.

I will only add here that Advisors are not computers.

If I recall the advisor was added to help guide those in plantation development as there is no indication of how far your plantation has really developed similiar to goldsmith and banks etc. You say advisors are not computers yet they base their guiding on numbers.

I have a plantation where the advisor has been saying the same thing for months, "I have spotted several chubby workers walking around. Perhaps you feed them too much." I have reduced meals to one-half a meal a day for weeks now and to top it off this is a fully developed plantation so why has the advisor not changed anything? I am curious why you would think we would pay to have something that has so many complaints that is not working properly? If that is the solution I can honestly say it would better to get rid of the advisor and change how we are able to view progress on development.

I know it frustrates you when we complain about some of these features but you have to remember that we see the game from a different perspective than you do and we are only trying to help.
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby DezNutz » Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:42 pm

Stan Rogers wrote:Plantations is much like playing darts while wearing a blindfold. You know what direction the dartboard is but that's about it. Throw your darts at it (gold bars) and get a score at the end of the round (24 hr production).

So far, I've quit plantations 2 x but for some masochistic reason, continue to invest and ask myself why. Not much fun !

It's even difficult to see if your plantation is growing or shrinking as unless I look right before reset time to compare today's production with yesterdays. I have to record the production numbers from 2 days ago to compare with yesterdays production to figure out if I'm moving in the right direction.

I actually waited until recently to start a plantation.

Wanted to see how the reactions were and where there were issues.

Even with what I know about them now, there is still a lot that is guessing and somethings that just don't make sense.

I think the only reason I am doing ok with my plantation is in how I set it up. I'm nowhere close to maxing out workers on my fields and have been increasing my workers at a slow but steady pace. With the exception of 1 day where I changed my acres which then moved all my workers, my production has increased each day.
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby sXs » Fri Jan 25, 2019 11:21 pm

All of the above. All things that have been stated before.

I went from 8 plantations ranging from 500 acres to 15,000 acres and now down to 2 @ 2000. There are only a select few that can afford any more than that.

The investment required to make a plantation profitable is ridiculous. Before plantations I was making 8-10 million a day in trade. At my peak plantation production I was losing 10 mill a day because of gold bar investment. Largest plantation was chewing through 4000 gold bars a day and producing 2.5-3 million a day in revenue. At the rate of the stars being filled I figured it would take 2 years plus to max it out. 2 Years at 4000 gold bars a day.

I could do that or simply go back to trading where daily revenue can be easily calculated.

Plantations I have now are simply to provide resources for my goldsmith that are not regularly available.

Not knowing the total cost or the max eventual return makes plantation simply a toy for the super rich to play with. It is actually sad for me to say because I was all in for plantations from day 1. Had 100 fleet loaded with immigrants parked and waiting when plantations were released. I had upgraded warehouses in 8 ports and fully stocked them with resources. Months of work basically wasted.

If you truly want to fix it you need to listen to the complaints. Noffin, Danik, Stan, and Shadow all basically saying the same thing as I have been for months. Noffin is correct. You see things through a developers eyes, we see them simply from a players perspective. The difference in perspective is extremely important.
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Re: Plantations version 1.0 Discussion

Postby sXs » Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:40 am

As far as the adviser goes "I have no particular advice to offer, at the moment." I have seen this for weeks. whats the point of the feature if this is the advice you get. Why would anyone pay for this?
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