DezNutz wrote:Danik wrote:Is there any mileage in new players defaulting to the black flag : this would avoid ship taxes as well while they develop : chosing a nation can then become a tutorial mission once they are more familiar with the current nation state of play.
I would be fine with that as long as the first nation they can chose doesn't require a mission to become a citizen. The no mission requirement would have to be limited to say the new player protection period. After such a mission would be required like it currently is required.
Something like getting the black flag would be a viable solution and prolly the best one from a newcommers point of play but it may involve fooling with other essential game metrics like bank availability or ability to receive loans or interfere with the tutorials etc. with a host of unforeseen glitches that could happen as a result.
Changing the wording I doubt would have any effect on the sub-routines involved but only the Devs can answer that.