These boxes are used with Transfer to Ship button.
Use them to load a single ship with resources from your warehouse.
Minimum Reserves
Use these boxes to declare the minimum amount of crates (per resource) that you want your warehouse to retain.
It will affect:
- Trade Routes A trade route with the option to load from warehouse will buy from the market instead when the threshold is met.
- Voodoo Cards The following cards:
- Sell to other players warehouses Your warehouse will not sell resources below the minimum setting.
-Potato Party
-Rum Festival
-Tobacco Gathering
will only consume as much as the setting allows.
Maximum Reserves
Use these boxes to declare the maximum amount of crates (per resource) that you want your warehouse to obtain.
Trade Routes that would otherwise fill the warehouse beyond this limit, will sell to the market instead.
Sell to other players?
By checking this box, you make your resource available for sale to the other players.
Other players price
With this box you set the selling price for each resource you are selling.
Minimum Order
Orders must be at least 50 crates which is also the minimum amount required for any transaction.
Receiving Gold Coins
As a seller, you will receive the payment based on your preferred banks setting.
You can set the preferred bank at Market-> Banks of Avonmora -> Your preferred Banks
Seller Fees
When you sell resources, there are fees:
0.5% -> paid to the preferred bank owner.
0.2% -> corruption.
So, if you sell 10,000 worth of resources, you will receive 9,930 gold coins, the bank owner will receive 50 gold coins and 20 gold coins will be lost to corruption.
If the preferred bank is yours, you avoid the 0.5% fee.
Tracking Sales
You can track sales from the Bank Transaction list. A new filter will be created for these.
Voodoo Cards/Bonuses
Regular market cards, Like East/West India Company, do not affect these orders.
In general, no bonuses apply (like Duke bonus) in either selling or purchasing resources: this is a players market.
Terrorize cast on you, prevents you from buying from the market. Still, selling is not affected.