How Development works

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Re: How Development works

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:25 pm

I am still trying to understand the accusation. Let me break it down.

Am I accused for listening only to a few selected people like Feniks claimed above?
Am I accused for not listening to anyone and doing my own like you claim?

As you see, the one statement contradicts another. So, how exactly can you agree with Feniks and on top of this have more that view it in this way?
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Re: How Development works

Postby Banger » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:41 pm

Captain Jack wrote:I am still trying to understand the accusation. Let me break it down.

Am I accused for listening only to a few selected people like Feniks claimed above?
Am I accused for not listening to anyone and doing my own like you claim?

As you see, the one statement contradicts another. So, how exactly can you agree with Feniks and on top of this have more that view it in this way?

Not really because it is either one or the other depending on the topic. Some topics you listen to just a select few. Other times you just do what you want. I would say the latter happens less than the former.
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Re: How Development works

Postby PFH » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:57 pm

I have to say this because its bothering me for this.

The most active chatting forum users are privateers and pirates. This is apparent to me and it may be for others as well, however the majority of the playerbase are traders and merchants. Privateers and pirates make up a small portion of the spectrum of the whole cake. If im not mistaken the smaller population is the most chatty and expressive in the forums. I do not know if this is taken into account for much of the reasons for our priorities, however i wanted to get this out for the argument taking place. Relevant or not, i believe this is the place to say this fact.
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Re: How Development works

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:00 pm

I do try the best for the game. I do not look who posts what. If the idea is good and I like it, I use it.

But in the same time, I offer everyone the chance to contradict it or add his opinion to it. I am always ready to back my ideas with arguments and I expect the rest to do the same. Which purpose does it serve for anyone to personally assault me? If you want to assault someone, assault my arguments.

I always respect arguments and always give them a second thought. When there are no arguments, it certainly is worse.

For plantations, they may be not popular to everyone but they are a feature with massive feedback from the playerbase.
The Flagship has been really painful so far. If you search the forums, there is NO FINAL suggestion about it. Most players go around asking for a flagship without dwelling so much about it.

Well, there is nothing easier for us to just give you a FLAGSHIP. But you know what? If we implement it the way pirates and privateers dream of it, the traders will not like it. If we implement it the way traders can accept it, the pirates and privateers will not like it. So, we will end up with a half-ass feature as you call plantations.

The forums are OPEN to everyone. EVERYONE can post your arguments. If you have a good idea it is PROVEN that I personally hear and help the idea evolve. Getting it to the game though, it is tough. And you Banger, who have read a ton of suggestions lately and had the burden of approving or disapproving ideas, you should know this better than others.
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Re: How Development works

Postby sXs » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:09 pm

I will comment here as nicely as I can and use very recent and very specific examples. In the player estate thread you had someone explain to you why the feature was not worthwhile. It was some I would consider a veteran or an OG as Banger put it. He explained quite clearly his sentiment and how it relates to plantations. Simply another feature that requires an “investment” as you put it. An investment that very few will ever see pay off. You redirected is to something like goldsmiths. In other words you basically dismissed his legitimate opinion.

A few questions you may need to answer for yourself?

1. Why is forum activity down so dramatically from a year ago?

2. Why are there so few comments in the suggestion threads compared to a year ago?

3. Why are you struggling to get 5 active players on the player development team?

Until you can honestly answer these questions for yourself, you will never understand what we see on our end as players ina game we love.
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Re: How Development works

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm

Feniks, you really need to start reading. The Real Estate topic is posted under General Discussion. This is what is SUPPOSED to happen. It is NOT a final suggestion. We are SHAPING the idea there. What do you expect? To read that the feature is not worthwhile and disapprove it? This only happens during suggestions phase. At THIS PHASE, this is how it goes.

For your questions:
1.Is forum activity down? I have not noticed such. Are you certain? I am not.

2.Are there few comments? Again, are you certain? I am not.

3.I don't have an answer. Do you?

Now that I have answered your questions, please do the same for me:

1.Which is the last idea (not comment, your own idea) you had for the game? Can you post the link here?
2.Which is your best idea (not comment, your own idea) you had for the game? Can you post the link here?
3.Which is the last time you posted any comment for a game idea and it attracted support from like 5 other players? Can you post the link here?
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Re: How Development works

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:34 pm

I really do not feel that this discussion is adding anything worthwhile to the game.

At one hand,I have to deal with things that help the game and at another I have to deal with this incited misery. I choose the first one.

Topic locked. No misery will be allowed ever again around here. If you have a problem with me, PM me. Forums posts will be removed. This is my final decision.
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