How Development works

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Re: How Development works

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:57 pm

And you for proving mine :D :D :D :D
damages or butthurt received in the posting of these words is solely yours and yours alone
if counseling is needed therapist ahben buthert or cryin ferdays is available at the tp kleenex & creme clinic
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Re: How Development works

Postby Lefty » Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:02 pm

Dmanwuzhere wrote:And you for proving mine :D :D :D :D

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap out a smarter comeback than what you just said.
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Re: How Development works

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:15 pm

Maybe if someone arranged them for you.
But you spoke of disrespect and here you are being disrespectfully off topic with only toxic content to add because you have little else to offer.
Go away discussions are above you and irritate you because you are a nobody who begs for others to place bounties because there is little else you can compete in.
Go get your scraps and leave the wording of thoughts to those you wish you were.
Any other distraction you provide from the topic will be ignored because just like my unheard farts it will dissipate and leave the air fresh with just a tad of ventilation.
May your Christmas be full of cheer :D :D :D :D
damages or butthurt received in the posting of these words is solely yours and yours alone
if counseling is needed therapist ahben buthert or cryin ferdays is available at the tp kleenex & creme clinic
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Re: How Development works

Postby Lefty » Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:19 pm

Your asinine simian countenance alludes that your fetid stench has annulled the anthropoid ape species diversity.

Stay on topic or I'll start removing posts
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Re: How Development works

Postby Grimrock Litless » Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:45 pm

"Got ya."
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Re: How Development works

Postby Camiam » Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:14 pm

I am a new player.
I am wondering at what point any of this becomes fun. I may have really missed something here - but it does not appear to be a level playing field in discussion.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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Re: How Development works

Postby Banger » Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:35 pm

Camiam wrote:I am a new player.
I am wondering at what point any of this becomes fun. I may have really missed something here - but it does not appear to be a level playing field in discussion.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

There is a bit of a learning curve. I had never played a text based game, let alone one with this much complexity. A good guild or a mentor goes a long way. If you need help feel free to send me a mail in game (Banger #67360).
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Re: How Development works

Postby PFH » Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:48 pm

Camiam wrote:I am a new player.
I am wondering at what point any of this becomes fun. I may have really missed something here - but it does not appear to be a level playing field in discussion.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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Re: How Development works

Postby DezNutz » Mon Dec 24, 2018 6:37 pm

I find this topic, in it's entirety, to be counterproductive to both development and the community as a whole.

Regardless of what anyone thinks or feels, we are here to play and enjoy the game.

The best thing about this game is that we as a community have considerable input into game development. This has both benefits and drawbacks, although I feel, and hopefully CJ agrees, that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

The benefits are that the community impacts game development thus development circles more around what the player base likes rather than a unitarian decision from afar with no player input.

The drawbacks are obvious. This discussion. The impression that certain players are provided favor over others.

Now, as CJ is the Administrator and apparent owner (he could admin and develop for a parent org.) of this game, what he approves of and disapproves of is his choice and he can certain do as he wishes. Something that the dev team approves of could be rejected down the road by him or vice versa (Dev rejects but he approves), and he has every right to do so.

Now, as a member of the player development team, I will follow up on what CJ has said. The player Dev team, at least myself, do not take any preference to any particular player or guild requests or comments in the development. Objectivity is a must in development, and while we each have our opinions which brings different view points and benefit to development, we (Dev Team) should not be biased to anyone or groups opinion in particular. So when CJ said that he doesn't care what VUDU thinks, I concur in the sense that VUDU's comments hold not more weight to the conversation than ATCs, MERCs, SSTGs, SHLD, or any other Guild or players opinion. That's the interpretation I take it as. Any interpretation outside of that I think is flawed and asking the Admins to make special considerations for a particular group of players.

The dev team doesn't get any special considerations. I've provided many comments and opinions to CJ as part of the Dev Team that have garnered no response or have been put on the side. My opinion matters no more than yours. The only influence I have is in providing a vote and opinion to discussions and suggestions in effort to get development moving forward in a more efficient manner. The ability to provide a vote is open to anyone willing to apply to the team.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC English isn't CJ's Native language, so there are some phrasing and word usage that will likely come off and be interpreted in a manner not intended to by Native English Speakers. Please take this into consideration.

As it appears, you provided comments on a topic that were off topic. The thread was moved as the main topic held no baring to current game development. The Dev Team would likely have done that same regardless of what other points were made in the topic. And while there is an option to split topics into others, the time and effort to do so is counterproductive as the Dev Team would be doing it constantly. I have already done it once and I could have done it for several others where discussions went on several different discussion points. It's beyond a nuisance, especially on topics that have lots of posts that veer off topic. If you feel a particular point of discussion needs to be brought forth from a archived or rejected topic, please post a new topic that covers that point. In keeping neutral and as an example, you can't expect a topic about bears that is no longer relevant to still remain open because someone decided to veer off and discuss mountain lions.

If you feel that my opinion is incorrect, please PM in game or in Slack. I don't see the need to continue this discussion in public as this is giving a poor view of the community to new players as seen in the following post:

Camiam wrote:I am a new player.
I am wondering at what point any of this becomes fun. I may have really missed something here - but it does not appear to be a level playing field in discussion.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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Re: How Development works

Postby sXs » Mon Dec 24, 2018 8:55 pm

DezNutz wrote:
The dev team doesn't get any special considerations. I've provided many comments and opinions to CJ as part of the Dev Team that have garnered no response or have been put on the side. My opinion matters no more than yours. The only influence I have is in providing a vote and opinion to discussions and suggestions in effort to get development moving forward in a more efficient manner. The ability to provide a vote is open to anyone willing to apply to the team.

Then what is the point..... why not have an open forum vote and allow all to vote instead of a select group, This seems to reinforce my point
not dissuade it in anyway.
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