Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Banger » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:16 pm

I am not asking for an explanation, I am just giving fair warning of how I am going to handle such behavior. I will let every pirate I know aware or said inactive and I will also get everyone's favorite raid vulture MERC on the case as well. Of course anyone can continue to defend anyone as they please, but there is a response for said actions.
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Caladan » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:20 pm

Does this mean that those inactive in VUDU are free game?
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Banger » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:22 pm

In my mind, it absolutely does.
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:26 pm

Thats any pirate/privateers perogative. But its illogical to blame doing so on allegedly unreasonable defensive behavior from guilds. I grant you that I have known guilds in which a member, active or inactive, under attack was always left to their own devices. No effort was ever made to defend each other. Needless to say it made them a very handy target. But most guilds work on at least a basic level of mutual support and aid. I would suggest your own is not slow to counter attacks on its members?
It seems to me that you want it easy with fat inactives handed over by grateful guildmasters hoping you then avoid hitting their active members. Thats the gust of your threat. Personally my experience if similar threats made in the past always ended up with actives still being hunted once the fat inactives had been consumed so... precisely what is to be gained by co-operating with your scheme? A few weeks peace while you are busy with the sacrifices?
Ah well, no doubt some will think that worth the bollox..I wouldn't.
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Banger » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:33 pm

I can totally understand your point of view Danik. However, that isn't my game anymore. I don't want to go after actives, it's tedious and expensive. Consider me more of a ship salvage guy. I have no interest in making a claim that I will offer temporary peace for an inactive then return to pestering inactive folks. I also have no chance or desire at getting all the ships from said inactive. I am just looking for an opportunity for some ships and to put the remander of them into the hands of folks that will use them rather than keep them sitting on a player that never will.
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:39 pm

I dpent hundreds of spy's during my second year in this game hunting down then cleaning out inactives : in guild or out. It was enjoyable and gave me much plunder. But it was work but thats part of the joy of the hunt. I didnt do it as public service or as some sort of tree-hugging recycling gig : I did it to get rich. There is nothing wrong in a pirate game with having such a simple motivation. No sacrifice in pride or ethics. Its a game, all pretend, after all. No worthy motives or logic is required to justify acts here.
Sometimes its just Tuesday and thats enough. :)
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Banger » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:44 pm

Lol very true.
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby PhoenixKnight » Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:29 pm

Banger wrote:I did flesh out an inactive, Marloon Grey. Then one Stan Rogers decided to clear him and cast on me like crazy to protect him, it was laughable really. I could very well go back to targeting actives then everyone would be crying about that and saying, "Oh the poor traders and noobs!" I've tried to stay away from actives in favor of retired players but if my hand is forced then I'll just start poubeing on dumb noobs with big ships and low purses.

Mallon has been gone away for 9 days. He told me he is going to a family retreat for Thanksgiving and then have som other RL stuff to attend to and should be back by the end of this week. If that makes him a PRIME example then you are delusional
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Banger » Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:32 pm

Well if that is the case no but as Nelson has indicated it had seemed to be much longer than that.
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Re: Public Service Announcement regarding inactives

Postby Meliva » Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:34 pm

Part of the problem is that when someone goes on vacation or on a retreat, that leaves them vulnerable, so they need to be careful who knows that info. But ironically that can make them seem inactive, which just attracts pirates anyway.

Edit- i mean after all, last thing id want to do is announce to the world "hey im gonna be gone for a week, cya later". Id log in a week later to 1K plus events :D
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